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RE:Follow the real Ideals
by gracious guy on Jul 07, 2007 06:52 PM

Dear Ms. Renuka Prasad,
Honestly a very good question! If we have a look at the Arab Society in the time of prophet it was full of degenerated believes and practices, People would fight WArs for generationson flimy reasons like whhis camel drank water from pond before mine? the Girl Child was buried alive or killed? There was no respect and honour for women kind! and There was this c never nulture of having Slaves - who were bonded for generations and mistreated. As any reformer even Holy Prophet intorduced reforms in steps and it was his preachings which said - If anyone had to please the Almighty then he shuld release Slaves. It was supposed to be the noblest of acts to buy slaves from people and release them.
But since there was this custom and practice of slavery there are historically proven records which show that people will accept and become slaves o someone whom they revere, respect and wold want to stay close to them. This is the reason why Princess of African country - Fizza on her own accepted to be a Maid for daughter of Prophet. But then these people never let them feel below dignity and provied and example for other high and Mighty of the Arab world in how to treat someone who were in their care and custody.
By the way if we all remember the so called Morder NAtions of the World praticed Slavery till the mordern times till Abe Linclon had it abolieshed - not that i am justifying anything but only bringing to notice that the slavery cannot be attributed only

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