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Chinese workers killed in peshawar
by Vishal Dixit on Jul 09, 2007 01:07 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Some militants killed three chinese workers to show their anger against Mushrraf (GEO TV). Now a new bloody game has begun.

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RE:Chinese workers killed in peshawar
by Jonas DSouza on Jul 09, 2007 01:12 PM  Permalink
What will be the impact on China ??? Already there was a case that a massage center was stormed and chinese workers taken hostage accusing them of running prostitution. This is the second incident.

Hope Chine does not go on at Pak !!!

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by ashok chavda on Jul 09, 2007 01:06 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I think this is a drama staged by Mush to impress Bush, like he stages attacks on himself.

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by Jonas DSouza on Jul 09, 2007 01:07 PM  Permalink
I do agree with you to some extent. Moreover to extend the forthcoming elections. At any cost, Mushy may not want to let the Bhutto/Sharif parties to rule.

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by piyush bakshi on Jul 09, 2007 01:07 PM  Permalink
i think ur right, mushy the dog can be trusted to stage such stunts, the dog refused to shake hands with atal bihari when our pm went there and instead gave us kargil.. he will go zia's way but it wont matter to indian hindus who will continue to suffer from islamic fundamentalism partly because of our own apathy and because we dont ask for accountability from the corrupt politicians

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U turn
by rajesh prabhu on Jul 09, 2007 01:05 PM  Permalink 

In tamil they say "valatha kada marbule kuthichu" meaning ur own goat which u brought up hits your chest. Its like 'I,Robot' movie. Man made Robots but in future Robots try to control mankind, same way her its madrasas.

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Happy !!!
by Tabassum Javed on Jul 09, 2007 01:05 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I am happy that Pakistan is taking stern and strict action aginst these guys. Time for the community to come up together and vocally and forceebly denounce these acts of terrorism.

Hail Musharraf !!!!

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RE:Happy !!!
by Krishna on Jul 09, 2007 01:28 PM  Permalink
Sorry madam, Musharraf is just fooling the pakistanis and all of us. i am sure he has his own hidden agenda in doing this. He is not trustworthy.

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RE:RE:Dear Muslims, Leave islam and become a good human being.
by Tabassum Javed on Jul 09, 2007 01:06 PM  Permalink
Its a pity that u have such a knowledge. Not ur fault .... this is what ur religion and parents might have taught you.

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RE:Dear Muslims, Leave islam and become a good human being.
by S.B. Enterprises on Jul 09, 2007 01:42 PM  Permalink
its simple khoran teaches terrorism... c outcome of madarasa's dear.

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RE:Dear Muslims, Leave islam and become a good human being.
by ANAND RAO on Jul 09, 2007 01:38 PM  Permalink
Dear Sri Ram And Tabassum ,

Please don't critize the religion's....all religion preach good...but the Moulvi's and Pandit's interpret as per their convince....
*IN ARABIC LANGUAGE MEANING OF "MUSALMAN" MEANS A GOOD HUMAN BEING ( Good human can be Hindu , christain , sikh and follower of islam . Born in muslim family does'nt mean he/she is musalman).

* In Koran it is clearly said "KAFEER" means a person who never believ's in GOD , Hindu's say "Nastic" and Christain say Athesit...but Moulvi say Kafeer means a person don't practise the religion in their way.
* Koran says if you convert Kafeer to musalman then you will reserve seat in Heaven. But, Moulvi preach if marry one hindu girl ( Kafeer) you will reserve seat in heaven.Poor moulvi's they don't understand Conversion of bad human being to good human being will reserve your seat in heaven... and not by marrying hindu girl

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RE:Dear Muslims, Leave islam and become a good human being.
by venkatesh rajan on Jul 09, 2007 01:20 PM  Permalink
Atleast our religion and parents havent taught us to become a butcher and work in a human grocery stores as you are being taught

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RE:RE:Dear Muslims, Leave islam and become a good human being.
by Srini on Jul 09, 2007 02:14 PM  Permalink
Crazy funky seems to have gone crazy, totally brainwashed and a potential candidate of illwill.

