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Karat have been paid by Chinese Communist Party
by Kajolika on Aug 21, 2007 11:25 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

In fact if u check Prakash Karat and A B Bardhan's mobile phones record, you will find so many calls have been received from Bejing China to ensure this. It may also possible that Karat and Bardhan have been paid by Chinese Communist Part to stall the deal

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RE:Karat have been paid by Chinese Communist Party
by SLVP on Aug 21, 2007 11:30 AM  Permalink

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RE:Karat have been paid by Chinese Communist Party
by Sahadevan KK on Aug 21, 2007 01:13 PM  Permalink
Left gives support government to avoid communal forces; It takes the role of a progressive opposition, because BJP is a dead horse.

Left only creates problems, when ruling UPA and opposition NDA go against people.

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RE:Karat have been paid by Chinese Communist Party
by Nitin Bukharia on Aug 21, 2007 11:27 AM  Permalink
May be true.... otherwise they should not object on N deal... for the growth of India

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by SLVP on Aug 21, 2007 11:24 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies


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by Surjyabrat Buragohain on Aug 21, 2007 11:31 AM  Permalink
It is easy for a guy like Prakash Karat to pull down the government as he has never stood in a Parliamentary election. Why should Congress take the blame upon themselves then?

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Left is sick
by Nitin Bukharia on Aug 21, 2007 11:22 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Dear Peoples of India.... Pls vote for Dr. Manmohan singh is coming election, so that this N deal get through... This is deal is required for india's energy requirements.

Left is sick, Left is sick, Left is sick, Left is sick, Left is sick, Left is sick, Left is sick.

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RE:Left is sick
by SLVP on Aug 21, 2007 11:25 AM  Permalink

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RE:Left is sick
by Nitin Bukharia on Aug 21, 2007 11:29 AM  Permalink
lagta hai tu Bangladesi hai ... SLVP

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nuclear deal with u.s.a.
by maheshwar Hogarti on Aug 21, 2007 11:22 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

India is a Major country in the world. we can develop our own, technologies without U.S.A HELP. For power,NOT ONLY NUCLEAR , WIND POWER




We shuld be futuristic, at least for 25 years.


MY EMAIL ID:- maheshhogarti@rediffmail.com

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RE:nuclear deal with u.s.a.
by kapil on Aug 21, 2007 11:27 AM  Permalink
who will invest our own technologies? You or your family? Think practically man....

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RE:nuclear deal with u.s.a.
by wani bhardwaj on Aug 21, 2007 04:15 PM  Permalink
Take unaccounted money of Indian Industrialists and politicains. It is enough for all the developements for India

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RE:nuclear deal with u.s.a.
by Amrit Singh on Aug 21, 2007 11:47 AM  Permalink
Off course the govt will. The deal is worth 150 billion dollars. Who is spending that You or your family? dont ask idiot questions

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RE:RE:nuclear deal with u.s.a.
by Raj on Aug 21, 2007 02:32 PM  Permalink
But the investment saves India 150 billion dollars in 10 years. We will spend that much money if we keep paying @ 65 dollars per barrel, and mybe 1000 times more if the oil price rises in the next 10 years....u idiot

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RE:nuclear deal with u.s.a.
by bhushan mudholkar on Aug 21, 2007 11:32 AM  Permalink
check the things to reality...... india is generation behind the US technologies.so don't live in a bubbly world.we see the things coming out of a factory in india but most of the machneries and the technologies are still imported.if india wants to keep pace with the world leading countries , join with US otherwise make the generation gap two fold in coming future.

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RE:nuclear deal with u.s.a.
by Amrit Singh on Aug 21, 2007 11:53 AM  Permalink
Y dont u believe in our scientists. India is not getting space technology from US. Still we are one of the nine nations to have sattelite and rocket launching capability. Dont underestimate. where there is a will there is a way. After seeing the amricans use the Atom bombn. Russians in just four years developed there own. Its the will man. I think the will rite now of the govt is to sign the deal not to develop the technology indigeneouly as has been advocated by APJ abdul kalam,

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RE:nuclear deal with u.s.a.
by vikas sethi on Aug 21, 2007 12:00 PM  Permalink
My contention to all those who oppose the deal is very simple and plain. If someone has already invented a circle, why should we waste time, money and effort to reinvent the same. Buy off the technology and then use our brains and money to move forward from there. We will reach up higher,faster and surer. We need to think of our growth and of our self interest.A ship is always safe at the shores or in the dockyard but that is not what it is built for. Let us show more confidence and belief in our own country and in its abilities.

