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Muslims beware
by Rehman on Jul 07, 2007 12:54 PM

The Position of Muslims has become like an animal trapped in a web of hatred and jealousity. They pierce you prod you by insulting your religion. In return you react violently which is exactly they want. So that they get an excuse to annihilate you. What happened in gujarat. A planned genocide by the Government and Politician. Including the burning of train was mastermind of the politician. Muslims beware dont fall prey to their dirty politic games. Open your eyes, unite to strengthen your community. Shun violence be patient. Truely Allah is with the one who has Sabr. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. And no one can stop it. Those who have embraced Islam in the west are not fools. Before embracing Islam they have studied it well. If there were any short comings in Islam they would not have gone for it. Allah has embolden this religion and he is the true saviour. It is for those who believe.

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