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RE:RE:nuclear deal with u.s.a.
by vikas sethi on Aug 21, 2007 12:11 PM

The N deal opens up dual use tech for use of ISRO, defence industry and Civilian nuclear section.

ISRO is handicapped due to denial of advanced technology(we made progress but the progress is limited and very slow to say the least.), our indigenious defence projects r stymied bcos we do not get dual use tech.Ever thought why after 20 yrs, we still do not have our own planes (for training r lying in junkyards), tanks (arjun tank is a failure)or ships.

No one is denying that our scientists r well qualified & we r all proud of them. They have done well with all the known limitations.But with latest available tech, they will come to world standards and then compete with the best in the world. Imagine the progress they will make & their contribution when they have the latest technology to back their brains. Please do not rest on past laurels. Sky is the limit.

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Will the govt pass N-deal?