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jor ka jatka dhire se
by dakshesh pandya on Feb 27, 2007 01:22 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

God is great. so far this chidambaram and congress were taking indian people for granted(what BJP did last time), giving them jor ka jatka dhire se, now it is indian people's turn, our people have given them the same JOR KA JATKA DHIRE SE, enjoy chidambaram and congress.

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Manmohan be a true SARDAR!!
by Nanda on Feb 27, 2007 01:16 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Mr PM, Punjab election is big lesson for you.you are use less PM INDIA ever seen!!!
Don't hide your self under soniyas sarry!!!
be a true SARDARJ!!

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RE:Manmohan be a true SARDAR!!
by mukeshjuyal@smartsafex.com on Feb 27, 2007 01:46 PM  Permalink
ITS TRU YOUNG MAN Mr. manmohan have mada god mother to Mrs.SONIYA

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what difference does it make
by dakshesh pandya on Feb 27, 2007 01:06 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

normally when opposition party gets power they think they have done good, in reality the truth is people in powder have performed bad.in india parties come to power not because of their performance but because of non performance of opposite party.

as far as we are concern, there is nothing to become happy or sad about it, they win but we as people of india always lose. simply because we are not active. nobody wants to do anything. it is all passing the buck for all of us.complaining is our way of life.india will change when we all start working in that direction.

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RE:what difference does it make
by Ashish Chaskar on Feb 27, 2007 01:25 PM  Permalink
well said!

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RE:what difference does it make
by Kishore Jain on Feb 27, 2007 01:14 PM  Permalink
mr.pandya, u have hit the nail on the head.

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RE:RE:what difference does it make
by dakshesh pandya on Feb 27, 2007 01:20 PM  Permalink
thnks, i m happy there are people like you and me who understands the reality. all the best

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RE:RE:RE:what difference does it make
by Nikhil P on Feb 27, 2007 01:23 PM  Permalink
You don't understand the reality. People had more than two choices in the election. So if they chose a particular party then it is because they did a good job. Just because you don't support the winner and can't think objectively does not mean you can act smart. You have to be smart to act smart.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:what difference does it make
by Ashish Chaskar on Feb 27, 2007 01:31 PM  Permalink
Nikhil, Stop non-sense. No need for you to comment on everything which you do not like. Everyone know what political parties are worth of! Especially your BJP. I do not see a single good thing BJP had done in its 5 years tenure. It is as much useless as Congress and other parties.

So please shut up and let other people speak whatever they want.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:what difference does it make
by Nikhil P on Feb 27, 2007 01:42 PM  Permalink
I don't know anything good that your congress has done in it's 60 (5x12) years' rule.They broke the country and have done nothing about terrorism.
so you shut up if you don't know history or don't care about the country's security. YOU let people speak whatever they want.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:what difference does it make
by Ashish Chaskar on Feb 27, 2007 01:55 PM  Permalink
You misread me (again). I do not support congress also. I just say, you let other people speak what they want or oppose them in cilvilized manner. Do not let your personal frustration come out on rediff.com. You know what I mean? :)

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:what difference does it make
by Nikhil P on Feb 27, 2007 02:04 PM  Permalink
I didn't misread you. you need to follow your own principle and let others have their say.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:what difference does it make
by Ashish Chaskar on Feb 27, 2007 02:25 PM  Permalink
You can have your say in civilized manner.

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bjp regain power
by rajarajan somasundaram on Feb 27, 2007 12:56 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

this is the signal for bjp to regain power from the sonia-quottrajee aliance cum idiot manmohan-selfish karunanidhi-dhayahithi allaince.

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RE:bjp regain power
by Gmail Rediffmail on Feb 27, 2007 01:07 PM  Permalink
yes, breaking news. 4 TOP(Lost) leaders of BJP dreaming for becoming PM

fight starts from few seats in punjab. let Badal to be amde PM

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RE:I want my job back at PHSC Mohali !!!
by Idhries Ahmad on Feb 27, 2007 12:52 PM  Permalink

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Punjab SAD-BJP Heading towards power
by on Feb 27, 2007 12:37 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The people always fed up with ruling parties and think another will give relief, but it cannot be, all are same but only change of label. The people have to suffer with govt. ill-logical decisions. There will be no miracles to change the economic conditions of people, it is the ground reality. See the prices of essential commodaties, rate of Bank interest, unemployment and other social problems, no major changes have made by any govt. since 60 years. It is only change of power from time to time.(ismailsk)

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RE:Punjab SAD-BJP Heading towards power
by Nikhil P on Feb 27, 2007 12:39 PM  Permalink
there hasn't been much change in power at the center. educate yourself before crying. only congress and leftists have ruled for 90% of the time.

