Muslims need to foll thereal Icons and Idols of Islam. They need to understand the real teachings of Prophet who won over his most strident opponents with his Character, uprightness, kindness and mercy. Not one incedence of his life can be pointed out where he acted out of vengenace against his bitterest of enemies, he even showed mercy to the killer of his Dear uncle Hamza. He visited to enquire about the health and well being of an Old lady who used to throw rubbish on himwhenhe would pass her house, he never shouted at her and also never took detour from her house even though people suggested him, eventualy seeing him at her house she understood what it means to be superlative human being. He was the one who though bestowed with huge empire and power he treated his slaves with dignity and respects, always restrainted his followers from spreading terror & cautioned them from abusing power. But as soon as his eyes closed the same people turned on their heels to grab power, left his corpse to decide he balance of power - his followers attacked the house of his daughter Bibi Fatima - they set the door the house on fire & crushed Bibi Fatima beteen the falling door and the wall killing the unborn child, put a rope round the Neck of his brother & Son in Law Imam Ali asking him to accept the New Rulers. This act of First terrorism has resulted in upheavals which till date has seen Muslin engrossed in fights and going astray. Muslim now need to understand the follies & correct'em
RE:Follow the real Ideals
by Deepu on Jul 07, 2007 06:25 PM Permalink
It was usual to have slaves in those times. I beleive you have very less knowledge about History.
RE:Follow the real Ideals
by gracious guy on Jul 07, 2007 06:52 PM Permalink
Dear Ms. Renuka Prasad, Honestly a very good question! If we have a look at the Arab Society in the time of prophet it was full of degenerated believes and practices, People would fight WArs for generationson flimy reasons like whhis camel drank water from pond before mine? the Girl Child was buried alive or killed? There was no respect and honour for women kind! and There was this c never nulture of having Slaves - who were bonded for generations and mistreated. As any reformer even Holy Prophet intorduced reforms in steps and it was his preachings which said - If anyone had to please the Almighty then he shuld release Slaves. It was supposed to be the noblest of acts to buy slaves from people and release them. But since there was this custom and practice of slavery there are historically proven records which show that people will accept and become slaves o someone whom they revere, respect and wold want to stay close to them. This is the reason why Princess of African country - Fizza on her own accepted to be a Maid for daughter of Prophet. But then these people never let them feel below dignity and provied and example for other high and Mighty of the Arab world in how to treat someone who were in their care and custody. By the way if we all remember the so called Morder NAtions of the World praticed Slavery till the mordern times till Abe Linclon had it abolieshed - not that i am justifying anything but only bringing to notice that the slavery cannot be attributed only
RE:Follow the real Ideals
by Sarnath Kannan on Jul 07, 2007 08:38 PM Permalink
Ok Mr. Gracious,
How do u explain the killings and rapings of Mr.Muhamed ? He had sex with 9 year old and has wet dreams about his wife at the age of 56.
Do u honestly think these r qualities of a spiritual leader??
I know that he had a single wife until his age of 40. Then, he attempted to spread his so called religion and somewhere he looks to have got confused. He has used his power over people in wrong way to kill and rape people... How can this possibly be justified ?? It really baffles me.
I think therez something called "sufism" which preaches renunciation. Correct me if I am wrong. It is these milder qualities which should be followed by muslims.
Honestly, Koran has certain verses which can be used to systematically brain wash some persons.... This has to be stopped. And people inside Islam should fight against this evil and manipulated version of Islam. It is upto the good guys inside your religion to save it and uphold the higher ideals(if any).
The most serious today's problem is global warming, question for human existence. The most serious needs which are lacking in this world are pure air, potable water & clean non-chemical food. When human habitat itself is in danger, then why these people making such disturbance on this earth. Let all human beings strive hard to protect our habitats on this earth, then go berserk in the name of religion, regions, or politics. No one religion saves people if they constantly destroy this nature for the sake of artificial development. Stop immitating materially developed countries, start preserving and safeguarding your natural habitats. Mitigate mining, manufacturing and marketing activities, exhilarate planting activities to conserve precious soil, water and air.
by VINAYANANDA on Jul 07, 2007 04:35 PM Permalink
Creation ends in Destruction ! Life ends in death, this is the law of nature and that is why we have Brahma,Vishnu and Shiva - denoting the three phases of cosmic existence. Unfortunately, the foolish man wants to do one better than nature and is trying hard to create life and stop death.The result is quite visible.The fact of life is that there will never be absolute peace and harmony.However, what we need to try is to tilt the balance in favour of peace rather than be surrounded by a world full of people fighting each other, in the name of amongst other things, religion, which is again a man made thing.
by Subhash Niyogi on Jul 07, 2007 04:40 PM Permalink
@garden pOint jayant juvekar Some reasonable thinking, posted after reading a lot on hatred mudslinging and refined slangs.
