Civilization is not raising high in air, raisin the the buildings to the sky, not lighting the fears in peoples heart, it's all about humanity, loving each other with goodness, kindness, helping each other, & living in peace...plz teach your children how live on this earth rather than how to earn money/fame/...plz be humans
Shiv Raj Singh BEDI says"I wish to say: if anywhere morality, humanity and human conscience are still alive in greater part of humanity it is in India." He is correct! But once upon a time the morality, not only morality, the harmony between people,as well as the wealth was touching near 100%(may be some exceptions were existing ) WHY? Because the 'Sanatan Dharma Culture ' was predominant! What is 'Sanatan Dharma Culture'? It is a complete allcovering life style which attracted men from other countries!Day to day living to rituals after death, keeping the subjects to the Gods happy , treating any outsider as a special being and in short 'what not'? That culture cracked during muslim rules and destructed during British rule, surprisingly with the help of Indians ,BUT NOR RESTORED AFTER INDEPENCENCE!There was no use of locks in people's lives! A woman would not be touched (tortures on women started during muslim rule) Let anyone read the TRUTHFUL HISTORYand he will know everything! In today's context, because parliamentarians failed to deliver, people shoild take the initiative to know the correct history and DEMANR RESTORATION OF GOLDEN ERA THET EXISTED IN INDIA! IT CAN BE ACHIEVED IN VERY LESS TIME OF INE YEAR OPTIMITICALLY OR LATEST BY THE 2009 GENERAL ELECTION!
We Indians are people of extreme nature. Even self-criticism with us is in extreme. Having lived in the West for the last 32 years and having worked and dealt with people from all cultures and continents and yet fully in touch with India by making frequent visits, with respect for all cultures and systems, in all fairness, despite all the known negativity in our country, I wish to say: if anywhere morality, humanity and human conscience are still alive in greater part of humanity it is in India. It is good what Gen Thappan has said because even that bit of inhunaity what we see around these days in our society is not tolerable. But, it hurts, and is indeed disrespectful to those, and they are still in majority not a minority, who live their lives with moral principles. At the misery of others if still hearts bleed and come forward for help unasked, those hearts are more in among ondinary Indians than anywhere on this planet. It is no mere sentimentalism or a wave of emotion, it is my impartial reading as a 59 years, in all humility, an international jurist, international relations expert and political scientist, who has studied world cultures and history. This world, including India, does direly need a moral and spiritual rennaisance. And if there is any country which can take a lead in that direction it is India and its ordinary people in its villages. It is the moral duty of the so-called educated and high to recognize their potential and give them opportunity to do so. I TRULY KNEEL FOR THEM AND KISS THEIR FEET LITERALLY,for it is from them I have learnt what I have learnt so far; and they are MANY, MANY and MANY in India and also in other countries. God bless their morality, for it is simply by being their present among us we can breath some morality. They are silent but they do so much good to the whole world silently that we cannot do even by writing and shouting. Those who know forces of physics and spirituality both well understand it well and that is what Indian ancestry has given to us and many of us have still have it to share with rest of the world. Hence, the situation of morality in India on the surface of it is sad by the standrads of the prevailing ones but by no means hopeless by the standards of the ordinary, MANY.
Rediff has done something useful in getting a sensible person review our so called historic armed exploits. Well said Gen Thappan. Half of the foolishness that we do in geopolitics are strictly due to the lack of maturity in dealing with diplomatic issues and providing them with the importance they deserve. I guess it's time for all of us to get bored of all this hocus- pocus of india going global and tatas and ambanis doing what not, and rather settle down at our own homes and start looking around to find ways to help this society.
RE:well said
by IndiaCarerFromAbroad on Feb 06, 2007 01:05 AM Permalink
Hi, Japan started with some small electronic items most of them made with mica or cardboard type of materials during 1960 or 1970. China started with some cheap plastic toys during 1979 after Nixon's visit. So, what do you tell now? Is that ok? or leave and sit in home instead of giving a try?
