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Umer Interview By Arun Korri
by arun k on Mar 01, 2007 10:53 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

As much as I find Mr Umer an Intelligent man, I am quite surprised by his thoughts and Ideology. He says that India is a Great Democracy and he expects us to go an extra mile to sort things out in Kashmir. But he does not recognize or admit the fact that Pakistan on the other hand are doing nothing, infact they support militants in Kashmir to cause trouble and Havoc. Every time India tried to make peace, like the Bus to Lahore by Vajpayee Saheb, everyone know what preceeded after that, the Kargil War.From his thoughts He seems to be a pro pakistani and I am not sure he represents the real Kashmir people.

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RE:Umer Interview By Arun Korri
by Alok tripathi on Mar 01, 2007 11:52 AM  Permalink
yar arun can anybody be smart enough to fool Indians? let him try what he wishes to do.He is not the problemt .The problem is our own representatives who r not taking some strict action against such activities.n second problem r the people who r living in India but dont think like indian.........

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RE:RE:Umer Interview By Arun Korri
by A p on Mar 01, 2007 02:40 PM  Permalink
For your question "can anyone be smart enough to fool Indians?" You have yourself answered it when you spoke about our elected representatives.

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RE:Umer Interview By Arun Korri
by on Mar 01, 2007 11:17 AM  Permalink
Good thoughts Korri. However I distinctly remember the "mahapurush" Vajpayee giving Crown Guarantees to Enron to take up the Dabhol project.This meant if the deal fell through, Rashtrapati Bhawan and Parliament House would be under the auctioneer's gavel. So dont kid yourself, Mr Biscuitcase.. and BTW what's 'preceeded after that'...Its an example of your inbuilt contradictions that act as a thermostat for your brain..it gets cut off when it starts to heat up ...LOL!!!

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Hurriyat pakistani ISI
by Gurmit Singh on Mar 01, 2007 10:52 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

This guy gone mad and fooling India showing the moderate face over here and getting lot of money transferred in foriegn acccounts and also helping the terrorist group by fund through there account. Why they call for bandh when a militant dies and not when military person lose his life.There is only one solution to Kashmir khadered do saab ko..also some balme lies with indian forces as if they cant help militants on border how come they reach kashmir. Be Indian

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RE:Hurriyat pakistani ISI
by on Mar 01, 2007 11:19 AM  Permalink
Sardarji tusse kya bol rahe ho!
yeh balme kis chidhdhe ka naam hai...

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Kashmir - Ethnically cleansed
by Vijay Kaul on Mar 01, 2007 10:47 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Kashmiri Muslim should take the blame upon him/herself and stop blaming everyone else. They should vacate the Kashmiri Pandit properties, return movable property that was looted from the vacant houses. Sanctity of temples should be restored. Marauders have desecrated temples and damaged the Images of Hindu Deities. Any community descrating their culture, History
and ancestoral pride is doomed to a miserable

Let Umer devote rest of his life to correct the follies of his ancestors, who were forced to convert under the terror of Sikandar Butshikan, Jabbar Janda and horrible religious zealots.

The ordinary Kashmiri is a good person at heart but has lost the guts to fight the religious tyranny as the leaders are busy becoming millioniares and billioniares with hawala money coming from Saudis and the ISI.

There will no solution to Kashmir without the explicit concurrence of the Pandits, who have the first right to Kashmir.

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RE:Kashmir - Ethnically cleansed
by Bhaskar Chattopadhyay on Mar 01, 2007 12:41 PM  Permalink
Kashmiri Pandits must be more forth-coming in demanding their rights, organize themselves. When these terrorist leaders visit Delhi , large scale ralles should be organized to expose their real role in slaughtering Kashmiris.

