Kashmiri Muslim should take the blame upon him/herself and stop blaming everyone else. They should vacate the Kashmiri Pandit properties, return movable property that was looted from the vacant houses. Sanctity of temples should be restored. Marauders have desecrated temples and damaged the Images of Hindu Deities. Any community descrating their culture, History and ancestoral pride is doomed to a miserable future.
Let Umer devote rest of his life to correct the follies of his ancestors, who were forced to convert under the terror of Sikandar Butshikan, Jabbar Janda and horrible religious zealots.
The ordinary Kashmiri is a good person at heart but has lost the guts to fight the religious tyranny as the leaders are busy becoming millioniares and billioniares with hawala money coming from Saudis and the ISI.
There will no solution to Kashmir without the explicit concurrence of the Pandits, who have the first right to Kashmir.