Message for all my fellow muslim brothers. At this time of crisis the onus is on all the muslim brothers those who have wealth. To create such institutions which will provide both an insight in religion of Islam as well as the world of science. An institution which will teach humanity, peace and tolerance. An institution which will show the right path for those who has gone astray. So that the young pupil does not fell victim to misguidance of selfish clerics.
RE:Educate the Muslims
by kraft on Jul 07, 2007 03:27 PM Permalink
Good thought, but how do you expect to wipe out the Centuries of Violent thoughts that have seeped ino the muslim mind and transformed them into the Foremost Perpetrators of violence in the World? [Whatever may be the reason for it]
RE:Educate the Muslims
by Rajesh Nair on Jul 07, 2007 03:31 PM Permalink
U R Bang on dear friend . These so-called extremists originate our of sheer poverty and illiteracy. But, what have we to say about those eductaed guys-Muslim Educated Indian Doctors who bombed London in the name of Religion per se... What we need is the right mind-set to promote Peace in this pathetic world of terrorism to the people who Preach Jihad as a way of salvation
RE:Educate the Muslims
by sivajibhai on Jul 07, 2007 03:32 PM Permalink
Try preaching peace to a terrorist. If you volunteer I will follow. It is easy to pontificate from your armchair with a coffee cup in hand and an altogether differnt thing to tackle these people from an administrators viewpoint.
RE:Educate the Muslims
by Rajesh Nair on Jul 07, 2007 03:37 PM Permalink
OK fine.. Agreed.. If preaching Peace is not a solution, bring forth one solution which can at least not aggravate the problem. Have U ever been to Kashmir. I can show U hundreds of disgruntled youths who took to terrorism and later lay down arms for peace. Even problems in Chechnya did not originate for seething Jihad. It came out of sheer poverty!!!. Anyone can fool an illiterate, but its difficult, though not possible to fool a literate.
RE:Educate the Muslims
by maibap on Jul 07, 2007 07:18 PM Permalink
Rajesh, In that case,why only KAshmir,there are many places in the country where there is such poverty eg Orissa,but there is no Jihad there?wondered why?
RE:Educate the Muslims
by VINAYANANDA on Jul 07, 2007 03:24 PM Permalink
I am a Hindu,am fascinated by Islam,grew up with sikhs amidst sikhism,worked in christian institutes and am buddhist by thinking.However my religion is humanity which comprises commonsense, love and compassion for all beings in this world.I don't give a damn for what is written in the scriptures or what the rituals around religious practices are. My dear to be a good human being you don't require temples,mosques,churches or gurudwaras which house terrorists.You require a thinking and a feeling heart which is pure and honest.
laden is not shifted from laalmasjid. He is still holed up there. It is the pak politics' drama that you are evacuating laalmasjid. Infact they are safeguarding bin laden in laalmasjid
Gen Mush who does not hide his dislike for India and he is said to be the creator of Kargil conflict, which saw so many innocent lives lost.For so many years Pak has been the hub and sponsor of extremist activity against India,in Punjab and Kashmir.It is aptly said 'What goes round,Comes round'.Infact Pak and Mush is tasting his own medicine, of fanaticism which he helped fan, and should now realise that encouraging enemity,hatred and deviousness, never helps.If he has some sense in his clever brain, then he should now agree to work unitedly with India to bring peace to the subcontinent,and together help uplift the lives of people of the two countries, and other neighbouring countries.
PKL. Afternoon, 245 pm, Saturday , 7th July '07 I feel sorry for 7000 thousand poor talibans in making at these Massjidiahs hailing from amongst the poorest orphans and peasants of Punjabi households who do not have the means to offer the breaks that feudal -bureaucratic and westernised civil and military elite stocks and families offer to their own spoilt brats in the entire South Asia.These poor little mujahideen at the tender age are made to parrot the scriptures by bigoted mullas in their dingy makhtabs and emotiomally exploited in the name of only thing valuable told to them ie their Sacred Islam,Nothing wrong with Islam,as such ;acccording to me.However, instead of letting these lads and lasses have their own thoughts and intellectual capabilities these political arsenals wish to unload the famed Jihsadis with guns and lethal hatred against the rest of the world, like the doings of LTTE's with Children in Srilanka and Marjiwara among Sikh marjiwaras earier in Gurudwaras of central Manjgha and Malvan or Doab of Indian Punjab, iof past eighties and nineties, of the last century.I wish Paki Civil Society has the guts and political will to stop such callous denial of freedom to brain-washed Childhood of these poor muslims in Pakistan D. Goel
What will these so-called radicals irrespective of whether he is a Muslim, Hindu or a Christian do when they realise after death that the different Gods they have ben fighting for is ONE. They will kick their own butts for having died in the name of religion !!!!
