1. If there is a majority in the LS and the RS then anything in the consitution can be amended. The issue to common civil code is NO exception.
2. Building of any religious sites is NOT the job of the government. So it does not matter who is in office. The government needs to carry out the verdict of the judicial system.
3. Effective policies will reduce terrorism. It is no guarantee that BJP/Congress will reduce terrorism. We had terrorism even when the BJP was in power from 1998 - 2002.
4. There is no way that India will go to war against pakistan in the forceable future.
5. India's development depends on our domestic fiscal policies and international trade.
Parties do not guarantee success, but POLICIES do.
RE:Answer to Om...
by Pop Head on Dec 11, 2007 12:52 AM Permalink
If there is a majority in parliament - in fact Imran you need 2/3rds majority. The fact is that we Indians are to buzy fighting among ourselves and not coalsce as a nation yet. That's why the nation remain polarized and we have the spectre of coalitions.
RE:Answer to Om...
by imran patel on Dec 11, 2007 12:56 AM Permalink
I did not want to be too specific. But you are correct. It has to be a 2/3rd majority to make any changes to the constitution.
advani for prime minister?????? and when do they hope win an election to fulfill this impossible dream???? to get anywhere close to getting into the cabinet, he'll have join the congress....lollll silly loser....PRIME MINISTER!!!!!hahahaha!!!!
by Gowdas Rule on Dec 11, 2007 12:45 AM Permalink
no no dont say like that. Advaniji is scared of Modi sir. So he needed to show his power that he is the boss. thts why this drama.
BTW, I think only deve gowda can save this country.
Answers.. are 1. more good than pappad to Italy - kutrochi mafia gangs 2. ulhasnagar will be made into next singapore - thanks for ur assumption. 3. make sindhi national language instead of hindi = Ok soon u will learn sindhi too. 4. all hindus have to put a "ni" - It is better than putting Nehru's name. 5. rathyatra racing will be made the national sport - even a good sport than Cricket.
RE:To Om Shanti
by Om Shanti Om on Dec 11, 2007 12:36 AM Permalink
thats such a boring and unintelligent answer. don't post for the sake of posting. learn to control ur ego.
RE:To Om Shanti
by balaji ram on Dec 11, 2007 12:40 AM Permalink
I dont mind getting a name as egoist if you understand the real thing.. the mask of congress in Gandhis name.
RE:RE:To Om Shanti
by balaji ram on Dec 11, 2007 12:41 AM Permalink
u dont have answers.. that y it is boring for you. The answers are too far from ur thoughts and thinking.. u need to grow up.. more.
if BJP at all comes to power with 300 plus seats, will we see
1. equal civil law for hindus and muslims?
2. ram temple being made at lord ram's place in ayodhya.
3. terrorism will end in india.
4. pakis will be defeated and humiliated and we get back POK too and get the world to recognize entire kashmir is ours.
5. india will become next japan.
if BJP can do all this, i will become first supporter of BJP. But i am sure even in their dreams they won't be able to achieve even a single point. or rather they "won't want" to achieve any single point because that would mean no more hindutva and no more votes to get into power by unethical means.
RE:Okay answer these questions
by imran patel on Dec 11, 2007 12:39 AM Permalink
1. If there is a majority in the LS and the RS then anything in the consitution can be amended. The issue to common civil code is NO exception.
2. Building of any religious sites is NOT the job of the government. So it does not matter who is in office. The government needs to carry out the verdict of the judicial system.
3. Effective policies will reduce terrorism. It is no guarantee that BJP/Congress will reduce terrorism. We had terrorism even when the BJP was in power from 1998 - 2002.
4. There is no way that India will go to war against pakistan in the forceable future.
5. India's development depends on our domestic fiscal policies and international trade.
Parties do not guarantee success, but POLICIES do.
