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Congress- Burden to Nation since 1885
by Hazi Singh on Apr 16, 2007 06:04 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

this has been burden to nation since 1885.
1. O Hume = Founder was Collector of Etawah(UP) in 1857 and killed many freedom fighters in 157. He even had escaped under refuge of Woman to save his life in 1857.
2.In 1905 = partition of Bengal was done and Congress had approved 2 Nation Theory. This forced ouster of Tilak in 1907 at Surat Summit of Congress.
3. 1921= Support to Turkey's Calipha under Khilafat Movement By Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi which led riots . Mopla Riot Most bloody riot in History of Kerla is still alive in mind of Malabar/Konkan Region. We fought for Calipha and paid value at India in form Of Riots.
3.1922- Chauri Chaura it was utter fiasco of Gandhi/Congress. they failed to control the Movement and result was suppression of Common Indian People.
4.Death Penalty of Freedom Fighter- for Not a single Freedom Fighter Congress started agitation but it did for turkey what is height of Idiosyncrasy?
5. Ouster of Subhash- Subhash Bose was more poular than gandhi but in 1937 in tripura Summit when gandhi's candidate Pattabhi Sitarammiyya lost Gandhi did all drama till Subhash Quit from Prsident post of Congress. Biggest Blunder by congress.
5. 1947= Partition of Nation= Gandhi and Nehru in Congress gave in very simply to fulfill one dream of Nehru- First PM of India.
since 1947 it is a bunch of Chamcha/Hijras see Mathai.Menon.to Arjun Singh and Das Munshi and Pranab Chandra.
Really it has been shame for India.

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RE:Congress- Burden to Nation since 1885
by Maha Stud on Apr 16, 2007 06:21 PM  Permalink
cant agree more ..

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RE:Congress- Burden to Nation since 1885
by rachna sharma on Apr 16, 2007 06:49 PM  Permalink
Very well said
Its what Congress is
A curse to India

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Congress : The Biggest Threat to Independant India
by bhupinder singh on Apr 16, 2007 05:38 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Even Mahatma Gandhi wanted to ban this congress after independance.

The article clearly says"
It is generally believed that Gandhi's model of Swaraj has not been followed by the Indian government. He had wanted a system of a classless, stateless direct democracy.[12] For achieving this he wanted to "DISBAND" (BAN/END) the Congress Party after independence. He said, "Its task is done. The next task is to move into villages and revitalize life there to build a new socio-economic structure from the bottom upwards."[13] However none of these objectives were achieved when India became independent. India, although a federation, got a strong central government. Representative democracy, rather then direct democracy was adopted. The Congress Party was not disbanded. Rather it went on to become one of the frontrunners in running the government of India."

Dont believe me ??
Just log to :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swaraj( Read ( After Gandhi)

I read another interesting article:

Why doesnt Congress Talk about how Indian Muslims were thrown out of their homeland(INDIA) in 1947. Just for the sake of power & blood thirsty Nehru-Ghazi Khan who refused to share authority positions with Indian Muslims (Jinnah) in 1947 ?

Why doesnt Congress Talk about thousands of lakhs of INDIANS who were perished & butchered in Bloodshed of Partition. ?

Why doesnt Congress Talk about the shameless attitude of Nehru-Ghazi Khan along with corrupt Congress Party who seeded the germ of hatredness in minds of hindus/muslims way back in 1947 by throwing Indian Muslims out of their HomeLand (India) ?

Why doenst Congress Talk about mysterious deaths of several FREEDOM FIGHTERS like Subhash Chandra Bose? Or rather they were murdered by corrupt Congress to secure their top positions. why ??

Why doesnt Congress Talk about how our Kashmir was gifted to Pakistan by Nehru-Ghazi& Indra Ghazi Khan ?

Why doesnt Congress Talk about thousands of Kashmiri Hindus/Sikhs who are getting butchered in Kashmir following Militancy ?

Why doesnt Congress Talk about rehabilitation of these poor people who have lost everything due to policies of Nehru-Ghazi & Indra Ghazi Khan ??

Why doesnt Congress Talk about thousands of Soldiers being butchered in Kashmir every single year ??

