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by Raghav on Mar 01, 2007 10:29 AM

Kashmir is a part and parcel of india. None in the earth can take away. If the appeasement of minorities reaches its peak, then the congress will give away the land of Kashyapar to the terrorists, as the case during Nehru period the part of arunachal to china.

The terrorists will crush kashmiri indians amd will make use of the land of heaven for international arms, drug trafficking.

Slowly they will start to occupy the other neighbouriing states of Kashmir ( if it is a seperate country like bangladesh). Again there will be automony and things like that and they will start to ask haryana,delhi, up, bihar, rajasthan and the entire north.

This will happen in the days to come. If indian government do not take any tough measure and show the world that this is how we solve the problem of terrorists in our country. We shall take the help of isreal and take appropriate measures to bring peace in india.

Because the part of the J&K especially kashmir became muslim majority by driving the others out of their places of living, they all talk of seperate country.

It is high time that india should be very tough in their talkings. Let us test once more in Pokhran and show the terrorists and pakistan ( most deadly terrorist country in the world) that india will stand united to fight for its territories.

Let us not encourage the separatists and ask for what they wanted. We have to be very tough in our interviews itself, that india will not give a inch of our land to any terrorists or for that matter even to the peace makers.

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'Pak made many mistakes on J&K'