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RE:Okay answer these questions
by imran patel on Dec 11, 2007 12:39 AM

1. If there is a majority in the LS and the RS then anything in the consitution can be amended. The issue to common civil code is NO exception.

2. Building of any religious sites is NOT the job of the government. So it does not matter who is in office. The government needs to carry out the verdict of the judicial system.

3. Effective policies will reduce terrorism. It is no guarantee that BJP/Congress will reduce terrorism. We had terrorism even when the BJP was in power from 1998 - 2002.

4. There is no way that India will go to war against pakistan in the forceable future.

5. India's development depends on our domestic fiscal policies and international trade.

Parties do not guarantee success, but POLICIES do.

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BJP to project Advani as prime minister