the question is not 1947 the question is today take a realistic case a. china can kick our ass even today b. pak will not kick our ass for another 20 years even if we just dont touch defense c. US,Japan,blah blah, have better things to do than bomb us d. the europeans are not bothered about attacking us, they know we are too huge a place to manage so in realistic terms as of date, do we need such a big defense expenditure? It would be better if our own defense budget was generating jobs in india in indian companies and if it means we dont have a missile for the next 10 years, so what? at least unlike the govt agencies, the private players have more to loose if things dont go their way! so yes spending money on anything which doesnt make jobs back in india is immoral. Sardar Patel would never ever let the indian defence be controlled by international trade