Why doesnt Congress Talk about how they split Indian and Bangladeshi Muslims ??

Why doesnt Congress Talk about Indra Ghazi's dream to create a seperate Khalistan to induce a new split in the form of Indian Sikhs and Khalistani Sikhs ?

Why doesnt Congress Talk about 1984 Riots where 15000 innnocent sikhs were brutally murdered in Delhi, Kanpur,and other citiest across India. Several hundred of CONGRESS MPs like "Sajjan Kumar, HKL Bhagat, Jagdish Tytler roamed city like bloodthristy Vultures carrying out OFFICIAL ORDERS OF GENOCIDE by Rajiv Ghazi Khan. Several thousand people saw them roaming city along with Congress Party Goondas carrying Swords, Knives, Clubs, Iron Rods & Kerosene, shouting slogans to kill sikhs ? Didnt these Indian (Sikhs) belonged to the religion to which Shahid Bhagat Singh, Udham Singh and several thousand freedom fighters from sikh community belonged, who sacrificed their lives in war of Independance for India ?

Why doesnt Congress Talk about rehabilitation of these 15000X4 = 600000 innocent people who were killed or left with nobody to look after them ( Every single earning member of these families was butchered in the main CITY of INDIA. Thousands of these poor old mothers are still living in hope to see their loved ones back who had gone to earn bread for them during OFFICIAL GENOCIDE Of 1984 carried out by Rajiv Ghazi Khan - CONGRESS in Independant India??

Why doesnt Congress Talk about punishing those involved in this ghastly act ?? Why doesnt Rahul Ghazi khan talk about punishing all those corrupt CONGRESS GOONDAS and MP's who carried out this genocide, or he doesnt want people of Indian to knows that his own father was the main mastermind of Official Genocide where 15000 Indian Sikhs were butchered in streets of "CAPITAL" Delhi, Kanpur, and other cities??

Why doesnt Congress Talk about the increasing terrorism in Jharkhand. I am sure they are dying to see indians split with another NAXALSTHAN. Priyanka Ghazi Khan must be dying see another Bhindranwala from naxalisthan so that she can enter religious shrines of Jharkhand and Assam with TANKS and AMMUNITION to quench her thrist for innocent "INDIAN" Bloosd by razing & killing innocent pilgrims in the name of removing Terrorism ?

Why doesnt Congress Talk about the increasing Militancy in Kashmir. Why dont they talk about innocent muslim kashmiris being killed under the garb of removing Terrorism ?? Are Muslims of Kashmir [who do not fall in their voting area] different from Muslims of U.P, or rather Muslims in U.P are more illiterate and know nothing about these Dirty Rats of Congress whose tails are drenched with BLOOD of THOUSANDS OF LAKHS OF INNOCENT INDIANS (HINDUS/MUSLIMS/SIKHS) since 1947 ?

Why dont they talk about settling issue of Kashmir, and getting our Pak Kashmir back which was gifted to Pakistan by Indra Ghazi Khan ??

Why doesnt Congress Talk about the Shameless act of their Rajiv Ghazi Khan who Looted the HARD EARNED TAX MONEY OF INDIAN PEOPLE, and was hand in glove with Quotrocchi in Multi-Crore BOFOR SCANDAL. This same Govt talks about corruption/Demolition/Sealing in small shops of Delhi where people are working to earn honest bread for their children ?

Why doesnt Congress Talk about how this Bofor's Italian Mastermind "Quotrocchi" and RAJIV GHAZI KHAN's Italian wife "SONIA MAINOO" are interrelated to each other. SONIA facilitated QUOTROCCHI to gulp down more than 100 Crores which was hard earned money of INDIAN PEOPLE ??

Why doesnt Congress talk about the P.V.Narsimha Rao who was ordered to go UNDERGROUND when Babri Masjid Demolition was taking place. He was in Center with Corrupt Congress party, and could have easily gone to Babri Masjib with TANKS and AMMUNITION to stop this demolition, or rather they were dying to see "BABRI MASJID" razed to the ground, just like what they did to Golden Temple in 1984??

Why doesnt Congress Talk about bringing unity in people of India by removing this caste system from India. Why are they talking about spliting young generation into different categories ??

