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Prime minister candidate
by vaibhav araokar on Jan 09, 2008 09:08 PM  Permalink 

Bhartiya janta parti is bahumat main laane ka kaam joo kiya usme aadwani jii ka aulya yogdan hai. main to iswar se yahi prathana karta hu ki waha jaldi se jaldi purna bahumat ke saath pradhan mantri ka pad bhar grahan kare

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Some of the RSS fools are mudsling on me. They could not understand who are defeating Modi. Sudarshan, Vajpayee, Murli Manohar Joshi, Rajnath Singh, Jaitley etc. made Advani a PM candidate.
by Sahadevan KK on Dec 11, 2007 03:58 PM  Permalink 

Some of the RSS fools are mudsling on me. They could not understand who are defeating Modi. Sudarshan, Vajpayee, Murli Manohar Joshi, Rajnath Singh, Jaitley etc. made Advani a PM candidate.

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advani as PM. god save us
by ravi kumar on Dec 11, 2007 01:17 PM  Permalink 

bjp has the unenviable record of boycotting parliamentfor the maximun no of days and disrupting parliament under the leadership of advani. they have paid scant respect to constituitional bodies like parliament, supreme court, governors, presidents and EC.in fact we can safely say that bjp mp's are being paid for absenting / boycotting parliament more than for attending parliament.

hundreds and thousands of people lost their lives, livelihoods under advani's rath yatra/ babri masjid and the riots thereafter.

advani has been promoting modi post godhra , and what happened in gujarat then is the most shameful moment in india's history.

dreaded terrorists were released to pakistan and they have conducted major terrorist acts worldwide after release.

advani praised jinnah who was the architect of creation of pakistan and the 2 nation theory.

it would be dreadful for india if such a man should be made PM.

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by sudhakar sk on Dec 11, 2007 12:19 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I read this bulletin board and DNA news paper for two things;

one, they bring excellent political joke on BJP SanghParivar;

two, they are experts in coocking up stories like Hindi cinema;

DNA beats everybody in this arena.

LK Advani has super Hindu cheating abilities then Narendra Modi.

He ensured all those followers of RSSSanghParivar to believe in
MohamadAli Jinnah's and
his GOD Fathers Britisher's
two nation theory to
divide India,
as well blame our
Father of Nation Mahatma Gandhi
India's first super PM Jawaharlal Nehru.

LK Advani is the embodiment
total FalseHood;

I personally feel India would never be
so unfortunate
have him as PM.

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by Shyamal Kumar on Dec 11, 2007 01:01 PM  Permalink
Its great you know such a lot ... A little brush up from histroy will certainly help firming your thoughts ....

After formation of India 4 issues were raised ..
1. Divided India and small states such as Nizam

2. Disputed area of Kuch of Rann with Pakistan

3. Disputed area of Kasmir

4. Babri Masjid..
Guess what.. First 2 were given to Iron Man ...
The other two to Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Ji..
Yes you are correct...
Rest is history... You know which one were solved and which still remains.....

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One down
by Aby Koshy on Dec 11, 2007 11:09 AM  Permalink 

There goes Modi's chance.

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Parliament within BJP
by He She on Dec 11, 2007 10:07 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I am not at all surprised by the way BJP has come out with their PM candidate when nothing as of now is known of the next parliament election. Based upon an assumption the party has decided to declare its PM candidates and why not, BJP has always been a part of assumptions for example INDIA SHINING campaign...

For me I think there are very few reasons to see why BJP had declared its candidate. If anybody have any others, please do add on and if you don't agree, please give your comments:

1. Electrifying election in Gujarat has clearly shown the charisma of Shri Narendra Modi and the inside story is that, if Narendra Modi comes to power by projecting himself bigger than the party, then there is all possibility for him to claim the prestigeous PM's post in the coming election, which is of course a bit far from what is being predicted.
2. Announcing Advani as PM candidate is also helping to boost the party's prospect in the Gujarat election by saying that Advani, who is the MP from Gujarat, being the next PM would benefit Gujarat if the State has a BJP government...
3. Playing the parliament within BJP, like declaring the PM candidate and thinking that the BJP has already formed the government, gives them mental and psychological advantage to overcome there brutal defeat in the 2004 election. Its been more than 3 years and still the defeat is haunting the BJP very badly.

Hope this will give them satisfaction to see that they form a Parliament withing the BJP. ss

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RE:Parliament within BJP
by Sami on Dec 11, 2007 11:27 AM  Permalink
We can ask other parties, Who dares to announce their PM candidate?"

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RE:Parliament within BJP
by Shyamal Kumar on Dec 11, 2007 01:10 PM  Permalink
Dear friend your are absolutly correct with your assumptions as there are political benifits of this announcment. Equally correct you are with the fact that the party has still not recovered from the past defeat. But to correct you a little bit that India Shinning was no fake and the kind of development speed and accelaration were generated were unmatched..

That was the first sign of development in India..
The National Highway and other such infra plans assured foreign investors that they will get the infra in India and hence they started aiming for India...

So be rest assured whether or not NDA builts Ram Mandir in Ayodhya... Whether or not they implement Uniform civil code, Whether or not they create one nation including Kasmir as an equal state with no autonomy of its own....
They will certainly help in developing our nation

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RE:Parliament within BJP
by Sami on Dec 11, 2007 01:53 PM  Permalink
Please just compare the congress and BJP govts in the following

Indina Economy
Inflation rate
growth rate
Industrial develope in India as whole.
rupee value.

among those two governments who helped the development?

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BJP Made a Mistake!!
by Tataghata Mukherjee on Dec 11, 2007 09:06 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I think BJP should go for some Young Leaders..

I AM Not Doubting Advani..

But Young Blood is Better..

Jaswant Singh is Preferable as he is acceptable to everyone..

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RE:BJP Made a Mistake!!
by grir reeg on Dec 11, 2007 11:52 AM  Permalink
u r the fake mukherjee

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RE:BJP Made a Mistake!!
by uncle shame on Dec 11, 2007 12:36 PM  Permalink

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RE:BJP Made a Mistake!!
by Shyamal Kumar on Dec 11, 2007 01:12 PM  Permalink
No doubt that Advani is old and younger will be better but the kind of Hold you can expect from Advani will not be available with others...

The very example is even after Jinnah episode he still has made a great comeback....

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Ultra Rightist
by RABI KANUNGO on Dec 11, 2007 08:31 AM  Permalink 

A man is known by his track records. Going by such impression one could find that L K Advani is a blow hot and blow cold ultra activist. No body can say as to what precious care he has taken for Hinduism, except fanning hatred and explaining his conduct later in sophisticated word jugglery. Because, perhaps he has found success in that.
India needs most balancing equillibriums of religious behaviour in order to arrive at a point of secularism - not 'Hindu secularism' or minority appeasement or it should throw away all secular provisions of the Constitution. With Advani as BJP Chief and Congress as a useless party, we apprehend rough days ahead. I request intelligent readers to throw light on possible solution.
Rabi Kanungo.

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Young Leader
by DM on Dec 11, 2007 07:25 AM  Permalink 

Why can't they nominate a young leader. A person like Arun Jaitley could have done wonders. Why can't the people of this country get over their fascination of old and tired leaders.

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