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RE:RE:nuclear deal with u.s.a.
by vikas sethi on Aug 21, 2007 12:11 PM  Permalink
The N deal opens up dual use tech for use of ISRO, defence industry and Civilian nuclear section.

ISRO is handicapped due to denial of advanced technology(we made progress but the progress is limited and very slow to say the least.), our indigenious defence projects r stymied bcos we do not get dual use tech.Ever thought why after 20 yrs, we still do not have our own planes (for training r lying in junkyards), tanks (arjun tank is a failure)or ships.

No one is denying that our scientists r well qualified & we r all proud of them. They have done well with all the known limitations.But with latest available tech, they will come to world standards and then compete with the best in the world. Imagine the progress they will make & their contribution when they have the latest technology to back their brains. Please do not rest on past laurels. Sky is the limit.

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RE:RE:nuclear deal with u.s.a.
by bhaskar datta on Aug 21, 2007 01:32 PM  Permalink
But y do we need to re-invent a technology when we are being offered a developed one?

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RE:nuclear deal with u.s.a.
by kapil on Aug 21, 2007 11:55 AM  Permalink
rightly said bhai....

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RE:nuclear deal with u.s.a.
by Raj on Aug 21, 2007 02:30 PM  Permalink
Another LEFTIST daydreamer

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RE:nuclear deal with u.s.a.
by Surjyabrat Buragohain on Aug 21, 2007 12:28 PM  Permalink
Who says India is forbidden to conduct N-Tests? The agreement does not say that India cannot conduct N-Tests. It has a provision which says that in the event India conducts a N-Test, US can come out of the treaty and that too only after the reasons for the test provided by India are untenable. Then the US can give notice to India. There is nothing wrong in it. If you have gone to a business school (as you mention that you have done MBA), I am sure you learnt that in negotiations there are always give and take. US govt. is also accountable to its citizens and has to justify why they accept India conducting a N-Test. So if India can provide good reasons which allow the US govt to convince their citizens, they will not scrap the deal. So there is no ban on India conducting N-Test. It is the leftists and the rightists of our country who are spreading these wrong notions.

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RE:nuclear deal with u.s.a.
by vikas sethi on Aug 21, 2007 12:51 PM  Permalink
2 add to Mr Surjyabrat,even 2day if we conduct test, we face sanctions as any other country in world. We faced sanctions & came out of it in two years. 2day,world is interdependent. US is also dependent on India for many things. So costs of imposing sanctions on India will effect US 2. It is not 1way street anymore. What we r doing by this deal is increasing the costs for the US to go against us. India cannot remain in isolation in world if we want to rise. We 've not signed NPT.U must realise that the world cannot change laws just to accomodate India. Yet this is precisely what is being done with NDeal.It favors India even when we hv not signed NPT.

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RE:RE:nuclear deal with u.s.a.
by vikas sethi on Aug 21, 2007 12:51 PM  Permalink
Remember, every negotiation involves an element of give & take. 2nd we do not need permission from US to conduct tests. BJP after the 1998 N tests committed to unilateral moratorium on N testing. But we reserve right to test if China/Pak do it. So, we can still test N device if Pak/China do it, but US will act as per its laws which is its right. What the N deal says is that US cannot immediately withdraw fuel from us but gives a 1 year period (this is cooling period when things will cool down, a byepass so to say). Also, US must 1st give reason. If reason is due to Pak/China tests then the US must take that into consideration.(If these two test then sanctions will apply on them also).If still US wants to withdraw then it makes alternative arrangements for India & cannot withdraw till other arrangements r made. Under the compulsions this is a good deal.What else do you want in it?

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RE:nuclear deal with u.s.a.
by Surjyabrat Buragohain on Aug 21, 2007 01:26 PM  Permalink
Mr. Sethi, thanks for elaborating further on the N-Test matter and also highlighting the relevant terms of the 123 agreement. This is what the Leftists and the Rightists are trying to hide away from common man's eyes by their rhetorical statements. In today's world we cannot only get everything without giving away something and this N-Deal is actually all about India getting the most without giving much.

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RE:nuclear deal with u.s.a.
by vikas sethi on Aug 21, 2007 01:38 PM  Permalink
I agree with you, Sir.

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RE:nuclear deal with u.s.a.
by SLVP on Aug 21, 2007 11:28 AM  Permalink

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The stupids are seeing this !
by shanmuga subramanian on Aug 21, 2007 11:21 AM  Permalink 

I just saw the MP's creating uproar because of a news report in Rediff.

It's good that you stupids(Mp's ) are doing this.

Mr.Speaker (Stupid Somnath Chaterjee) w

How you can say that parliament is more powerful? than a citizen

Even If I abuse you and abuse your parliament you do n't have the right to file a case against me.

