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RE:RE:Dying man always say the truth:
by bharath Hindu on Mar 03, 2007 04:03 AM

"We are not object worshippers"...thats the catch mr sa sa..sucker...instead of worshipping a delusion (allah)...I say it's a delsuion because the fellow(muhammed) who said the very existance of ur god is himself a terrorist & rapist.. who killed and advocated the killings of millions in hte name of one would be a fool to trust this criminals words that allah's never late..see what Hinduism has to offer to you..just try going through all your days in Islam..what did it give to you? mental agony, extremism, non tolerance, a "terrrorist" brand in the world and most of all a life as stranger in ur own home ..dont keep second thoughts..revert back to the religion of ur forefathers...and live a peaceful life from here after...come back to Hinduism..!!Jai ShriRam!!

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'Pak made many mistakes on J&K'