imagine that pakistan follows the example of turkey and declares itself a secular state. Gets rid of mullahs....
wonder what then remains the difference between india and pakistan.....gandhi finally wins and zinnah comes out of a mosque wearing a burqa and humiliated....
The Position of Muslims has become like an animal trapped in a web of hatred and jealousity. They pierce you prod you by insulting your religion. In return you react violently which is exactly they want. So that they get an excuse to annihilate you. What happened in gujarat. A planned genocide by the Government and Politician. Including the burning of train was mastermind of the politician. Muslims beware dont fall prey to their dirty politic games. Open your eyes, unite to strengthen your community. Shun violence be patient. Truely Allah is with the one who has Sabr. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. And no one can stop it. Those who have embraced Islam in the west are not fools. Before embracing Islam they have studied it well. If there were any short comings in Islam they would not have gone for it. Allah has embolden this religion and he is the true saviour. It is for those who believe.
RE:Muslims beware
by Ravikant Bhat on Jul 07, 2007 01:38 PM Permalink
So Islam is fastest growing because a few whites have accepted it? What a joke, ha ha ha!
Why do you forget the entire West is up in arms against Islam? Why do you think they are spending billions of dollars and time and energy in tracking down Osama? For the love of him? Or is it your perception that they want to forcibly anoint him as the Khalifa of US of A?
Yes, Allah is the true saviour. I can say this because I am a Hindu. From the spiritual perspective, I would call Allah the same as the Supreme Being or Brahman in the Hindu philosophy... but jaundiced that Muslims are by the extremist interpretation of Quran ! If Allah is the Saviour, I think He is also the Merciful and would surely save the world from zealot and fundamentalist Muslim terrorists !
RE:Muslims beware
by NASIM ZAMAN on Jul 07, 2007 01:02 PM Permalink
Well said. I second you. Islam has not taught mankind to resort to violence. It is a weapon of the forces of Jahaliya.
RE:Muslims beware
by NASIM ZAMAN on Jul 07, 2007 01:08 PM Permalink
Dear BharatExpress I'd say the same if I were you, because you have seen Islam as practised by the betrayers of this religion. If you really have to comment, you do not have to go very far. Just study the life of Khaja Moinuddin Chistie of Ajmer and Hajrat Nizamuddin Aulia in Delhi. And read the Quran thoroughly. Indeed, this is evil Satan's work.
RE:RE:Muslims beware
by NASIM ZAMAN on Jul 07, 2007 01:16 PM Permalink
Correction: The Quran is the word of Allah to provide guidance to mankind to live with peace and piousness in this world.
RE:Muslims beware
by Rama Lakshmi on Jul 07, 2007 02:22 PM Permalink
I think you muslims are fools really. How does it matter by what name you call almighty? Why must it Start with "A" and end with "H"?? Religion is just a guide to lead a good life and there can never be a single path to a good life. All muslims are narrow minded and intolerant and that is why they are fighting against everybody in the world.
No god needs protection from man. Your Allah too does not need services of people like you. If indeed God is there and is seeing everything he will take action whether we pray to him or not. A supernatural should not require prayers from mere mortals like us to do us good. He should do it even if we dont ask. Frankly religion is only to get peace of mind--not to lose it. You fools need to meditate and relax--that is the best medicine to yourself and to mankind.
RE:Muslims beware
by prashant kumar on Jul 07, 2007 01:11 PM Permalink
Rehman..i pity you what have the muslim in pakistan to cringe about and become violent. they are a majority in their country. who is insulting them and religion. NO mr Rehman, muslim is the community which is resposible for the status they have now. no body insulted islam ever but the for MULLAH themselves. as for Gujrat they riot was a reaction to GODHRA where some of your good MUSLIMS burned a train full of hindus and now you have audacity to blame the politician for it. just tell me how many muslim leader condemed the act of GODHRA....non.... for them it was a act of jihad...bloody shit.. you people have been tacitly encouraging the trouble making element in your community. morally you are as much guilty as the taliban or Osama. u say Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. it is true because you people have been breeding as rabbit cause your religion says so. as for westerners converting to Islam .....well they convert to any and all religion.....AND ISLAM was a good religion for the time it was ment too be it has been hijacked by idiots and rascals like u. sorry to be harsh Mr Rehman but cannot help it when some one provides tacit approval for bloody extrimist
RE:Muslims beware
by Navratan Sethia on Jul 07, 2007 01:39 PM Permalink
after godhra incident voilence start in gujrat.after gujrat islamic jehadi& criminal group shut their mouth. some elements think only force & bullet language." ASURA" forces think only by force. you look this at lal masjid before one week they said JEHAD.WHEN FORCE TAKE CHARGE THEY RUN AWAY TO WEAR A BURQA.THESE are coward people in mid centuries they converted in islam but any brave people did not convert they thought to die batter than to be a muslim.same in this century afghan,iraq,philisteen,labenon,surrender when other group used 1971 bangla war ,kargil war they surrender in thousands when we used force.please think it when we start oppose with force they woud be surrender.
