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'Pakistan made many mistakes on Kashmir'
by on Mar 01, 2007 01:43 AM

He says - We have higher expectations from the government of India as India is a great democracy.

As Tsun Tzu says - usually for a warrier, his greatest strength is also his greatest weakness. U overcome his greatest strength and there he is - completely exposed and vulnerable, suddenly :).

The very good thing about India has been its biggest weakness as well. Had we been a military dictatorship or a govt like china, we would have exercised complete control over (using all appropriate means) and no more this issue would have been there. I even would have considered that India would have annexed PAKISTAN back to itself, thereby correcting the mistake (or was it a calculated step) made by Britishers..

Instead the 'great democracy' when it conducts elections in JandK and when people vote in favour, Pakistan and Huriyat and other junkies disapprove the process and provide the poor guyz money and arms to fight...they are doing the same thing britishers did to indians - let them fight amongst themselves and they'll never be strong they'd never be together...


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'Pak made many mistakes on J&K'