Why doesnt Congress Talk about Hanging Afzal. Is this Nehru-Ghazi-Khan Clan along with Quotrocchi-Congress hand in glove with terrorist outfits operating across the border ??


3) BLOODSHED OF INNOCENT SIKHS IN Amritsar. These 3000 pilgrims were just holed up inside the shrine and killed cold bloodedly/Smoked To Death along with force of a small terrorist Bhindranwala( About 100-200). 99% of Sikhs had no idea who this Bhindranwala was, before Indra Ghazi Khan Invaded Golden Temple.
4) BLOODSHED OF INNOCENT SIKHS IN 1984. THIS WAS CAREFULLY PLANNED GENOCIDE by corrupt son of a corrupt PM Indra Ghazi Khan known as Rajiv Gandhi or Rajiv Ghazi Khan.
8) BLOODSHED OF MUSLIMS-HINDUS IN BABRI MASJID DEMOLITION ( PV Narsimha Rao was ordered to go UNDERGROUND by centeral govt headed by Congress)
10) Splitting Country into different casts by promoting DIRTY CASTE politics
11) Several other unexplored DIRTY GAMES OF GANDHI (GANDGI PARIVAR). Latest one the NANDIGRAM MASSACRE and funding 200 crores to NAXLITE OUTFITS IN ASSAM AND JHARKHAND.

Congress doesnt want to discuss these issue why ?? Is it beacuse they have done IRREVOCABLE DAMAGE TO OUR COUNTRY IN THE LAST 50 YEARS AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO SO AS LONG AS THEY ARE IN POWER ??

Was this the picture of INDEPENDANT INDIA which Mahatma Gandhi saw ?? OfCourse Not ! This was the reason why he wanted to "BAN" Congress after Independance? Read : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swaraj ( read : After Gandhi) ? Did Congress itself murdered Gandhiji's so that Indra Ghazi Khan can snatch his surname ?? When RSS had no idea about intentions of Godse, was it Congress who framed RSS after murdering him??

Was this the picture of INDEPENDANT INDIA which Chadrashekhar Azaad, Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sukhdev, Lala Lajpat Rai, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose dreamt of ? OF COURSE NOT

Was this the picture of AZAAD BHARAT, which Chandrashekhar Azaad saw before closing his eyes and firing his last bullet using pistol ??

Was this the picture of Independant India which Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sukhdev, Udham Singh and thousands of other Freedom Fighters dreamt of before closing their eyes & kissing their hanging rope ? OF COURSE NOT


THIS IS THE REASON WHY WE SEE PICTURES OF SCAVENGERS/VULTURES OF GORY CONGRESS PARTY (Nehru-Indra-Rajiv Ghazi Khan) hanging on walls of corrupt Govt Officials/Politicians and Congress Party Offices across India. These Bootlickers & corrupt Govt Officials and Corrupt Congress Politicians/Indians who are licking shoes of Congress will surely wake up one day to realise that they have been thrown out of their own homeland which was once known as INDIA.

Why dont we see pictures of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Lala Lajpat Rai, Chandrashekhar Azaad, Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Rajguru, Udham Singh in Offices/Institutions across Independant INDIA and offices of CONGRESS across INDIA. Show us one single office of Congress where you will spot pictures of these Freedom Fighters ?? Is it because this was not the picture of "AZAAD BHARAT" which these freedom fighters dreamt of ??

Why dont we see names of any freedom fighters in our Airports, Institutions, Stadiums across India ??

ALL THOSE WHO ARE TRUE INDIANS MAKE SURE NEVER TO VOTE FOR CONGRESS IN FUTURE. We Indians will support any non-congress Govt who has the guts to throw pictures of these scavangers & vultures of Congress Party (Nehru-Indra-Rajiv Ghazi) in Gutters, Sewers, and drains so that we Indians never see this picture of "INDEPENDANT INDIA" again.


Congress is the biggest threat to our Independant India which is thousand times greater than Pakistan's ISI or Afzal Guru. After all both ISI and Afzal are handicraft of CONGRESS PARTY.