RE:Muslims beware
by mufaddal saifuddin on Jul 07, 2007 12:57 PM Permalink
I agree with you!! Islam is a "Way of Life" It teaches peace and to co-exist. One has to understand Islam properly, Mullahs are fanatics, they are scum on this planet, please dont get carried away by their speeches, they are teaching what Islam has condemned, so please dont get brain-washed and try to respect life and fellow human being. Thats what Islam is all about, understanding is urgently required.
RE:Muslims beware
by Navratan Sethia on Jul 07, 2007 01:11 PM Permalink
is this religion? kill innocent people,anti national activities,anti human activities,sucide attack on qafir,also on brotherhood,if these are religious activity i think without such religion we are batter.
Yes... thats the problem with muslims, they have not learnt to respect life, they lack understanding, they are mindless, illiterate, they justify their activity by quoting few phrases in the quran. But I tell the muslims, Allahs biggest gift is LIFE itself, so stop being foolish and mindless, Respect LIFE, because there is nothing bigger than that.
RE:RE:Muslims beware
by mufaddal saifuddin on Jul 07, 2007 01:07 PM Permalink
Dear ananta I agree with you fully, That problem with muslims are their leaders, who instill hatred and violence in them, remove these devils and muslims will be at peace with everyone.
RE:Muslims beware
by vishal mehta on Jul 07, 2007 01:21 PM Permalink
u people get married to 5 females and then produced 20 kids so 1/2 of the time is spent in producing kids and other 1/2 in converting people to islam with the help of sword this way islam is the fastest growing population in the world now
RE:Muslims beware
by sheela sharma on Jul 07, 2007 01:29 PM Permalink
dear mufaddal saifuddin bhai, i apreciate you, religion doesnt teach violence time has come muslims brothers need to understand that country is greater than religion and India has given everything to muslims and they need to be more greatful than pakistan
RE:Muslims beware
by mufaddal saifuddin on Jul 07, 2007 01:04 PM Permalink
Thats the problem with muslims, I admit, Thats because of lack of understanding, illiteracy, Islam has no flaw, but the followers are mindless.
RE:Muslims beware
by Mohd Abdul Majeed on Jul 07, 2007 01:05 PM Permalink
Ananta, i must correct you """"Allah is with the one who has Sabr. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. And no one can stop it. Those who have embraced Islam are not fools. Before embracing Islam they have studied it well. If there were any short comings in Islam they would not have gone for it. Allah has embolden this religion and he is the true saviour. It is for those who believe.""". Islam is a religion of peace, respect, trust and love. It would be detrimental and foolish on anyone's part to make a statement without knowing anything about it. IF YOU NEED TO MAKE A STATEMENT, THINK ABOUT IT 100 TIMES AND THEN MAKE IT. IT WILL BE FOOLISH ON YOUR PART IF YOU MAKE A WRONG STATEMENT.
RE:Muslims beware
by Old Monk on Jul 07, 2007 01:50 PM Permalink
Mr.Mohd,there is some truth in the precedind message by 'ananta'.You say Islam is about peace,trust and love,but for whom? Koran preaches intolerence against non-muslims and the followers are following suit this hatefull message in letter and spirit. Muslims are not loyal to their adopted homelands.And and their actions clearly show they are not spreading 'Peace' but making 'Pieces' of whoever doesnt agree with their ideology.The recent involvement of Indian Muslims in the Glasgow incident is one such example. To understand the Quran better please refer to
RE:RE:Muslims beware
by sanjay totre on Jul 07, 2007 01:13 PM Permalink
first you can teach islam to all muslim then try to increase the population, Your castes well qualified people also in terroist, what is meaning of learing to muslim, use master minds for terrorism,allah can not cam eto save muslim in iraq, afganistan etc and next will be iran and pakistan