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Pakis and kashmir
by on Mar 07, 2007 02:37 PM  Permalink 

Pakistan is a failed country and it is its congential obsession that one day Kashmir will be in their hands. they have burnt their hands 4 times and I dont know how many ever times, some foolish general will try that again. Kashmiris should understand that economic prosperity and betterment of living conditions can be achived only when they continue to be with India and reap the benefits of the Indias march to the first world.. If they decide to choose the paki line of manufacturing terrorists in madrasas and live in abject poverty througout their life, lets allow them cross the border and get the hell out of India

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What is Kashmiri looking for???//
by biju pillai on Mar 07, 2007 01:05 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

What is kashmiri looking for.
Independence . Ffrom whom????
1. Indian govt. ? So that they can go have there own govt or power. But will that help kashmir to achieve anything ( Anything means any growth ). If yes then look at the developed side of world they are strong and highly developed because they are UNITED.
2. Indian Trrops ? Why did Indian troops come to kashmir. Not for Spending vacation ofcourse and in the due course look at the figures how much of them lost their life without fighting anybody!!.( I wonder if there will be no troops if kashmir is free!! it will be there but it will be kashmiri troops) bcause we cannot forsee any resistance of terriost related activity even in that era.
3.To have democracy. Impossible bcause not Hindu would like to go in state where they where dragged out of there house.
4. for Pak Govt . All the best!!

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RE:What is Kashmiri looking for???//
by Shahryar Pax on Mar 09, 2007 09:58 AM  Permalink
Mirwaiz (a fancy word for mullah?) is hoping for a theocratic kingdom in Kashmir led by him! Which is why he is a separatist.

He acquired his qualification for religious leadership via his genes!

Ideally he should migrate to Pakistan-occupied J&K to look after his flock there which is being oppressed by the Pakistan govt. forces and stop worrying about Indian Kashmiris who seem to be thriving in all states of the Union except J&K, where Paki-sponsored terrorists have not been eradicated yet.

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Don't believe this guy
by Sangeeta Prakash on Mar 03, 2007 12:11 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Idea of withdrawal of forces from Kashmir assuming that militants will never come back is the most bogus idea, I have ever heard as a solution to kashmir problem. pakistan or now these huriyat leaders should never be trusted, becuase we have already seen one kargil.

pakistan is never trustworthy to India. I really believe that one day pakistan will be doomed to its own extremism. The whole world is suffered enough from this nation already. The sad thing is, we gave it birth.

btw, looking at the PoK ( as the above guy says "AZAD Kashmir") condition today I don't think Kashmiris will either happy with today's pakistan though this may satisfy their ego.

Also the idea of free moving between PoK and J&K is pure bulls**t. we should respect the internation borders(pakistan is not willing to fence and mark international borders though). if we allow such infilteration, we are going to see more samjhuata express and mumbai bomb blasts for sure. Indian Govt is doing a really good job and it should continue on its stance without being pressurized by these so called representatives of Kashmir and don't let give a single inch of Kashmir.

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RE:Don't believe this guy
by Shahryar Pax on Mar 09, 2007 09:37 AM  Permalink
Well said, Sangeeta!

The terrorists should first down arms and surrender themselves to the legitimate authorities. After this the GoI may consider reducing the number of peacekeeping forces.

Also Mirwaiz, who claims to be the spiritual leader of Kashmiri muslims (though I doubt if his form of Islam is considered legit by the Saudis!) fails to mention any plans for restoring the properties of the Kashmiri Hindus, who have been living as internally displaced people since his followers terrorised them into leaving their homes.

Mirwaiz should migrate to the Northern Areas to look after the spiritual and temporal well-being of his followers there - according to the Human Rights Watch report ( http://hrw.org/english/docs/2006/09/15/pakist14199.htm ) titled "Pakistan: %u2018Free Kashmir%u2019 Far From Free - Government Opponents Face Torture, Censorship and Political Repression" his people are being oppressed there, especially by the Sunni Punjabis.

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RE:Don't believe this guy
by hello on Mar 03, 2007 02:16 AM  Permalink
Militarize our area more if the enemy gives
threat. De-militarize or reduce if the threat
is less.
Militarize & De-militarize our area based on
enemy's actions.
Think in war terms you will get answer.

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RE:Solution to kashmir
by hello on Mar 03, 2007 01:57 AM  Permalink
Multi color in India praised by Europe & US and
others, some inside India feels that we are too
much tolerating, where countries in similiar
position doesn't even think about tolerating. You are telling here other ways!!!

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Grow up Pakis
by Puneet Mahajan on Mar 02, 2007 11:21 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

These pakis live in a world of their own cut off from reality.. still thinking that they can succeed with force against India. Thats why India's economy is growing by leaps and bounds and Pakistan is going deeper into their own hole of garbage. Buddy, if you have to break a country, you do not take 50 years, you do it in one go, like India did with Pakistan & Bangladesh. Time to think about your own people and move out of extremism or you'll face the reality like Afghanistan did and Iran will soon. (Have not named Iraq, 'cause really that was unjustified)

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RE:Grow up Pakis
by sa sa on Mar 03, 2007 12:45 AM  Permalink
Does India think it can win against pakistan after them having nuclear weapons as well? No one can win a nuclear war

Pakistan will soon get support from Europe because of the problems they face from India in getting their jobs out.

