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RE:Parliament within BJP
by Shyamal Kumar on Dec 11, 2007 01:10 PM

Dear friend your are absolutly correct with your assumptions as there are political benifits of this announcment. Equally correct you are with the fact that the party has still not recovered from the past defeat. But to correct you a little bit that India Shinning was no fake and the kind of development speed and accelaration were generated were unmatched..

That was the first sign of development in India..
The National Highway and other such infra plans assured foreign investors that they will get the infra in India and hence they started aiming for India...

So be rest assured whether or not NDA builts Ram Mandir in Ayodhya... Whether or not they implement Uniform civil code, Whether or not they create one nation including Kasmir as an equal state with no autonomy of its own....
They will certainly help in developing our nation

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BJP to project Advani as prime minister