RE:Okay answer these questions
by balaji ram on Dec 11, 2007 12:36 AM Permalink
all ur points are correct.. but the thing is if congress are in power every thing will happen Ulta.. Ok 'vaa
RE:RE:Okay answer these questions
by balaji ram on Dec 11, 2007 12:38 AM Permalink
I apprecite equal law for Indians.. not categoried as hindus, Muslims< christians
RE:Okay answer these questions
by Pop Head on Dec 11, 2007 12:53 AM Permalink
If you have Modi then certainily you will not be treated equally. But then you seem happy to be subservient
RE:To Pope Head..
by Pop Head on Dec 11, 2007 12:35 AM Permalink
Balaji. You are so so confused. You first said it was a biblical quote. I replied it might not be. If it is not a biblical quote, your comment is irrelevant. It is 12.30 maybe you are sleepy - explains your confusion. Sleep. Sleep well and have happy dreams of Modi ascending PM of Gujurat!
RE:To Pope Head..
by Gowdas Rule on Dec 11, 2007 12:34 AM Permalink
Balaji u shld only support chiru sir, rajni sir or mammootty sir. not the child marrying Modi. dnaindia.com/report.asp?newsid=1137934
Wht do u say abt Deve Gowda becoming PM. he is the son of the soil.
RE:Message for Sameer.
by imran patel on Dec 11, 2007 12:33 AM Permalink
Hinduism is NOT an Indian religion. Just as Islam is NOT an ARAB religion. These are universal faith that people can follow irrespective of where they live or where they were born or in which family they were born.
No one should change/alter their religion based on location/nationality.
So why should an Indian not be a Muslim or follow any other belief other than Hinduism. Indians can be Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Jews, Atheist, etc.
I never said that ADVANI should not be the PM because he was born in what is today's PAKISTAN. Then our current PM is in the same boat.
Any person who is a citizen of India can run for public office. Read the constitution.
RE:Message for Sameer.
by imran patel on Dec 11, 2007 12:25 AM Permalink
Abusing is the first sign of a coward. People like you scream FOUL when there is censorship...But you are the first to shout people down or report their messages as abuse.
Stop being a coward and debate ideas if you have any.
RE:Message for Sameer.
by Om Shanti Om on Dec 11, 2007 12:29 AM Permalink
u people deserve all the hatred. coz u can't live with those who fight for u lot.
RE:Modi love story. Modi impotent
by Pop Head on Dec 11, 2007 12:31 AM Permalink
Yes, maybe it is his impotency that makes Modi strive for a super duper macho image. I heard he has taken to live in with a Muslim man. Any truth??
RE:Modi love story. Modi impotent
by anirudh khanduri on Dec 11, 2007 12:23 AM Permalink
i think his definiton of a man in india is only those persons who can marry more than three times can can produce at least 10 children and put more burden on economy are fit to be called as men.
RE:Modi love story. Modi impotent
by Pop Head on Dec 11, 2007 12:37 AM Permalink
So all of us are women who don't fit this definition? Strange definition!!
RE:if advani becomes PM
by imran patel on Dec 11, 2007 12:20 AM Permalink
I wish people were more serious about our countries future. This is no lauging matter. If you treat it as a Joke, god forbid, we will become a JOKE for the rest of the world.
RE:if advani becomes PM
by Om Shanti Om on Dec 11, 2007 12:23 AM Permalink
abey imran, chill man. u need some humor to destress urself from all the hatred in this forum. learn to be a little accepting instead of cibbing at everything.
RE:if advani becomes PM
by balaji ram on Dec 11, 2007 12:34 AM Permalink
Answers.. are 1. more good than pappad to Italy - kutrochi mafia gangs 2. ulhasnagar will be made into next singapore - thanks for ur assumption. 3. make sindhi national language instead of hindi = Ok soon u will learn sindhi too. 4. all hindus have to put a "ni" - It is better than putting Nehru's name. 5. rathyatra racing will be made the national sport - even a good sport than Cricket.
just heard that putin has appointed a 42 year deputy prime minister as next president where is india headed,towards graveyard??ifully respect senior citizens but chance should be given to younger genertaion leaders.in a country like ours 50 year old person is called as yuva neta.we need younger leaders who would carry long term developement as they will live longer than their older counterparts and they provide better stability.