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RE:RE:Punjab SAD-BJP Heading towards power
by Ashish Chaskar on Feb 27, 2007 01:34 PM  Permalink
Instead of telling other to educate themselves, I request you to enrich yourself with good manners and learn the ethics of communication. That will help you in long term in your personal life. Instead of supporting some non-sense. All the best.

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RE:RE:Punjab SAD-BJP Heading towards power
by rajarajan somasundaram on Feb 27, 2007 12:59 PM  Permalink
r u educate? u r also in a sonia-quatrache allaince.

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RE:RE:Punjab SAD-BJP Heading towards power
by PARAMVIR SAWHNEY on Feb 27, 2007 12:45 PM  Permalink
That is why the coumtry is in deep deep mess.

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RE:RE:RE:Punjab SAD-BJP Heading towards power
by shamarao moorthy on Feb 27, 2007 12:52 PM  Permalink
Absolutely true

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Very good chance for BJP to capture new Lok Sabha Election
by Carti Rengasamy on Feb 27, 2007 12:33 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The BJP can capture the new Parliament elections if they awake from the present infighting in the party. They should install a very good CMs to run their governments. they should sacifice for the welfare of the public and development of the state. Do or die for the well being of the public. Very good chance!

R. Karthikesan, MMG Nagar, Karaikal

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RE:Very good chance for BJP to capture new Lok Sabha Election
by on Feb 27, 2007 01:49 PM  Permalink
Yes Leaders like LALU Prasad required who has no shame after being involved in the Fodder meant for animals of Bihar. I think all politicians shaould have Fodder of Bihar to turn out our India like lalloos efforts in INDIAN RAILWAYS into Profits magnificiently and educating all management graduatess Globally management students of Wharton and IIMA

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RE:Very good chance for BJP to capture new Lok Sabha Election
by Dhananjay choudry on Feb 27, 2007 01:48 PM  Permalink
You are correct Mr.Rengasamy.BJP & BJP allience CM will be really doing good and they will do better then present CM of congress & thier allience.Take example of Mr.Narendra Modi,Mr.Raman Singh.Mrs Vasundhra Raje Sindhia,Mr Nitish Kumar etc..

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Blow to Mr.Manmohan.
by satya narayana on Feb 27, 2007 12:33 PM  Permalink 

Definetly, it is a dis-grace to Mr.Prime Minster.He had not fulfilled the promises of Punjabi's,more-over hurt their sentiments by stooping-down to Sonia Gandhi. At-least now even come-out of her Shadow and exhibit his powers, as his mentor Shri.P,V.Narasimha Rao did to save other assembly segments from humiliation.

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Some one save mother india
by saif naik on Feb 27, 2007 12:26 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Reading all the messages posted here, i can see india becoming an intolerant nation soon. We are just going to become another developed afganistan

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RE:Some one save mother india
by Nikhil P on Feb 27, 2007 12:53 PM  Permalink
islamic terrorism has to be stopped in our country to make progress and stop ourselves from being another afghanistan

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RE:RE:Some one save mother india
by sohail ahmed on Feb 27, 2007 01:22 PM  Permalink
All you out there are frogs trapped in a deep well, you can't think beyond "Jihad, Islamic terrorism, muslim appeasement etc,etc..." try to get first hand info regarding islam before commenting on it. no matter what u/the western world/isreal try, u can not prevent islam from spreading fast across the entire world, just check out the growth rate of islam in the US (the country spending billions of dollors to kill islam) u'll get most of ur answers. so my dear friends stop worrying abt "islamic terrorism" the tool which the likes of BJP and Bush are using to mislead gullible people like u and who are spreading hate in the name of peace... as far as how our country can progress 1) have mutual trust for all faiths
2) stop corruption in all govt. offices
3) give equal oppurtunities to all citizens.
4) help the poor and lesser mortols to lead a life of dignity.
the list is much more... the summary is don't divide the community in the lines of "hindu/ muslim/sikh etc" , if u can't spread love at least do not spread hate..may god guide u in the right direction

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RE:RE:RE:Some one save mother india
by Ranga Krishnan on Feb 27, 2007 01:58 PM  Permalink
O Poor Shhil,
First you try to follow the same in your home. We do not know much about Islam. But we know lot about Terrorists. All TERRORISTS ARE MUSLIMS AND THEY NOT ONLY KILL NON- MUSLIMS BUT THEY WILL KILL THEIR FELLOW MUSLIMS TOO.