RE:God is One
by inkypinky on Jul 07, 2007 03:16 PM Permalink
correct, all modern religions originated in mesopotamia where civilzation first arose around 7,000 BC and spread east & west.
yahweh/allh - (god of jews, chirstians, muslims) - means ONE
brahman - (god of hindus/buddhists) - means ONE
various prophets & holy men interpreted it in differnt ways resulting in different religions.
RE:God is One
by prakash kumar on Jul 07, 2007 03:15 PM Permalink
that there is only one way, that it has been revealed to only one person, that it is set out in only one Book, that for your own good you must follow it, that if you do not do so I am
on duty bound to compel you to follow it, and, if you still persist in your sin and error, to put you out; and his reflection on its consequences - aggressive proselytisation, intolerance, violence and tyranny -
RE:God is One
by inkypinky on Jul 07, 2007 03:17 PM Permalink
correct, all modern religions originated in mesopotamia where civilzation first arose around 7,000 BC and spread east & west.
yahweh/allah - (god of jews, chirstians, muslims) - means ONE
brahman - (god of hindus/buddhists) - means ONE
various prophets & holy men interpreted it in differnt ways resulting in different religions.
RE:God is One
by Gita Yeshwanth on Jul 07, 2007 03:09 PM Permalink
what you reap is what you sow.Have you ever come across christian missionaries preaching for tolerances towards other religions.Have you come across Muslim Ulemas respecting other religons. Hindusim is the only religion which does not preach hatred .
RE:God is One
by Rajesh Nair on Jul 07, 2007 03:15 PM Permalink
Hindhusim was never a Religion. Can anyone claim that Hinduism was founded by so and so person. Hinduism is a way of Life. And we are equally proud of it. All the Prophets , irrespective of Christ or prophet or Muhammad preached God is One. Lord Sri Krishna was instrumental in depicteing the one'nes of God in Bhagwad - Gita. But, alas, ti,mes have so changed that our dear brethern have forgotten the very basis of which a religion was founded. We hear Christians depicting Christ as God, whilst He himself said that he is the 'Son of God'. We have some hardened Muslims fighting in the name of Islam, whilst Islam was one religion which was founded for Peace. To cut short, Religion has gone to the DOGS !!!
RE:RE:God is One
by sivajibhai on Jul 07, 2007 03:16 PM Permalink
Religion can never go to DOGS. It is the people who are following religion who are DOGS!!! Think! All religion has been founded by learned people and do you mean to say that you are more learned than them that you can make a sweeping statement that Religion has gone to DOGS!!!!!
RE:RE:God is One
by Gita Yeshwanth on Jul 07, 2007 03:26 PM Permalink
The point what i am stressing is Mercy/compassion is only showered on the person who believes in the name of allah ,and not to the people of other communities.It is the same with evangical community who try to convert .Recall the Honourable Pope words at Delhi in not so many words where there interests LAY .
RE:God is One
by ashok leyland on Jul 07, 2007 06:20 PM Permalink
Gita, Hindusim is not free of abuse.Where there is man there is abuse and exploitation, this is in his nature. Man strives to be the strongest, have the most power because it brings wealth and subjugates people. Hinduism is a philosophy that if not abused is far freer of human errors than Islam or Christianity. But are we who have been born in a nation of prejudice and exploitation prepared to show compassion, equality and fraternity to our fellow human beings? In this case the mullahs and fanatics have simply used religion to gain power. The masses who have no education, have seen no other reality, have not even heard to other countries, can hardly be blamed. These poor young boys are brainwashed and the result is that they may lose their lives, but the mullahs will be safely hidden to continue their evil ways.
RE:God is One
by sivajibhai on Jul 07, 2007 03:12 PM Permalink
How sure are you about that? Why are you so biased? Are you blind to the castiest violence that we have been seeing in India all these years? All Religion and prophets and scriptures are perfect. It is the PEOPLE who follow them who are imperfect. The philosophy is not to be blamed.
RE:God is One
by Rajesh Nair on Jul 07, 2007 03:24 PM Permalink
Religion has gone to the Dogs doesnt imply to the founders of Religions who profound Love. The statement merely empahsizes the theory of religion followed by the so-called radicals