I like to tell another thing to the stupid MP's and the stupid speaker

All of you are going to pay a heavy price for wasting our money in 2009 polls

And the stupid comrades,listen to me ,you will not even get a single MP seat in 2009 elections

2009 elections will be landmark in the history of India

Mr.Abdulkalam will be the next prime minister

and not the stupids

like Sonia Gandhi

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by sugata chatterjee on Aug 21, 2007 11:20 AM  Permalink 

in so far as anti progress outlook is concerned, trinamul congress (read mamata banerjee) is at par with left. worst is bjp, a party with no ethics and is enjoying a circus show. is it wrong for the indians to expect bjp to give the much needed support to the government on such crucial an issue. be it left, be it bjp, be it any other party, all are hopeless and are rogues.

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Ideology of left%u2026my foot
by Rana Dutta on Aug 21, 2007 11:19 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Here are some examples of left ideology.

1). During Chinese aggression left supported China, today look at the idiots they are talking about national cause.
2). During freedom struggle they made derogatory remarks about Netaji (Gen Tojo-r kutta) Gen Tojo%u2019s dog, now they have asked for forgiveness.
3). 40 yrs back they opposed Computers fearing working class will loose jobs, but now they want to make Bengal a Giant in IT industry.
4). 30 yrs back they removed English from schools in Bengal, now they have backtracked from this policy.
5). Under land reforms they gave land to farmers (only to party workers), today they are snatching land from them for industrialization.
6). They believed in strikes and bandhs and today Bengal is nowhere in the in the list of industrial states, who were earlier in the top slot. Today they are assuring industrialists that there will be no strikes or bandhs so that they can come up with some investments.

So people of India can very well predict that 30 yrs from now the left will realize their mistake. Mr Chow Ramaswamy rightly said, IF LEFT HAS GOT FUTURE IN INDIA, INDIA HAS GOT NO FUTURE LEFT.

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RE:Ideology of left%u2026my foot
by Sahadevan KK on Aug 21, 2007 01:13 PM  Permalink
Left gives support government to avoid communal forces; It takes the role of a progressive opposition, because BJP is a dead horse.

Left only creates problems, when ruling UPA and opposition NDA go against people.

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RE:Ideology of left%u2026my foot
by shanmuga subramanian on Aug 21, 2007 11:22 AM  Permalink

post more of these messages the stupid communists are seeing this

We will erdaicate communism in 2009 elections

If you are brave(Commmunists) go for 2009 elections instead of calling snap polls

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RE:RE:Ideology of left%u2026my foot
by E.S.Subramanian on Aug 21, 2007 11:38 AM  Permalink
Left is not stupid..its getting huge amount of money from China to sabotage the N deal.

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Left would have kept quiet had the same agreement was entered with Russia
by Kamal on Aug 21, 2007 11:06 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I am sure these left parties would have kept quiet had the same agreement was entered with Russia instead of USA. They are really not concenred about the nation's well being. Left people are principled people, no doubt, who stick to their policies which were taken 10 decades back. They should change themselves to the practical aspects of current world (Even Russia has changed but not our leftists). It does not mean that Dr. Manmohan Singh is right - after all he lied on the floor of the parliament and thats why congress party itself told Pranab Mukherjee to speak on this issue. India can still explore the possibility of alternate source of energy to nuclear energy. Why should you be dependent on these big powers? You have lots of resources Men, Machine and Materials and capable of creating history of finding alternate source of energy for regular consumption. Now, it appears that mid-term polss are imminent and probably congress wanted it and thats why in the interview to "The Telegraph", our PM straight away hit the leftists challenging them to withdraw their support. Jai Hind.

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RE:Left would have kept quiet had the same agreement was entered with Russia
by Amrit Singh on Aug 21, 2007 11:16 AM  Permalink
a deal with Russia would have given us indpendence in foreign policy matters. A deal with the US will not give. Iran has full rites to develop a nuclear weapon but India is not supporting it. Instead it once voted against Iran in an international forum. Everbody knows where the pressure is from.

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RE:Left would have kept quiet had the same agreement was entered with Russia
by vineet kk on Aug 21, 2007 11:21 AM  Permalink
If an instable and jehadi country like Iran goes with nuclear arm, it is not at all a good news for India and I cant see any reason why we should not oppose it. These countries never even condemn terrorist attack on India like Parliament attack, why should we support them?