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RE:Dear Muslims, Leave islam and become a good human being.
by MUJEEB BASHEER on Jul 09, 2007 01:20 PM  Permalink
You cannot call back one single muslim in this manner. Islam is not any religion of terror or violence. It preaches peace and only peace. Wht you have understood about Islam is only the result of Media and some Black sheep who will be found in every religion. If you study Islam properly you will not fail to think about reverting yourself to Islam. It is just the Media which has defaced Islam to be a violent and terror preaching which is not the case. Take a Tranlsation on any site on the Net go through carefully and you will know the TRUTH ONLY TRUTH. Do not judge Islam on the day to day activities by some miscreants. Sit with a Clean heart, study the chapters from Quran and then judge. You will certainly be guided to the right path.
May Allah guid you.

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RE:RE:Dear Muslims, Leave islam and become a good human being.
by Srini on Jul 09, 2007 02:09 PM  Permalink
Mr Mujeeb,
Please think logically, why a truth only truth religion is leading to so much of voilence and mystery for mankind. Either you are killing other religions' people or your own religious people in Islamic countries. 105 innocent lives lost in Iraq yesterday is an example. Even if the entire world converts to Islam there will still be some differences in interpretation of Koran, behaviour not compatible with koran etc, which will identified by some fanatic and the babaric culture cotinues to the last man on earth. Black sheep are in all religions but they are not seen in hordes, making news with barbaric acts everyday some where in the world in the name of religion. If the religion is peace loving, then there is something wrong with the practitioners, individuals like you should take initiative to reform the practitioners before its too late. Tomorrow you or your kids/ parents could be victims of such acts. The reform can come from within, we outsiders can only watch and do nothing.

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RE:RE:Dear Muslims, Leave islam and become a good human being.
by Srini on Jul 09, 2007 02:11 PM  Permalink
Dear brother Crazy funky, No one is thinking Islam is terror, its the acts of haneef, kafeel, Lal masjid, y'days Iraq bombing killing 105 innocents, 9/11, 7/11 mumbai define the practitioners as barbaric. Please come out of the cocooned mindset and think logically. Try to make some difference to the society by dicouraging such tendencies among your fellow muslims.

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End of Days
by Ambrosia on Jul 09, 2007 01:03 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I think Pakistan is nearing the End of days as a nation. Jihadis couldn't have made it more clearer than this. India should be concerned about how to deal with this new Talebani Pakistan. I think India should take a pre-emptive action to liberate territories like Kashmir and Balochistan from the un-holy Pakistanis. Unless we prepare for this, I am sure tomorrow there will be a spectre of Taleban with Nukes terrorizing entire Civilized world. Somehow it seems these Islamic barbarians are repeating History, or rather the Story hasn't changed for them since Mohammed started Islam. Behold...another sad chapter in Human history is about to reveal itself.

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RE:End of Days
by Tabassum Javed on Jul 09, 2007 01:06 PM  Permalink
Indians should be first worried about Shiv Saniks .... bajrang dal and RSS .... and stop worrying others.

Somebody has well said ..... that those who live in glass houses should not throw stones at others.

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RE:End of Days
by cool on Jul 09, 2007 01:17 PM  Permalink
hey TABASSUM our (INDIA) glass house is 100 crore thicker in inches...even a nuclear bomb cannot do anything..."WHAT OF A STONE?

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RE:End of Days
by free man on Jul 09, 2007 01:37 PM  Permalink
ha ha , sorry Javed , Shiv Saniks .... bajrang dal and RSS do not control Gov , they are just pretending th's all . Here we have democracy in parliament and free and faithful army who works with the democratic parliament.People even decide the Gov, not the mullas

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destroying mosque
by bhupi chibber on Jul 09, 2007 01:02 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

why not now indian muslim say anything when their so called muslim brother of pak destroying mosque.why not they come to the streets.if it happens in india then they all comes to street.dont show this double standard.
jai hind.

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RE:destroying mosque
by maqsood ali on Jul 09, 2007 01:30 PM  Permalink
Dear Friend,

Dont cultivate such extreme hatred in yourself, coz hatred breeds more hatred, such extreme feelings are not good for your mind and health.
wish you a goodlife.

