Sick(u)lar Congress and commies neither want to foresee the future nor do the accept the fact.
by AnUnknownIndian on Dec 29, 2007 09:26 AM Permalink | Hide replies
Sick(u)lar Congress and commies neither want to foresee the future nor do the accept the fact. The fact is for last 60 years, they have been fooling Indians mainly Muslims. They purposefully kept the muslims in India under developed to use them as vote banks and muslims too believe that congress will get them heaven. Educated muslims have already understood this.
Muslims also should realize that they wanted Pakistan and the got it. And the muslims who stayed back in India should follow the union civil code. They should enjoy the citizenship along with the majority, BUT not at the cost of the majority. They should be told in clear-cut terms that if not happy they are free to leave India. We do not want another Pak out of India.
If a Roman (Italian) can be an India within 20 years and accept the laws of India, Muslims who are born in India can do as well.
Sonia says she has clinching evidence provided cnnibn and cpi(M) squarely blaming modi for the assasination of Benazir.
Infact the evidence is said to be so damning that MMS has agreed not to lose anymore sleep over benazir.
In the meantime, CPI(M) has forwarded the film to beijing and is waiting for further directions. In other news, Laloo and Karunanidhi confirm he has made enough money for today and the lorries carrying them have reached their respective warehouse. Infact all the CM's in india say that
RE:Breaking news
by Libran on Dec 29, 2007 09:45 AM Permalink
One correction - It was Beijing that sent film to CPIM with instructions to how to use the same
by Tathagata Mukherjee on Dec 29, 2007 08:32 AM Permalink | Hide replies
by Libran on Dec 29, 2007 09:49 AM Permalink
TM I don't agree that psuedos are now understnding. All of them including that semi-literate Italian have understood that long back. They just don't care. Right now they are talking abt it openly because they want to divert the attn from Guj and HP and they have no news of their own!! So this is just time pass!!
The onus for Pakistan current state rests with both China and USA. Most of the news reports talk about only USA, but very few talk about China. But any military decision China is consulted. You never know if China is conniving with Mush to kill Bhutto such that USA is troubled .
There is only talk about effect on India, why there is no talk on China. Its the toughness with which China deals with these kind of issues. China has stamped out Uyghur rebels in Xinjiang province very violently. Some of the Uyghurs has dealings with al-quaida China is cognizant of this fact and deal with them very violently. Similarly in stamping out terrorism in our country the government should be ruthless. They have to weed out extremist elements like SIMI from universities, Naxals etc. with out any qualms. May be they need to bring back TADA once again. Sometime I think democracy is a curse for our country. If our country is also a communist country like China we would not have the extremist issues like the way we have right now. We needs leaders like Indira Gandhi who has taken such a bold decision to send troupes in the Golden Temple. I am not sure whether any other current crop of leaders has her stature.
RE:Pakistan current state
by sam on Dec 29, 2007 08:37 AM Permalink
What ever you say, we need to totaly wipe out the congress and other Psuedo Secular parties then only we can think of terror free India. Dont praise Indira Gandhi, Golden Temple issue of her creation. Bhindranwale was Indiras creation just like Osama was CIA's creation. Bhindranwale was not the only creation of Congress, LTTE was another big disaster planned by Congress. Still no one ever questions this Gandhi Parivar, which is just using Gandhi title for Political mileage. How come Rajiv and Sanjay become Gandhi when there father's were two muslim men. This congress is the root of the problem, you eliminate congress and you get a terror free country.
RE:Pakistan current state
by Ekalavya Krishnan on Dec 29, 2007 04:34 PM Permalink
If Feroze Gandhi was a Parsi can you tell how is father's name was Nawab Khan? The chap who supplied liquor to Ananada Bhavan
RE:Pakistan current state
by siddharth on Dec 29, 2007 10:12 AM Permalink
It is about time we put an end to thid gandhi-nehru menace that is stopping the country from progressing.It was stupidity of Nehru that cost us half of kashmir and Tibet.It was the stupidity of Rajiv Gandhi that cost our troops dearly in sri-lanka.Who knows how dearly Sonia Gandhi-Manmohan Singh junta is going to cost the country.
Hindus or Muslims or Christians, doesnot matter. Everybody goes to the ground after death. Religion just helps the politician to earn their fantasy life.