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RE:Left would have kept quiet had the same agreement was entered with Russia
by Amrit Singh on Aug 21, 2007 11:28 AM  Permalink
What makes u beleive Iran is a jehadi country. Pakistan is a jehadi country directed against India. Iran gives support to Hezbolla directed towards Isreal. US has given Pakistan many times many benefits. If US can give and support a jehadi country which is directed against India why cant we support a country directed against US. Because we want a deal with US and they will not do anything to end their alliance with Pakistan. We will not be independent in matters of foreign affairs if this deal goes throguh.

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RE:Left would have kept quiet had the same agreement was entered with Russia
by vikas sethi on Aug 21, 2007 11:26 AM  Permalink
Mr Amrit Singh, r u aware, a nuclear Iran is not in India's favour.It is a security concern for us. We have 2 nuclear neighbours & we cannot afford to have the 3rd.Hence India is opposing it not bcos of US pressure. 2nd. Without this deal with US, Russia, France, Germany or Australia cannot help India with fuel supplies. The 123 agreement with US is the key to the room where all the NSG suppliers r based. Once this,IAEA & NSG r settled, the whole world comes to us. Without the 123, nobody, absolutely nobody can offer fuel to us. Even China signed deal with US (on inferior terms than us)& not Russia. Russia can offer u reactors. Where will u get the fuel to run these reactors???? Please think.

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RE:Left would have kept quiet had the same agreement was entered with Russia
by Amrit Singh on Aug 21, 2007 11:40 AM  Permalink
ru aware. That Iran is not our enemy. Iran is US's enemy. And if Iran has accepted India as a nuclear weapons state. Why should we oppose them. Iran is not our neighbor. US never stopped pakistan from developing, stealing and getting by whatever means nuclear weapons because pakis where never against US. Y should we be against Iran if pakistan cannot be against pakistan fully and completely. will US support India's candidature for UNSC permanenet seat. anyway APJ abdul kalam has said that the Thorium is a good alternative for Uranium. Which can found in Kerala. Why we should spend so much on a deal when we should be developing the technology and spend on nuclear R & D.

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RE:Left would have kept quiet had the same agreement was entered with Russia
by vikas sethi on Aug 21, 2007 12:23 PM  Permalink
Iran has opposed us in all OIC resolutions on Kashmir. It has sided with Pakistan. It is opposed to Induan entry in UN.Secondly, do not confuse urself. we voted on Iran based on our threat perceptions. If u say Iran is not an enemy then it not a good friend either. Even at the height of Iran Iraq war, IAF trained the Iraqis and not the Iranians. Wake up to reality Mr. Amrit Singh.

On ur contention on Thorium I have given a detailed response earlier. Read it first & understand where we stand practically. Half baked knowledge is not good. To run Thorium reactors effectively, we still need the N Deal.Hence the reprocessing rights.

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RE:Left would have kept quiet had the same agreement was entered with Russia
by vikas sethi on Aug 21, 2007 12:30 PM  Permalink
Mr Amrit Singh for ur info, i am again posting this fact on Thorium reactors.

We have 30% of world's Thorium reserves and r presently the only country in the world developing this technology. No doubt,We will be self reliant only once our Thorium reactors come into force which is still some yrs away.But even this technology would require some (nominal) use of Plutonium for the initial cycle.The idea is to generate this from the reproceesed spent fuel & use it in Thorium reactors. Hence, in Ndeal we insisted on reprocessing rights over the spent nuclear fuel so that we have enough Plutonium to run our Thorium reactors.Our own meager Uranium reserves will then be purely for military use.We have only 0.8% of world Uranium reserves that cannot last long & serve both civilian & defence purpose. What do u propose to do once our Uranium reserves r exhausted??? How will you generate plutonium required to run the initial thorium cycle???? Shut down the Thorium reactors also or Sit with folded hands & beg the world for relief & u expect the same countries to come to help u when u r weak & vulnerable & dependent. Talk sense Sir. If 2day frm position of strength u cannot talk what will happen then??

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Let Industry lead the way.........Make Communists an extinct species in India.
by vikas sethi on Aug 21, 2007 11:01 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Just wondering, why does not the Indian industry boycott the commies states. As a policy decision, they should unite and should not set up any new industry in the 3 states (Bengal, Kerala, Tripura), despite the short term benefits the commies may offer. Tell the people, we are doing so bcos of the anti development and anti national communist policies. It will cause inconvenience to the public at large for some time, but over a period of time they will realise there is no progress with commies at the head.People will automatically vote the commies out. It will also serve as a wake up call to other political parties that progress is the mantra for growth.Do not take the people of India for granted.

As a beginning, all donations to the communists parties should be frozen by the Industry.No donations, no money, less their campaigning power.

This suggestion may sound impractical at first thought, but think again.......

If the communists have been wiped out of the world map, why should India tolerate them.