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RE:RE:RE:Some one save mother india
by Nikhil P on Feb 27, 2007 01:34 PM  Permalink
hahahaha, if the us wants to kill islam, they just need to drop 5 of their 10000 nuclear bombs on the middle east. But muslims love conspiracy theories. Soon there will be a day when muslims will want to liberate themselves from the intolerant religion of submission. Free people of America would never accept to submit themselves to a religion of submission that will still their freedom. Only criminals in jails and mentally instable people in america convert to islam. On the other hand millians and millians of educated americans follow hinduism and practice yoga and vegetarianism. you can find yoga center on every block in america. educate yourself before talkin based on emotions.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:Some one save mother india
by sohail ahmed on Feb 27, 2007 05:02 PM  Permalink
Hi Nikhil,
send in ur idea to Bush, he'll recruit u in the Army and post u in Iraq, he is desperately looking for people like u.
i don't blame u for the foolish views u have abt muslims and islam, like i mentioned, there are many in the deep well who don't want to come out and know the reality.
i being a muslim do not hate othe religions including hinduism. the reason for the US example i gave is only to show that if muslim/islam was such a bad religion then how come we have so many followers world wide, and for ur kind information all this happened in the last 1500 yrs. and if you reason that islam spread due to force then who is forcing people now world wide in the developed contries?

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RE:RE:Some one save mother india
by saif naik on Feb 27, 2007 01:25 PM  Permalink
Terrorism is everywhere my friend.Some of it is large scale like in kashmir some of it is small scale like messages on rediff that terrorize ppl with their though

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RE:RE:RE:Some one save mother india
by Nikhil P on Feb 27, 2007 01:38 PM  Permalink
true and only people of a certain religion follow terrorism and create trouble whether be it offline or online

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RE:RE:RE:Some one save mother india
by Sameer Bhatia on Feb 27, 2007 01:40 PM  Permalink
Mr saif
U r terrorized just by the message on rediff.think of the people in kashmir,mumbai blasts,delhi blast,coimbatore blast, godhra train etc etc where ur people have converted these messages into reality.Good luck my friend u in india and not in Afghan and Napakistan

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RE:RE:Some one save mother india
by Ashish Chaskar on Feb 27, 2007 01:37 PM  Permalink
ha ha ha.. INdia becoming Afganistan. Very well horror fantasy. This shows your level of imagination and intellect and knowledge of Indian society.

Enough you have shown your brainlessness. Keep your mouth shut now.

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RE:RE:Some one save mother india
by Kishore Babu TVN on Feb 27, 2007 01:03 PM  Permalink
stop talking nonsence, India will never become like Afghanistan...even after u ppl splitting MOTHER INDIA, India still has given equal
rights to you ppl as that of other ppl.Btw, why u ppl only has proble in India or with Hidhus , when other minority ppl are living happily.
what's the rights given to non-muslims in Afgan or pak.Is it needed to compare? Got it.Correct yourself and ur brothers before pointing others.

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RE:RE:Some one save mother india
by N Mangalesh on Feb 27, 2007 01:07 PM  Permalink
elect BJP TO POWER IN NEXT ELECTIONS or else call Mr Bush to solve India's problem with Musharaf giving him an helping hand like in Afganistan where he spoiled a neighbor.

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RE:RE:RE:Some one save mother india
by Nikhil P on Feb 27, 2007 01:16 PM  Permalink
Bush should become Sonia Gandhi of BJP after he retires in 2008

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RE:Some one save mother india
by S.Kumar on Feb 27, 2007 12:59 PM  Permalink
Don't worry. The hindu population in our country is still more than 80 %. Decreasing hindu population will take our country as like afganistan. We don't allow such a situation........

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RE:RE:Some one save mother india
by Sushil G B on Feb 27, 2007 01:10 PM  Permalink
I do agree but the main problem with us (Hindu) is that we don't have UNITY and this fact is known to the terrorist religion.

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RE:RE:RE:Some one save mother india
by seekingram an on Feb 27, 2007 01:20 PM  Permalink
It's a fact that in this era of terror Religion hindu's need leaders like Modi in prime ministers chair ...

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RE:RE:RE:RE:Some one save mother india
by Sushil G B on Feb 27, 2007 03:22 PM  Permalink
Modi should be made chief of Army and just see how our country will be free from all terrorist activities & terrorists just like Gujarat. Mind it, Modiji & myself talking only about the terrorist and not the entire community but majority of the Hindus & all Muslims are under the impression that BJP is anti-Muslim party.

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RE:Some one save mother india
by Kashi Akhoon on Feb 27, 2007 12:37 PM  Permalink
Your views reflect the views of Fanatic muslims, It will never happen in india as the majority population of MOTHER INDIA is of CIVILISED HINDUS.It is better for you to have optimistic thinking

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RE:RE:Some one save mother india
by saif naik on Feb 27, 2007 12:46 PM  Permalink
i cant waste my time explaining to people like u'll all i can say is ur interpretation is flawed.And please think before you speak, there are a lot of terrorists at home to. So before you can start eliminating terrorists outside eliminate the terrorists in our home.I need not tell you who these are

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RE:RE:RE:Some one save mother india
by satish juplli on Feb 27, 2007 12:56 PM  Permalink
If you really know who they are please go ahead and tell it to people out there. Or else stop talking this crap.
The messages only shows that your inability to understand the peoples verdict. By the way are you from India or Italy. I can see only people from Italy are supporting Congress :)

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RE:RE:RE:Some one save mother india
by ratnesh srivastav on Feb 27, 2007 01:05 PM  Permalink
To some extent I support what u have said, but this is reality of 21st century. Common man is fed up with the divisive policies of politicians. He is more fed up because people from these so called minority communities do nothing to kick out their religious leaders who claim to represent them politically.

