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by Raj on Mar 02, 2007 10:11 PM

How are you doing Dude%u2026
I always thought a Hindu worshiped 33 crore demi god, each god representing an equivalent number of human emotions which was supposed to be tamed. FYI, Hindus pass from Polytheism to monotheism (Para Brahman) and then to Atheist (a person who contemplates the abstract with assumption there is no God while on contrary monotheist start their interpretation of abstract with the assumption of existence of one God)
Some Upanishad celebrates the mental acumen of Atheist. You got to read carefully and understand.

Lets turn to your Monotheist school of thought, which your name suggest your one, with its assumption hampers abstract thinking because of forced faith instead of logic.

I think you have lot of explanation to make for your self about Marry's Immaculate Conception from infinitely long thing that reached earth, you solve this puzzle and then we will later talk abstract. What an Idiot.

Remember, Jew have planted a conspiracy in your religion and you will always be slaves to them, the guys who you worship are all Jews, Your name itself is Jewish so get a Indian name.

To all the shameless Christians in India revert back to your old religion before its too late.

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'Pak made many mistakes on J&K'