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RE:Kashmir - Ethnically cleansed
by on Mar 01, 2007 11:27 AM  Permalink
Ok Vijay Koul...enough is enough! Y dont u finally tell the truth.
1.That Pandit's are an exploitative community that move ahead by hook and crook...ask any "Hindu"...they concur
2.That its not the first time U guys hightailed it out of Kashmir...this is probably the 12th time in our long history u have done it...and U will do it again...tell me what type of a person leaves his motherland, to get outraged by others..... arre kuch to sharam karo..
3.When U used to come back to Kashmir after these 'forced' migrations... u used to blame these very 'Hindu's' of discrimination ..so that it might please the man on the street.. one look at Kalhan's Rajatarangini will confirm this important fact: Message: Dont trust the deserter!
4.In case of confusion , restart from point no 1

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RE:RE:Kashmir - Ethnically cleansed
by Bhaskar Chattopadhyay on Mar 01, 2007 12:38 PM  Permalink
Madrasa Logic? Appears so!

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RE:Kashmir - Ethnically cleansed
by on Mar 01, 2007 11:59 AM  Permalink
Ok Vijay Koul...enough is enough! Y dont u finally tell the truth.
1.That Pandit's are an exploitative community that move ahead by hook and crook...ask any "Hindu"...they concur
2.That its not the first time U guys hightailed it out of Kashmir...this is probably the 12th time in our long history u have done it...and U will do it again...tell me what type of a person leaves his motherland, to get outraged by others..... arre kuch to sharam karo..
3.When U used to come back to Kashmir after these 'forced' migrations... u used to blame these very 'Hindu's' of discrimination ..so that it might please the man on the street.. one look at Kalhan's Rajatarangini will confirm this important fact: Message: Dont trust the deserter!
4.In case of confusion , restart from point no 1

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RE:RE:Kashmir - Ethnically cleansed
by r patil on Mar 02, 2007 09:24 AM  Permalink
to "by on"
by patil
1.That muslims are an exploitative community that move ahead by hook and crook...ask any "kaffirs"...they concur
2.That its not the first time U guys hightailed it out of plestain(or even gujarat)...this is probably the nth time in our long history u have done it...and U will do it again...tell me what type of a person leaves his motherland, to get outraged by others..... arre kuch to sharam karo..
3.When U used to come back to palestine after these 'forced' migrations... u used to blame these very 'israely muslims's' of discrimination ..so that it might please the man on the street.. one look at current world affair will confirm this important fact: Message: Dont trust the deserter!
4.In case of confusion , restart from point no 1

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ceasefire in kashmir???
by nitin gupta on Mar 01, 2007 10:43 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

First of all, he is not fit to ask for a ceasefire as he does not head or control the terrorists. Even if there is a ceasefire from the army, he cant ask the terrorists to make a ceasefire. infact if he does ask them, he will be the first one to be gunned down! actually he is coming in the limelight frequently only to save his life, because if he becomes silent, he will be killed.

Secondly, even after seeing the plight of his fellow muslims in POK, sindh and the rest of pakistan if his eyes do not open to see that he can atleast live with dignity as a human in India, rather than be treated like a dog in pakistan, then he has to be blind!

Everyone in India has the same dreams about kashmir in 2020 AD. But sadly, these were the same dreams in 1987 for 2007!

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RE:ceasefire in kashmir???
by on Mar 01, 2007 11:31 AM  Permalink
yes friend u r right..only that in 1987 Kashmir witnessed one of the most massive riggings in elections... theres this big "if and only if"...
but a lot of wat U said makes sense

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RE:ceasefire in kashmir???
by shailesh agrawal on Mar 01, 2007 11:05 AM  Permalink
Well said Nitin, I guess these people prefer to me called "Mujahirs" than Indians. They are sick.

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RE:ceasefire in kashmir???
by shailesh agrawal on Mar 01, 2007 11:04 AM  Permalink
Well said Nitin, I guess these people prefer to me called "Mujahirs" this Indians. They are sick.

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by xyz abc on Mar 01, 2007 10:34 AM  Permalink
yeah ur right.

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by ravindra walvadkar on Mar 01, 2007 11:15 AM  Permalink
who the hell has found anything that can be called ABUSIVE in this message??? this is a perfect message and is absolutely not abusive.