RE:RE:well said
by Alok Dube on Feb 07, 2007 11:53 AM Permalink
excatly! it is sooo funny! "only 30%" of the biggest defence deal contracts are spent back in india!! 30% of 300 million is peanuts! that explains why our PSU salaries are lower!
RE:RE:RE:RE:well said
by Alok Dube on Feb 08, 2007 12:28 PM Permalink
The question is not production, the question is how much of "our own money" is spread back among us. That is what is important. Indians dont spend money easily, but whatever is spent should make jobs back in India, that would be a good model.
spending billions on a air show and on guns, then dumping them as outdated and buying new ones (from abroad..remember our own defence is "imported") when we could use the same money to provide housing, food and clothing to the poor is proper morality. I appreciate the author and i respect his age and sentiments, I still do not think we need to get our priorities right. Imagine sitting in a bar with some people in Eu and saying "we have a great defence budget and a powerful armed forces structure" and they retort with "does everyone in your countru have enough money to buy groceries, or do you just make jobs for the other countries who manufacture this stuff". Morality is a relative term. Being powerful body builder without a decent lifestyle is also not something to be proud of. It it this aspect that people seek today and hence the "rat race" to climb on top. If instead of defence India had spent the same amount of money in eradicating these problems, Indians would be better of as a whole
RE:yea right!
by NAFASAT KHAN on Feb 05, 2007 01:36 PM Permalink
friend,you are missing the point.why it it is so that religiosity(I term it Pakhand personally,but I don't want to offend the simple religious persons)is increasing,Moralality is coming down.All are naked in this Hammam be Muslims,Hindus,Christians,jains,etc.etc.all are requested to ponder.a part of ill-earned money is being spent on so-called religious works,like giving "commission'to it religion,totlly sans of Morality!
RE:RE:RE:yea right!
by NAFASAT KHAN on Feb 05, 2007 01:59 PM Permalink
definetely immoral.but what to do, when our late leaders like nehruji etc had left the country to deal with china/pakistan?had sardar vallabhbhai had the reign in his hand,the picture would have been different.
RE:RE:RE:RE:yea right!
by Alok Dube on Feb 05, 2007 04:21 PM Permalink
the question is not 1947 the question is today take a realistic case a. china can kick our ass even today b. pak will not kick our ass for another 20 years even if we just dont touch defense c. US,Japan,blah blah, have better things to do than bomb us d. the europeans are not bothered about attacking us, they know we are too huge a place to manage so in realistic terms as of date, do we need such a big defense expenditure? It would be better if our own defense budget was generating jobs in india in indian companies and if it means we dont have a missile for the next 10 years, so what? at least unlike the govt agencies, the private players have more to loose if things dont go their way! so yes spending money on anything which doesnt make jobs back in india is immoral. Sardar Patel would never ever let the indian defence be controlled by international trade
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:yea right!
by IndiaCarerFromAbroad on Feb 05, 2007 08:34 PM Permalink
Hi, No one can even try to kick our ass as of today. It is not about kicking our ass. It is about just before trying to kicking our ass or immediately after attempting to kicking our ass. Think about big countries giving importance to even small countries & making them friendly. So, in this world, we should not get anybody's hatred. Love others, comment others if they do mistake. If anybody tell about our problems, accept it and try to correct. It applies to any other nations too. If any one breach the norms, then they have to prepared for their grave yard!!!
RE:yea right!
by Mayya Suresh on Feb 05, 2007 12:55 PM Permalink
With all what you say, Morality is still that vital aiota that is missing in our society. It is not something exclusive, it should be inclusive.
Hi, I feel the clothing issue should be regional instead of religion. It is wrong to show skin in Snow or during the time of winter. As it is dangerous to the skin & could die due to hydertherma!!! But Indian climate is moderate, there is no harm in wearing light dresses to escape from the over buring heat in some cities. Think democratic!!!