We Indians are people of extreme nature. Even self-criticism with us is in extreme. Having lived in the West for the last 32 years and having worked and dealt with people from all cultures and continents and yet fully in touch with India by making frequent visits, with respect for all cultures and systems, in all fairness, despite all the known negativity in our country, I wish to say: if anywhere morality, humanity and human conscience are still alive in greater part of humanity it is in India. It is good what Gen Thappan has said because even that bit of inhunaity what we see around these days in our society is not tolerable. But, it hurts, and is indeed disrespectful to those, and they are still in majority not a minority, who live their lives with moral principles. At the misery of others if still hearts bleed and come forward for help unasked, those hearts are more in among ondinary Indians than anywhere on this planet. It is no mere sentimentalism or a wave of emotion, it is my impartial reading as a 59 years, in all humility, an international jurist, international relations expert and political scientist, who has studied world cultures and history. This world, including India, does direly need a moral and spiritual rennaisance. And if there is any country which can take a lead in that direction it is India and its ordinary people in its villages. It is the moral duty of the so-called educated and high to recognize their potential and give them opportunity to do so. I TRULY KNEEL FOR THEM AND KISS THEIR FEET LITERALLY,for it is from them I have learnt what I have learnt so far; and they are MANY, MANY and MANY in India and also in other countries. God bless their morality, for it is simply by being their present among us we can breath some morality. They are silent but they do so much good to the whole world silently that we cannot do even by writing and shouting. Those who know forces of physics and spirituality both well understand it well and that is what Indian ancestry has given to us and many of us have still have it to share with rest of the world. Hence, the situation of morality in India on the surface of it is sad by the standrads of the prevailing ones but by no means hopeless by the standards of the ordinary, MANY.