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RE:God is One
by Rajesh Nair on Jul 07, 2007 03:15 PM

Hindhusim was never a Religion. Can anyone claim that Hinduism was founded by so and so person. Hinduism is a way of Life. And we are equally proud of it. All the Prophets , irrespective of Christ or prophet or Muhammad preached God is One. Lord Sri Krishna was instrumental in depicteing the one'nes of God in Bhagwad - Gita. But, alas, ti,mes have so changed that our dear brethern have forgotten the very basis of which a religion was founded. We hear Christians depicting Christ as God, whilst He himself said that he is the 'Son of God'. We have some hardened Muslims fighting in the name of Islam, whilst Islam was one religion which was founded for Peace. To cut short, Religion has gone to the DOGS !!!

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