What do you think, just for your understanding think that there is no Muslims in India...
Then what about the fight between Tamilnadu and Karnataka for Cauvery water?
What about the fight between Karnataka and Maharashra for Belguam issue?
What about the fight for reservation cotas for SC/ST and OBC level people.. They are many if you analyse boss...
If you are writing the comments there should be some facts in that....
Being educated people like you talk all these rubbish... SHAME really SHAME.....
People like you has devided our India like this... People like you have joined the political parties and destroying our counrties policies......
Please think 100 times before you comment... We all are only human being, but have adicted the different paths irrespective of correct or wrong.... just identfy the correct path and then act accordingly...You have never tried knowing the correct path so you comment like this.....
I know some written things bouncing to you, to understand that also you need to understand the facts first....
Best wishes to you to understand the facts and take the right path...