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RE:RE:Some one save mother india
by sohail ahmed on Feb 27, 2007 01:22 PM

All you out there are frogs trapped in a deep well, you can't think beyond "Jihad, Islamic terrorism, muslim appeasement etc,etc..." try to get first hand info regarding islam before commenting on it. no matter what u/the western world/isreal try, u can not prevent islam from spreading fast across the entire world, just check out the growth rate of islam in the US (the country spending billions of dollors to kill islam) u'll get most of ur answers. so my dear friends stop worrying abt "islamic terrorism" the tool which the likes of BJP and Bush are using to mislead gullible people like u and who are spreading hate in the name of peace... as far as how our country can progress 1) have mutual trust for all faiths
2) stop corruption in all govt. offices
3) give equal oppurtunities to all citizens.
4) help the poor and lesser mortols to lead a life of dignity.
the list is much more... the summary is don't divide the community in the lines of "hindu/ muslim/sikh etc" , if u can't spread love at least do not spread hate..may god guide u in the right direction

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