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Okay answer these questions
by Om Shanti Om on Dec 11, 2007 12:33 AM

if BJP at all comes to power with 300 plus seats, will we see

1. equal civil law for hindus and muslims?

2. ram temple being made at lord ram's place in ayodhya.

3. terrorism will end in india.

4. pakis will be defeated and humiliated and we get back POK too and get the world to recognize entire kashmir is ours.

5. india will become next japan.

if BJP can do all this, i will become first supporter of BJP. But i am sure even in their dreams they won't be able to achieve even a single point. or rather they "won't want" to achieve any single point because that would mean no more hindutva and no more votes to get into power by unethical means.

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BJP to project Advani as prime minister