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by prompt on Apr 23, 2007 04:55 PM

Hellp people,

Facts are remaimed facts in India,, every Hindu talks about Muslims.... where they all forget the fact that the Muslims also sacrified thier lives for independence.

We all have to really think broadly frens, why do you ignore the facts that what is really fact means.

Priya, are you crazy to question the Muslim that why not ram mandir... ? do you really know the facts? have you ever tried knowing facts....?

In India only facts are hidden.....

There are many worst parties in India are just playing with the public in the name of religion.
And the poor public being like dum and illeterate believes everything what these worst parties are assuring.....

Frens try to really understand the facts, these parties are just to make fool each and every citizen. And few fool citizens blindly believe in them,,,,.

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PM speaks out against practice