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RE:RE:nuclear deal with u.s.a.
by vikas sethi on Aug 21, 2007 12:51 PM

Remember, every negotiation involves an element of give & take. 2nd we do not need permission from US to conduct tests. BJP after the 1998 N tests committed to unilateral moratorium on N testing. But we reserve right to test if China/Pak do it. So, we can still test N device if Pak/China do it, but US will act as per its laws which is its right. What the N deal says is that US cannot immediately withdraw fuel from us but gives a 1 year period (this is cooling period when things will cool down, a byepass so to say). Also, US must 1st give reason. If reason is due to Pak/China tests then the US must take that into consideration.(If these two test then sanctions will apply on them also).If still US wants to withdraw then it makes alternative arrangements for India & cannot withdraw till other arrangements r made. Under the compulsions this is a good deal.What else do you want in it?

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Will the govt pass N-deal?