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RE:sanjay dutt:a victim of circumstances
by on Jul 31, 2007 09:10 PM

Keeping a licensed revolver for self protection is perfectly legal under law. you cannot extend this rationale and keep bazookas, rocket launchers and AK 56 with you this is plain illegal. When Munna committed this offence he was 32 and at 32 u are considered to be mature unless u are mentally challenged so feigning innocence and saying that he aint aware of what he was upto is crappy to say the least. Mind you when most of them convicted (muslims included) have been given double death sentences and this includes women too then why on earth must this guy be let off the hook? just because he propagated some gandhigiri? comeon gimme something else....forget hero worship and think maturely....

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Sanjay's kin meet him in jail