What right does Imamm of jama masjid has to speak on behalf of alll indian muslims on political issues. Why muslims do not kick such people out. Imam is supposed to pray and not interfere in politics. Such interference paints politics as communal and as a result we have divisions in society.
Indians some day willl become so much intolerant that we will have a civil war and result will be extremely terrible. More over these mullahs are pawns of neighaboring (Na)pakistan and lose no opportunity to create trouble.
I ask you (as I believe that u are capable of objective thinking with open mind) as why most of riots happen on friday?
why do some sections of muslims support pakistan when the roti they eat is indian (in short why are some sections gaddaar)?
Why the states having socalled saviours of muslims --lalu, mullayam are least developed where as normal states have high degree of development (example South India)?
It is clear that secularism (pseudo in india) is another name for corruption.

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RE:RE:RE:Some one save mother india
by Ranga Krishnan on Feb 27, 2007 01:42 PM  Permalink
Rightly said Saif.
We have lot of terrorits in India who are hand in glove with Pakistan and funded by Pakistan. not only we have to eliminate the terrorits in India but we have to erase pakistan too. then only the global terror problem will come to an end.

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RE:RE:RE:Some one save mother india
by deepak angirwal on Feb 27, 2007 01:22 PM  Permalink
the distroyed babri, that was our own temple & u must know babar is one of early terririst who attact us and distroyed tempals of thousand. we are proude v distroyed only one .still their is time to understand indian muslim that they were hindus,forsefully converted to muslim.

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RE:RE:RE:Some one save mother india
by Nikhil P on Feb 27, 2007 12:51 PM  Permalink
yeah, we must stop terrorists at home from burning trains and blasting buses,trains and temples. They do nasty things in our country and their brothers help elect congress government, which takes no action against terrorists. Congress and terrorists need each other.
Only BJP can end terrorism.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:Some one save mother india
by saif naik on Feb 27, 2007 12:56 PM  Permalink
Yes we can also stop them by breaking mosques and instigating riots creating orphans so that they can be brainwashed to become terrorists. Remember that military action against terrorism will only spawn it. the only way to stop it is the gandian way.if we behaved like the way we want to now pre-independence i think the british would still be there and we would as usual be labelled terrorists

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Some one save mother india
by satish juplli on Feb 27, 2007 01:07 PM  Permalink
Now you are talking about demolishing mosques. Think about the Muslim rulers , can you please tell the count , the number of temples (not jsut Hindu) including jain, Budaa and etc. were destroyed by them. Before pointing a finger at somebody look at your self and then talk. And Indians are much matured than waht you think. Grow up my boy. You are able to post this kind of Comment because you are in India. You cant do the same in Afganistan & pakistan. Don't you think so. :)

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Some one save mother india
by Ranga Krishnan on Feb 27, 2007 01:44 PM  Permalink
Saif Boi,
what is wrong in demolishing the mosques which were constructed by barbarian Mogals after DEMOLISHING TEMPLES.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Some one save mother india
by Kumar on Feb 27, 2007 01:09 PM  Permalink
Do you know the gandian way. Why your mind became violent on seeing BJP's victory. Is it nonviolent?.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Some one save mother india
by Nikhil P on Feb 27, 2007 01:03 PM  Permalink
yes, we should hang anyone who trains orphans to be terrorists and peacefully rebuild temples where mosques were build on them. gandian way has not stopped terrorism. gandian way broke the country. gandi's congress is running the country ever since we got freedom. If british had stayed, at least the country would not have been devided and they would have taken care of terrorists the way they do in afghanistan.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Some one save mother india
by Sushil G B on Feb 27, 2007 01:17 PM  Permalink
Bull shit! You are talking about which mosque?! The one at Ram Temple! Go and read Kuran my dear. It says if namaaz is not offered in a mosque for more than 6 months then its not a mosque but simply a structure of bricks. If you people really have problem with Hindu then bleedy why r u staying here. The choise of staying here is yours and no one is forcing. Do and stay where u are called as MUZAHEDDIN!

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RE:RE:RE:RE:Some one save mother india
by seekingram an on Feb 27, 2007 01:15 PM  Permalink
Well said Nikhil babu :)

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