by Ibrahim Sheik on Apr 23, 2007 03:33 PM Permalink
India was a Peaceful Country till the Demolition of Babri Masjid, only after that there is Terrorism. So the Root cause is Notorious Sangh Parivar.. who can do anything to get cheap votes. They employ the strategy of Kill & Rule...
by on Apr 23, 2007 04:01 PM Permalink
go and check your facts.. Who attacked Kashmir in 1947. Who has attacked india for centuries.. and besides It was not even a masjid.. it was a temple where Hindus used to offer prayers once in a while..
by prompt on Apr 23, 2007 04:55 PM Permalink
Hellp people,
Facts are remaimed facts in India,, every Hindu talks about Muslims.... where they all forget the fact that the Muslims also sacrified thier lives for independence.
We all have to really think broadly frens, why do you ignore the facts that what is really fact means.
Priya, are you crazy to question the Muslim that why not ram mandir... ? do you really know the facts? have you ever tried knowing facts....?
In India only facts are hidden.....
There are many worst parties in India are just playing with the public in the name of religion. And the poor public being like dum and illeterate believes everything what these worst parties are assuring.....
Frens try to really understand the facts, these parties are just to make fool each and every citizen. And few fool citizens blindly believe in them,,,,.
by on Apr 23, 2007 03:56 PM Permalink
Is that really true? What happened in 89, 84 in Kashmir against Minority Hindus by majority muslims.
by suresh singh on Apr 23, 2007 03:39 PM Permalink
india would be a peaceful country if all the muslims left this country at the time of partion.
by Sajid Rehman on Apr 23, 2007 04:17 PM Permalink
Actually, India would be a peaceful country if people like you (be they Hindu, Muslim or Christian) left the country.
There are a lot of racist users on the rediff forums.....Hindu vs Muslim, North vs South. Its always - "My religion better than your religion. My state better than your state. My language better than your language. My movie stars better than your movie stars." ME, ME, ME! Thats all we get to hear.
Now lets say our learned friend Mr Suresh Singh has his way - kick all Muslims out of the country & make India a Hindu state. Will that solve all your problems? Will that correct things? Take a look at Nepal. Its a Hindu country and they arent leading blissful lives. Things arent peacsful and pleasant there.
And, Mr. Suresh Singh lets not forget the achievements of Muslims in India - Kalam, Premji, Dilip Kumar, SRk,.....some of these names maybe familiar to you.
What do you think, just for your understanding think that there is no Muslims in India...
Then what about the fight between Tamilnadu and Karnataka for Cauvery water?
What about the fight between Karnataka and Maharashra for Belguam issue?
What about the fight for reservation cotas for SC/ST and OBC level people.. They are many if you analyse boss...
If you are writing the comments there should be some facts in that....
Being educated people like you talk all these rubbish... SHAME really SHAME.....
People like you has devided our India like this... People like you have joined the political parties and destroying our counrties policies......
Please think 100 times before you comment... We all are only human being, but have adicted the different paths irrespective of correct or wrong.... just identfy the correct path and then act accordingly...You have never tried knowing the correct path so you comment like this.....
I know some written things bouncing to you, to understand that also you need to understand the facts first....
Best wishes to you to understand the facts and take the right path...
by Ibrahim Sheik on Apr 23, 2007 03:47 PM Permalink
This is the strategy of Dividers like you, Why I should Leave My Country. Having a cheap mentality, don't acuse congress as Divide & Rulers. People like you are the real dividers of the country..
by suresh singh on Apr 23, 2007 03:55 PM Permalink
yes ,i know you people like congress an will like to remain here,because in other countries you can not get such nice treatment like sachar comm.,muslim leage with congress,muslim reservation in andhra and TN,shariyat laws.
RE:Puppet amd manipulative PM
by pradeep agarwal on Apr 23, 2007 04:35 PM Permalink
He normally talks to the mike or media as public is mostly missing from his meetings.What a shame to have a PM who can't gather 10 people in a meeting but continue to occupy the seat thanks to his proximity to 10 Janpath.
dear unknown puppet, "talented" finance minister like you chose to be the "shadow/puppet" of somebody else for the sake for congress. great story. good job,
RE:puppet pm
by on Apr 23, 2007 03:59 PM Permalink
If our PM is really a talented economist, the prices of all the stuff would not have been so high and the reaction after high inflation would not have been like this... besides, he got the credit for the work which was actually done by Narsimha Rao.
Here says the puppet... After deviding the country on the basis of cast, then religion, the puppet is telling "Use of religion for electoral gain needs to be curbed".
RE:RE:Hinduism has disintegrated and destroyed India till 1947.
by Billy Zane on Apr 23, 2007 03:58 PM Permalink
Bush ki najaayaz aulad, apne haramipan ka saboot to dega hi, bush ne teri kitni maari hai
RE:RE:RE:Hinduism has disintegrated and destroyed India till 1947.
by suresh singh on Apr 23, 2007 04:02 PM Permalink
omar ,laden,saddam,bukhaari ki sanyukta santaan bhhag jaa
RE:RE:The Bitter Truth
by biz Narayan on Apr 23, 2007 02:52 PM Permalink
Evangalical Chsrists are a bunch of rowdy colonists, oppurtinists and barbrians.
I do not think the PM really means it. Does he? Either he is joking or trying to make a fool of himself. Did you say fool the people? No he is not that naive. People know these politicians. They keep telling such jokes now and then to keep the people in good humour. Literally. We heard so many such jokes during the recently concluded elections. We all enjoyed it. Atleast I did.
RE:curb caste based selections also
by Sahadevan KK on Apr 23, 2007 02:05 PM Permalink
Political party does not change their way. You must change your way and select a good party.