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Ultra Rightist
by RABI KANUNGO on Dec 11, 2007 08:31 AM

A man is known by his track records. Going by such impression one could find that L K Advani is a blow hot and blow cold ultra activist. No body can say as to what precious care he has taken for Hinduism, except fanning hatred and explaining his conduct later in sophisticated word jugglery. Because, perhaps he has found success in that.
India needs most balancing equillibriums of religious behaviour in order to arrive at a point of secularism - not 'Hindu secularism' or minority appeasement or it should throw away all secular provisions of the Constitution. With Advani as BJP Chief and Congress as a useless party, we apprehend rough days ahead. I request intelligent readers to throw light on possible solution.
Rabi Kanungo.

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BJP to project Advani as prime minister