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RE:RE:RE:RE:Some one save mother india
by sohail ahmed on Feb 27, 2007 05:02 PM

Hi Nikhil,
send in ur idea to Bush, he'll recruit u in the Army and post u in Iraq, he is desperately looking for people like u.
i don't blame u for the foolish views u have abt muslims and islam, like i mentioned, there are many in the deep well who don't want to come out and know the reality.
i being a muslim do not hate othe religions including hinduism. the reason for the US example i gave is only to show that if muslim/islam was such a bad religion then how come we have so many followers world wide, and for ur kind information all this happened in the last 1500 yrs. and if you reason that islam spread due to force then who is forcing people now world wide in the developed contries?

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