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RE:Let Industry lead the way.........Make Communists an extinct species in India.
by Surjyabrat Buragohain on Aug 21, 2007 11:14 AM  Permalink
I think Indian industries should invest more in the communist infested states. This is the only way we can wipe off communism from India. When people of these communist ruled states will derive the benefits of development, they will realise how their Leftist masters had been exploiting them by constantly depriving them of good life in the name of Marx, Lenin and the utopian dream. Then they will realise it is better to live an honourable life with roti, kapda and makan, rather than shouting slogans and taking out the umbrella when it rains in China.

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RE:Let Industry lead the way.........Make Communists an extinct species in India.
by sunil akerkar on Aug 21, 2007 11:24 AM  Permalink
good one...i completely agree with u.

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RE:RE:Let Industry lead the way.........Make Communists an extinct species in India.
by vikas sethi on Aug 21, 2007 11:31 AM  Permalink
I beg to differ from you, Sir. Setting up industry and reaping its benefit will take a very long time and the communists will thrive in the interim period. Secondly, with Industry will come the labour unions, which r used by Left to garner support. Decimate the commies in their bastions, so that they cannot rise again.

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RE:Let Industry lead the way.........Make Communists an extinct species in India.
by Surjyabrat Buragohain on Aug 21, 2007 12:37 PM  Permalink
Mr. Sethi, you have a point. But I think when we talk about investments, it does not only mean manufacturing based industries. Investments in service industry helps much more in bringing faster development. And of course there will be trickle down effect. Further, what about setting up of SEZs in those states? Then the unions etc will be kept at bay and still many people could be provided employment and thus a better life.

I strongly believe that only through development we could eradicate the Leftists. If we keep people in isolation it would not help. If there are changes in the mindset of people in those states, it is only because of whatever development (through investments) are taking place. If people continue to live in isolation, today's Leftists could become tomorrow's Naxalties.

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RE:Let Industry lead the way.........Make Communists an extinct species in India.
by bhaskar datta on Aug 21, 2007 01:46 PM  Permalink
U r wrong mate.Yr intentions may b noble,but u dont know how this stuff works.I can speak with confidence bcoz i am from Bengal and I know how these commies can be driven out better than outsiders

See their main supporters are ppl whom they enable to do illegal things in lieu of their support.They will ensure teachers dont have to work and the payment will be votes.They will ensure illegal autorickshaws(thousands of them)and make sure that the auto drivers help them rig elections
The educated and the richer sections have great contempt for them.More ppl get rich, bleaker are teh left's prospects(thje very reason that they oppose all economic developments)Moree ppl in the formal sector of the economy, where they dont have to depend on the left's largesse, lesser their clout

So, ironically,Budhhadeb Bhattacharya is the only person who can ensure the left's eventual downfall

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RE:Let Industry lead the way.........Make Communists an extinct species in India.
by Surjyabrat Buragohain on Aug 21, 2007 02:26 PM  Permalink
Whoever does it....be it Buddhadeb or any other party leader, my point is exactly what you have mentioned - that only through development and progress we can create more 'haves' than 'have-nots' and then there will be lesser and lesser support base for the communists. The more people have livelihood and better standard of living, more they will move away from the Leftists. If it is through Buddhadeb, let it be....let Buddhadeb be the one to eradicate communism.

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Just exactly who are these Left ?
by Gumpy on Aug 21, 2007 10:55 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Friends, who are these left that are opposing the Nuke deal - lets get to some history about them..
1. These left are the same people who had got several Indian freedom fighter arrested during World War 2, 1945-46, at Soviet Russia's instance.

2. these Left are the very same people who had taken China's side when 1967 Indo-Chinese war broke out.

3. Today they want to stop the Nuke deal the the instance of China's Communist party.

Can we Indians trust these very same Left with India's national interest ? Think yourself after carefully going thru history.

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RE:Just exactly who are these Left ?
by kapil on Aug 21, 2007 11:07 AM  Permalink
some more continues....

4. these Left are the very same people who said they will do anything for EPF rate at 9.5% but till now nothing happened.

5. these LEFT are the very same people who took 350 crores from a Hydro electric deal in Kerala. You know something, their party leader Pinarayi Vijayan went to Canada and signed the deal without informing the electricity board.

6. the same people got 2 crores from a international fraud Lottery king martin. Even Interpol is searching him but these guys still contact with him.

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RE:Just exactly who are these Left ?
by Desh Bhakta on Aug 21, 2007 11:13 AM  Permalink
There are over 12 million illegal immigrants from Bangladesh in India, thanks to these leftists. Despite being illegal immigrants, they are voting for the CPM in WB. What a patriotic party.

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