The situation will begin to unravel in India in the next few months and years. There are deep fissures in Indian society driven by injustices and state terrorism perpetrated against minorities, dalits and weaker sections. There are hundreds of millions of disgruntled people who are waiting for the right opportunity to rise against injustice and assert themselves. It is now only a matter of time, as Al Qaeda becomes stronger and stronger in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Middle East and the rest of the world. The great uprising and the struggle for justice is coming!!
RE:Grave ramifications for India
by Sikandar Mala on Dec 29, 2007 09:34 AM Permalink
yeah Dream ON! Robin Hood! morons like you are the root cause of this problem! instead of killing our own and people of other religions, use your brains to think and act for peace! else go back to bora bora and live in, go back to Pakistan and voice your opinion against Mush! Guess not! You must be shitting to talk against Mush on Pakistan websites!! aren't you!! also, if Al Q is so powerful, why did they kill a woman!! if they reallly had balls then they would have gone for MUSH!!! Grow up! Robin Hood! instead of this english names if you have balls use the real muslim name on these websites!! why are you ashamed our religion name!!!! get out of this website!! people like you are misguiding the muslim brothers in India and other countries!!!! Are you still fuming???? now go back and pee because Mush is watching your ass!!
RE:Grave ramifications for India
by PP Y on Dec 29, 2007 10:22 AM Permalink
If my knowledge of hindu mythology is right then there were 20something avataar's of vishnu, most of them Rama and krishna led armies. Krishna was main instigator of a war between brothers which lead to death of 5.2 million soldiers in 18 days. Similarly Rama, Parsurama all were warriors, now what u say bout that. Shankracharya killed budhists and drove them out of the country, what is your opinion on that. I am not supporting violence but there is always other side to the coin.And how come you forget Chanakya's Sham Daam Dand Ved. By reading your views over here i can see the terrorist hidden inside you. How you defend the torching of churches in Orisaa, 1984 riots, Bombay Riots, GUjrat rights, meerut rights.......who is behind them. Yeah,they were hindus. But i wont go to the extent of saying that hinduism is the reason behind that. And b4 you go guessing my religion from my initials, i just wanna tell you i'm an atheist NRI
RE:Grave ramifications for India
by stav on Dec 29, 2007 08:53 AM Permalink
Dude, you seem to be a real terrorist. I had not come across one till date. Its good you dont live in India, which is apparent from your lack of knowledge about indian minorities. you guys are truely rats killing innocent people hiding inside your caves.
RE:Grave ramifications for India
by deepak on Dec 29, 2007 10:32 AM Permalink
Robin, you want to bring justice by beheading people?? the situation can go bad just so much..the US and others will have to get involved and invade Pakistan, unfortunately.
BJP has won 2 elections in a row, and not a single line about that here today. All busy with Bhutto. I dont say that is important. But all these shows how anti hindu these people are...
RE:Rediff - Anit Hindu..?
by shobhan sahdev on Dec 29, 2007 08:14 AM Permalink
I agree with you my friend.
Every political, social lobby in this country is working against the hindus. Hindus are being massacred all around the world be it Malayasia, Srilanka, India too. It is the time that we should bring BJP into power to save oursleves, our culture, our religion.
Pakistan is a failed state. Obsession with religion is the root cause. They believe God will just appear to save them! It was created for muslims in the subcontinent but even one religion cannot bring peace.
Our politicians are playing with religious card to serve their selfish ends. The only saving grace has been the general public sees through the games. But the danger is always there for us to crack.
Seeing the utter futility of organised religion, which has only divided people, it will be in our interests to downplay all emotions. Many countries have paid a bitter price to learn the lessons of fanaticism. China has found that hard work is the only way to get ahead. Nation's interest is supreme and nobody is allowed to play one group against another. They have revised the political setup in such a way that leadership renewal is an ongoing process and they are elected years ahead and groomed. Any threat to peace is ruthlessly put down. Others have also learned the lessons from chaos like Indonesia, Vietnam. Cambodia lost 25% of their population due to Maoist govt and people still shudder at the great loss.
We have to have basic decency in politics and it should not be a free for all. We should learn the right lessons from the chaos of our neighbour and any feelings of supriority or complacence can be calamitous.
Terrorists strike when we least expect like US realised few years back. Ultimately only we can be responsible for our destiny.
RE:Effect on India
by Lets talk sense on Dec 29, 2007 07:49 AM Permalink
Very well add, I would say India should also review its election process. Only educated and person without criminal background should be allowed to contest. Also people of India should realize and show doors to politicians who use religious sentiments to gain political milage...