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RE:destroying mosque
by Peaceful Ocean on Jul 09, 2007 01:09 PM  Permalink
Where are our human rightists(secular), Habibs, Azmis, Sarkars, Karats, Sonis,Yechuris,JNU intelligentia (academic and student varieties) raising their voice against this atrocities on peaceful populace going about their peaceful religious activities???

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RE:destroying mosque
by Tabassum Javed on Jul 09, 2007 01:11 PM  Permalink
Muslims ...... denounce any act of terrorism. Muslims ...... denounce the use of place of worship for illegal activities performed against the humanity.

This should not be seen as an act of sabotaging a mosque ...... but as an act of booking the culprits. Allah is in our heart and not in a mosque. Inshallah once the act is over .... we will reconstruct the mosque again.

Muslims never destroy a place of worship for no reasons. Muslims never indulge in Blasphemy as do the ppl of other religion do .... which is so much evident from this very blog site.

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RE:destroying mosque
by ramesh pandey on Jul 09, 2007 01:43 PM  Permalink
U r going through DOUBLE STANDARDS Tabassum

C clearly whole history is full of Arrogant/Pathetic deeds of Muslims
Anywhere in the world except LTTE any militant organization active is deem dead sure to be Muslim
Whats ur take on that???

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Similar to what Indira Gandhi faced in 1984
by Kalarab Ray on Jul 09, 2007 12:59 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Musharraf is facing a situation similar to Indira Gandhi faced in 1984. Creators of such 'frankensteins' usually get attacked eventually by their own creations. History has quite a few such instances from which people unfortunately refuse to learn.

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RE:Similar to what Indira Gandhi faced in 1984
by Nandish on Jul 09, 2007 01:05 PM  Permalink
Mush and Pak hasn't suffered what we India have suffered B'cos of these Rogues or thugs.

They don't even know that other than India any other country would have stormed the country and wiped out Pak from Globe specially so with the kind of troubles these B....s has given to our country for decades.

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RE:Similar to what Indira Gandhi faced in 1984
by ramesh pandey on Jul 09, 2007 01:39 PM  Permalink
Pervert stupid K2(Kattu)

Godesses are always sexy in ur mind

Grow up chap, I think U r the worst creature in this Blog

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Trifurcation of Pakistan now within two years
by on Jul 09, 2007 12:58 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

let pakistan bear the bitter fruit of jehad. they definitely dererves it and suffering people of kashmir and Afganistan will be more than happy to see it. It is now sure that Pushtoon dominated areas will ultimately merge with Afganistan,POK will merge with india and Sindh will be independent.Jehad ,either democratic or violent will see trifurcation of Pakistan .Rajesh Bakshi

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RE:Trifurcation of Pakistan now within two years
by Jonas DSouza on Jul 09, 2007 01:03 PM  Permalink
Do you think merging is that easy ??? No matter how bad the situation, the Pushtoon, Balooch, Mohajirs must rot in the same hell.

I don't think Pak will release those areas to any countries nor will the countries accept these pople as migrants.

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RE:Trifurcation of Pakistan now within two years
by ashok chavda on Jul 09, 2007 01:11 PM  Permalink
Please do not forget that Pakistan is a buffer state for India. Many small states in that region will not be safe for us and will create more trouble.

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Internal Matter of Pakistan
by amit sengupta on Jul 09, 2007 12:57 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I agree that Pakistan does interfere and comment on our internal matter..
But i think India/Indians should not make any commentson this as this a internal law & order matter of Pakistan and the government there is tackling it...

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RE:Internal Matter of Pakistan
by Nandish on Jul 09, 2007 01:14 PM  Permalink

Looks like U don't have B..S.

Go lick the boot of Ur. leftists and the so called secularists and enjoy fun.

It's B'cos of fools like U India has always suffered taking brunt all the time.

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RE:Internal Matter of Pakistan
by ashok chavda on Jul 09, 2007 01:08 PM  Permalink
I do not agree with you, on the contrary, we should offer Pakistan all help to fight against terrorism on their(one time ours) land. like Mush had offered India exactly a year back when there were serial train blast in Mumbai. It is a pity that our memory is very short.

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