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yea right!
by Alok Dube on Feb 05, 2007 11:51 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

spending billions on a air show and on guns, then dumping them as outdated and buying new ones (from abroad..remember our own defence is "imported") when we could use the same money to provide housing, food and clothing to the poor is proper morality.
I appreciate the author and i respect his age and sentiments, I still do not think we need to get our priorities right.
Imagine sitting in a bar with some people in Eu and saying "we have a great defence budget and a powerful armed forces structure" and they retort with "does everyone in your countru have enough money to buy groceries, or do you just make jobs for the other countries who manufacture this stuff".
Morality is a relative term. Being powerful body builder without a decent lifestyle is also not something to be proud of. It it this aspect that people seek today and hence the "rat race" to climb on top. If instead of defence India had spent the same amount of money in eradicating these problems, Indians would be better of as a whole

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  RE:yea right!
by NAFASAT KHAN on Feb 05, 2007 01:36 PM   Permalink
friend,you are missing the point.why it it is so that religiosity(I term it Pakhand personally,but I don't want to offend the simple religious persons)is increasing,Moralality is coming down.All are naked in this Hammam be Muslims,Hindus,Christians,jains,etc.etc.all are requested to ponder.a part of ill-earned money is being spent on so-called religious works,like giving "commission'to it religion,totlly sans of Morality!

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  RE:RE:yea right!
by Alok Dube on Feb 05, 2007 01:41 PM   Permalink
and buying weapons is moral?

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  RE:RE:RE:yea right!
by NAFASAT KHAN on Feb 05, 2007 01:59 PM   Permalink
definetely immoral.but what to do, when our late leaders like nehruji etc had left the country to deal with china/pakistan?had sardar vallabhbhai had the reign in his hand,the picture would have been different.

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  RE:RE:RE:RE:yea right!
by Alok Dube on Feb 05, 2007 04:21 PM   Permalink
the question is not 1947 the question is today
take a realistic case
a. china can kick our ass even today
b. pak will not kick our ass for another 20 years even if we just dont touch defense
c. US,Japan,blah blah, have better things to do than bomb us
d. the europeans are not bothered about attacking us, they know we are too huge a place to manage
so in realistic terms as of date, do we need such a big defense expenditure?
It would be better if our own defense budget was generating jobs in india in indian companies and if it means we dont have a missile for the next 10 years, so what? at least unlike the govt agencies, the private players have more to loose if things dont go their way!
so yes spending money on anything which doesnt make jobs back in india is immoral. Sardar Patel would never ever let the indian defence be controlled by international trade

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  RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:yea right!
by IndiaCarerFromAbroad on Feb 05, 2007 08:34 PM   Permalink
No one can even try to kick our ass as of today. It is not about kicking our ass. It is
about just before trying to kicking our ass or
immediately after attempting to kicking our ass.
Think about big countries giving importance to
even small countries & making them friendly.
So, in this world, we should not get anybody's
hatred. Love others, comment others if they do
mistake. If anybody tell about our problems,
accept it and try to correct.
It applies to any other nations too.
If any one breach the norms, then they have to
prepared for their grave yard!!!

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  RE:yea right!
by Mayya Suresh on Feb 05, 2007 12:55 PM   Permalink
With all what you say, Morality is still that vital aiota that is missing in our society. It is not something exclusive, it should be inclusive.

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71 War: We should've stayed out