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by Atma Prakash Tiwari on Mar 01, 2007 11:42 AM  Permalink
I 100% agree with the above message by Indian... Please don't delete this message...

It actually shows the anger of an AAM ADMI on the street, which does not hold value to UPA govt...

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by on Mar 01, 2007 12:29 PM  Permalink
AAM means worm in Kashmiri...
please dont say AAM aadmi

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umar interview
by Raghav on Mar 01, 2007 10:29 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Kashmir is a part and parcel of india. None in the earth can take away. If the appeasement of minorities reaches its peak, then the congress will give away the land of Kashyapar to the terrorists, as the case during Nehru period the part of arunachal to china.

The terrorists will crush kashmiri indians amd will make use of the land of heaven for international arms, drug trafficking.

Slowly they will start to occupy the other neighbouriing states of Kashmir ( if it is a seperate country like bangladesh). Again there will be automony and things like that and they will start to ask haryana,delhi, up, bihar, rajasthan and the entire north.

This will happen in the days to come. If indian government do not take any tough measure and show the world that this is how we solve the problem of terrorists in our country. We shall take the help of isreal and take appropriate measures to bring peace in india.

Because the part of the J&K especially kashmir became muslim majority by driving the others out of their places of living, they all talk of seperate country.

It is high time that india should be very tough in their talkings. Let us test once more in Pokhran and show the terrorists and pakistan ( most deadly terrorist country in the world) that india will stand united to fight for its territories.

Let us not encourage the separatists and ask for what they wanted. We have to be very tough in our interviews itself, that india will not give a inch of our land to any terrorists or for that matter even to the peace makers.

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RE:umar interview
by John Grisham on Mar 01, 2007 10:48 AM  Permalink
The territory of Kashmir was hotly contested even before India and Pakistan won their independence from Britain in August 1947.

Under the partition plan provided by the Indian Independence Act of 1947, Kashmir was free to accede to India or Pakistan.

The Maharaja, Hari Singh, wanted to stay independent but eventually decided to accede to India, signing over key powers to the Indian Government - in return for military aid and a promised referendum.

Since then, the territory has been the flashpoint for two of the three India-Pakistan wars: the first in 1947-8, the second in 1965.

In 1999, India fought a brief but bitter conflict with Pakistani-backed forces who had infiltrated Indian-controlled territory in the Kargil area.

In addition to the rival claims of Delhi and Islamabad to the territory, there has been a growing and often violent separatist movement against Indian rule in Kashmir since 1989.

Ref- BBC.com

in return for military aid and a promised referendum (that never happened)
Lets be honest and let a referendum happen. Let everyone live happily and peace. I

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RE:RE:umar interview
by Bhaskar Chattopadhyay on Mar 01, 2007 10:58 AM  Permalink
There were certain pre-condition for the referendum. Did Pakis fulfil those?

The situation is changed today. POK is nomore a Kashmiri province because its demography is changed by Punjabi Muslim settlement.

So referendum doesn;t work anymore.

( Also, the Pakistan should NOT have created based on Pakistani provinces election result alone. Any referendum should have included ALL of India).

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RE:RE:umar interview
by Bhaskar Chattopadhyay on Mar 01, 2007 11:00 AM  Permalink
Also intereted to know, whether you will organize a referendum in and around London for a Londonistan?

Brits played this card, divided and fled/ Its just a matter of time, britain and europe get the same dosage.

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by vineet bathwal on Mar 01, 2007 10:27 AM  Permalink 

The dual standard followed by Hurriyat is clearly evident after reading this aricle.Are they unknown to Pakistan sponsored terrorism affecting them in Kashmir(Sorry, Millitancy in their language).They want India to come forward without even asking Pakistan to end its state sponsored terrorism.There biasness towards pakistan is clearly visible .Is their any point in including Hurriyat in negotiations who are just the mouthpiece of Pakistan.Certainly interests of Kashmiris is not their agenda

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