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RE:RE:Grow up Pakis
by bharath Hindu on Mar 03, 2007 03:48 AM  Permalink
Europe supporting pakis?? are u a fool??? not only europe but also in US every body thinks that pakis are terrosists..thats the reason those paki bast@rds tell everyone that they are from India instead of Pakistan for the fear of rebuttal..pakis and bangladeshis open restaurants and name them as Indian restaurants instead of their country's name ...and yet they work for the destruction of India..thats the true nature of muslims..namakhalals...

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RE:RE:RE:RE:Grow up Pakis
by Shahryar Pax on Mar 09, 2007 09:46 AM  Permalink
As a westerner let me assure you that the Christian Church is not pro-science!

Which is why less than 5% of the population in the UK attend church! Actually most of the people who attend church are recent African immigrants!

No educated person in the UK believes in the Christian myth! Sundays are spent in giant retail parks and shopping malls - not in church!

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RE:RE:RE:Grow up Pakis
by G Bush on Mar 03, 2007 12:04 PM  Permalink
Pakis are our non Nato alliance, we will not tolerate if India will attack them.. That reason we are goin to put Anti Missile system in PAK along with poland. to defend Pak from Indian and Russian attack.

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RE:RE:Grow up Pakis
by hello on Mar 03, 2007 01:13 AM  Permalink
Europe will allow PAKI, there are some shortage
of taxi people to do communial harmony.

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by Raj on Mar 02, 2007 10:19 PM  Permalink
Well come, My man, rediffs John the Baptist..
Alright, Holy water man did you know, that your inspiration the dead John was actually a jew.
Allright I will let you figure it out.

Don't be a slave to white man revert back to your old religion

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by James on Mar 03, 2007 12:15 PM  Permalink
before the coming of Muslim rulers there were no HINDU religion in India.. remaining were tribes praying to there god fathers and allll. later on Muslim ruler for maintaining records told all to tell themselves as HINDU, HINDU is a persian word...
Now RSS and BAJRANG dal should either chage thier religion name from HINDU to other name or accept Christain teaching keep and live with people in peaceful way like US, Ausi and European are doing.
That's Y I converted my selfves to Chirstian.. Already converted some 100 hindus to Christian.
James from San Jose USA

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by CHERUVU SRINIVAS on Mar 13, 2007 12:05 AM  Permalink

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by Wild_Wong on Mar 02, 2007 10:08 PM  Permalink
Mr. Thompson, in short you have a damn long way to go but if your understanding without doing proper homework remains as it is seen then the destination could not be reached. Bird eye view...

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by Raj on Mar 02, 2007 10:11 PM  Permalink
How are you doing Dude%u2026
I always thought a Hindu worshiped 33 crore demi god, each god representing an equivalent number of human emotions which was supposed to be tamed. FYI, Hindus pass from Polytheism to monotheism (Para Brahman) and then to Atheist (a person who contemplates the abstract with assumption there is no God while on contrary monotheist start their interpretation of abstract with the assumption of existence of one God)
Some Upanishad celebrates the mental acumen of Atheist. You got to read carefully and understand.

Lets turn to your Monotheist school of thought, which your name suggest your one, with its assumption hampers abstract thinking because of forced faith instead of logic.

I think you have lot of explanation to make for your self about Marry's Immaculate Conception from infinitely long thing that reached earth, you solve this puzzle and then we will later talk abstract. What an Idiot.

Remember, Jew have planted a conspiracy in your religion and you will always be slaves to them, the guys who you worship are all Jews, Your name itself is Jewish so get a Indian name.

To all the shameless Christians in India revert back to your old religion before its too late.

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RE:Dying man always say the truth:
by sa sa on Mar 03, 2007 12:47 AM  Permalink
Hinduism is not our cup of tea

We are not object worshippers

"So all shameless musalmans in India cooperate with us and revert back to Hinduism "

Shameless disgusting hindu

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RE:RE:Dying man always say the truth:
by bharath Hindu on Mar 03, 2007 04:03 AM  Permalink
"We are not object worshippers"...thats the catch mr sa sa..sucker...instead of worshipping a delusion (allah)...I say it's a delsuion because the fellow(muhammed) who said the very existance of ur god is himself a terrorist & rapist.. who killed and advocated the killings of millions in hte name of religion..so one would be a fool to trust this criminals words that allah exists...it's never late..see what Hinduism has to offer to you..just try going through all your days in Islam..what did it give to you? mental agony, extremism, non tolerance, a "terrrorist" brand in the world and most of all a life as stranger in ur own home land...so ..dont keep second thoughts..revert back to the religion of ur forefathers...and live a peaceful life from here after...come back to Hinduism..!!Jai ShriRam!!

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RE:Dying man always say the truth:
by EIJAZ on Mar 03, 2007 03:24 AM  Permalink
u r rite
islam is a hollow religion
unlike hinduism which has a sceintific base for every belief.a day will come when all world will covert to hinduism and become brahmin

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RE:Dying man always say the truth:
by Puneet Mahajan on Mar 02, 2007 11:25 PM  Permalink
Dude, let's not stoop to such levels. Respect your and others religions & beliefs.. least you can do for the community which has given us gems in the field of science, sports, films, music & politics. Extremists are in every religion and its really unfair to blame Indian muslims for this.

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