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RE:Muslims beware
by Ravikant Bhat on Jul 07, 2007 01:38 PM

So Islam is fastest growing because a few whites have accepted it? What a joke, ha ha ha!

Why do you forget the entire West is up in arms against Islam? Why do you think they are spending billions of dollars and time and energy in tracking down Osama? For the love of him? Or is it your perception that they want to forcibly anoint him as the Khalifa of US of A?

Yes, Allah is the true saviour. I can say this because I am a Hindu. From the spiritual perspective, I would call Allah the same as the Supreme Being or Brahman in the Hindu philosophy... but jaundiced that Muslims are by the extremist interpretation of Quran ! If Allah is the Saviour, I think He is also the Merciful and would surely save the world from zealot and fundamentalist Muslim terrorists !

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