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I am proud of India
by ashish sinha on Mar 01, 2007 02:51 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

dear hurriyat , i am pleading you to stop asking for freedom and start to help in building our nation. Please note :: I am pleading you going down on my knees...with my head bent down.... not because India is afraid of you, but because if you ask too much, we may just give you what you want.and that will be a sad day for you as well as for us.

I am proud of my country for it has a bigger heart.

I sincerely hope that you and other seperatists realize how much pain they r inflicting on the 1 billion peple who love them. and all this for issues that simply do not hold water.

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RE:I am proud of India
by Raj on Mar 01, 2007 06:46 AM  Permalink
No pleading, stop it, times of Nehru are over. We need to force rule of land. on Kashmir. Kashmir does not belong to especially muslim people, they were shameless than they are shameless now and forever, they are cowardly converted hindus. They need to either revert back or face dire consequences. IF they create problem in India, we will tutor them properly

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RE:I am proud of India
by SHAM SUNDER on Mar 01, 2007 04:24 AM  Permalink
Hurriyat has the freedom

They talk like on indian soil only becuase India gives them that freedom ..... Farooq Sahaab had been killed if he was on the pakistan soil and talk abt freedom ... Those try to say thr truth pakistan kill them ..even they have done same on the indian side ... Only becuase 90% kashmiri's are muslim does not mean they belong to pakistan ... Mr Farooq you know the truth ..tht is why you are chnagint the langauge .... If kashmiri's are killed in Kashmir so is the Indian citizens ...You are trying to take the benefit of Indian hospitality.. which is not goint to happen weather you sit on Mussaraff or Mussarraff on you

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What pandits or any other religion!
by G S on Mar 01, 2007 01:50 AM  Permalink 

Directed only to terror mindsets:

Dear you, follower of so called tolerant religion, you have shown time and again no tolerance (all across globe). One can not carry other religious book in Middle East (your spiritual land); you can not follow your religion, if you are from other religion, also need to hide during prayer times. Check for minority in Pakistan or as a matter of fact any Islamic country. (They can not live without fear; also news is that they often try to forcibly marrying Christian/Hindu girls to convert). But yes they all will shout if anybody reacts to their tyranny (Mr. Mirwaiz/ Hurriyat etc) and follows the same path.

We have been foolish not to follow china model (Pakistan%u2019s closest friend, which so called Pak media parrot as non hegemonic country..pooh!), who didn't take a second to flood entire Tibet with Han Chinese to scuttle any claims by Tibetans. Still holding Askai Chin and seeking further Indian territory.

Kashmiri terrorist (those with terror mindsets) is enjoying exclusivity (no Indian can buy anything in Kashmir), hospitality and citizenship of India, but also spew venom against India at all the forums. They are surviving on large amount of money from Indian govt.

Check what kind of freedom you have in Pakistan? Also I bet you how much Pakistan take care of northern areas or muzafferabad (so called Azad Kashmir). Whole Pakistan is under army rule and their society is down the drains.

I sympathize with Common man (everywhere) who suffers most both from police as well as militants and has been mute spectator when minority is butchered and thrown out, that too in India (democratic country). Like Hindus/pundits in Kashmir, or from riots in different parts of country. This puts us to shame.

Our leaders need to wake up and take some harsh action not only in Kashmir but in all part of India and teach these perpetrators of crime such a lesson that they never dare to repeat.

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'Pakistan made many mistakes on Kashmir'
by on Mar 01, 2007 01:48 AM  Permalink 

He says - By 2020 AD, I see the entire region becoming a hotspot of global tourism, a melting pot of cultures, economically vibrant, with Kashmir reviving its links with central Asia through open borders. I dream of Kashmiri merchandise going to the entire region. Something like Europe.

And how will he achieve that - By supplying arms and ammo to common people and ask them to fight the might India :). Instead why don't you join the INDIAN BANDWAGON which has already taken over EUROPE and is on its way to become world's biggest economy by 2025... (hoing that our economic growth sustains)...



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'Pakistan made many mistakes on Kashmir'
by on Mar 01, 2007 01:43 AM  Permalink 

He says - We have higher expectations from the government of India as India is a great democracy.

As Tsun Tzu says - usually for a warrier, his greatest strength is also his greatest weakness. U overcome his greatest strength and there he is - completely exposed and vulnerable, suddenly :).

The very good thing about India has been its biggest weakness as well. Had we been a military dictatorship or a govt like china, we would have exercised complete control over (using all appropriate means) and no more this issue would have been there. I even would have considered that India would have annexed PAKISTAN back to itself, thereby correcting the mistake (or was it a calculated step) made by Britishers..

Instead the 'great democracy' when it conducts elections in JandK and when people vote in favour, Pakistan and Huriyat and other junkies disapprove the process and provide the poor guyz money and arms to fight...they are doing the same thing britishers did to indians - let them fight amongst themselves and they'll never be strong ..as they'd never be together...


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'Pakistan made many mistakes on Kashmir'
by on Mar 01, 2007 01:37 AM  Permalink 

He SAYS - "On the ground, there is a yearning for peace in Kashmir, Azad Kashmir and everywhere. However, New Delhi has to take an important lead in this. We expect the government of India to declare a ceasefire with militants in Kashmir and give it a try for at least the next six-eight months. They have done it before. Also, India needs to withdraw troops from public places. After this happens, Hurriyat will try hard for reciprocity. Things will change dramatically."

Why don't you have pakistan govt and all these fighting bodies, do a unilateral cease fire just for 6-8 months and stop all the support to militants, or the so-called-freedom-fighters. And give the peace movement from India a chance. May be there would be no bomblasts as the supplies dry up and may be peace would previal as the focus of people would change from fear to growth and would start making money instead of bombs.


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'Pakistan made many mistakes on Kashmir'
by on Mar 01, 2007 01:35 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Some comments from me -

He says - 'The world is changing fast -- the concept of a global village is too real to be ignored and this situation has thrown up new challenges for us too.' AND ON THE OTHER SIDE - CONTRARY TO WHAT HE SAYS ABOVE HE -

wants to break one more village (or a state) from India and create another country out of it, or another region out of it :)

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RE:'Pakistan made many mistakes on Kashmir'
by Golu Gayani on Mar 01, 2007 05:07 AM  Permalink
Excellent comment.

Not just breaking one state, but forcing to seperate it and call it Azad Kashmir.

Would he be able to handle Kashmir if India pulls the forces out?

Azad, forget in few seconds Pak would take over Kashmir.

When would these idiots realize what is in the hidden agenda from Pak.

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RE:RE:'Pakistan made many mistakes on Kashmir'
by kalyan murthy on Mar 01, 2007 10:44 AM  Permalink
well good said golu bhai - these idiots will realize when they will be used as pakistani keep(rakhail) & will be used as a prostitute.

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Kashmiri Pandits?
by Sreesa Akella on Mar 01, 2007 01:05 AM  Permalink 

I think the interviewer should have asked him about Kashmiri Pandits and what does he think about they being massacred, driven away and forced to live as refugees elsewhere. How does he want to include their viewpoint on the Kashmir issue or does he even care about them?

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