Dear you, follower of so called tolerant religion, you have shown time and again no tolerance (all across globe). One can not carry other religious book in Middle East (your spiritual land); you can not follow your religion, if you are from other religion, also need to hide during prayer times. Check for minority in Pakistan or as a matter of fact any Islamic country. (They can not live without fear; also news is that they often try to forcibly marrying Christian/Hindu girls to convert). But yes they all will shout if anybody reacts to their tyranny (Mr. Mirwaiz/ Hurriyat etc) and follows the same path.
We have been foolish not to follow china model (Pakistan%u2019s closest friend, which so called Pak media parrot as non hegemonic country..pooh!), who didn't take a second to flood entire Tibet with Han Chinese to scuttle any claims by Tibetans. Still holding Askai Chin and seeking further Indian territory.
Kashmiri terrorist (those with terror mindsets) is enjoying exclusivity (no Indian can buy anything in Kashmir), hospitality and citizenship of India, but also spew venom against India at all the forums. They are surviving on large amount of money from Indian govt.
Check what kind of freedom you have in Pakistan? Also I bet you how much Pakistan take care of northern areas or muzafferabad (so called Azad Kashmir). Whole Pakistan is under army rule and their society is down the drains.
I sympathize with Common man (everywhere) who suffers most both from police as well as militants and has been mute spectator when minority is butchered and thrown out, that too in India (democratic country). Like Hindus/pundits in Kashmir, or from riots in different parts of country. This puts us to shame.
Our leaders need to wake up and take some harsh action not only in Kashmir but in all part of India and teach these perpetrators of crime such a lesson that they never dare to repeat.