THE COUNTRY OF INDIA WILL THROW THIS Ghazi-Khan Clan of Rahul Ghazi & Sonia Ghazi Mainoo along with Quotrocchi-Congress Govt out of our country forever.

ITS TIME FOR "A NEW WAR OF INDEPENDANCE", and we INDIANS will "WIN" in next elections by throwing this Corrupt/Gory Congress Party out of this country forever.

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RE:Congress : The Biggest Threat to Independant India
by morpheus thyrux on Apr 16, 2007 05:59 PM  Permalink
surely we will support any good party which can overthrow the congress. I was working in a firm which manages the investments of our 'so called Finance Minister" and his goonda son based in Chennai, where they have close to 1500 cr in Singapore Malaysia and Chennai in benami companies! This idiot was instrumental for the market to fall in May 2006!

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RE:Congress : The Biggest Threat to Independant India
by on Apr 16, 2007 06:54 PM  Permalink
All leaders of congress/BJP are big terrorist only.They can get killed thousands(Sikh riots/Gujrat riots)& Get themselve cover of Black cats.
These bastereds should be tried in court & hanged in public for their crimes.

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RE:Congress : The Biggest Threat to Independant India
by ashok leyland on Apr 16, 2007 09:03 PM  Permalink
Very true why don't we insist on getting some answers?

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RE:Congress : The Biggest Threat to Independant India
by Ajay on Apr 16, 2007 05:39 PM  Permalink
Thanks buddy !! Sorry but I am using your article to promote your patriotic feeling to Indians.

Please dont mind

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RE:Congress : The Biggest Threat to Independant India
by bhupinder singh on Apr 16, 2007 05:43 PM  Permalink
You can dear friend :). I objective is to make people of India perceive the real intentions of dirty Congresss party.

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Even Mahatma Gandhi wanted to BAN Congress
by Ajay on Apr 16, 2007 05:29 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Even Mahatma Gandhi wanted to ban this congress after independance.

The article clearly says"
It is generally believed that Gandhi's model of Swaraj has not been followed by the Indian government. He had wanted a system of a classless, stateless direct democracy.[12] For achieving this he wanted to "DISBAND" (BAN/END) the Congress Party after independence. He said, "Its task is done. The next task is to move into villages and revitalize life there to build a new socio-economic structure from the bottom upwards."[13] However none of these objectives were achieved when India became independent. India, although a federation, got a strong central government. Representative democracy, rather then direct democracy was adopted. The Congress Party was not disbanded. Rather it went on to become one of the frontrunners in running the government of India."

Dont believe me ??
Just log to :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swaraj( Read ( After Gandhi)

I read another interesting article:

Why doesnt Congress Talk about how Indian Muslims were thrown out of their homeland(INDIA) in 1947. Just for the sake of power & blood thirsty Nehru-Ghazi Khan who refused to share authority positions with Indian Muslims (Jinnah) in 1947 ?

Why doesnt Congress Talk about thousands of lakhs of INDIANS who were perished & butchered in Bloodshed of Partition. ?

Why doesnt Congress Talk about the shameless attitude of Nehru-Ghazi Khan along with corrupt Congress Party who seeded the germ of hatredness in minds of hindus/muslims way back in 1947 by throwing Indian Muslims out of their HomeLand (India) ?

Why doenst Congress Talk about mysterious deaths of several FREEDOM FIGHTERS like Subhash Chandra Bose? Or rather they were murdered by corrupt Congress to secure their top positions. why ??

Why doesnt Congress Talk about how our Kashmir was gifted to Pakistan by Nehru-Ghazi& Indra Ghazi Khan ?

Why doesnt Congress Talk about thousands of Kashmiri Hindus/Sikhs who are getting butchered in Kashmir following Militancy ?

Why doesnt Congress Talk about rehabilitation of these poor people who have lost everything due to policies of Nehru-Ghazi & Indra Ghazi Khan ??

Why doesnt Congress Talk about thousands of Soldiers being butchered in Kashmir every single year ??

Why doesnt Congress Talk about how they split Indian and Bangladeshi Muslims ??

Why doesnt Congress Talk about Indra Ghazi's dream to create a seperate Khalistan to induce a new split in the form of Indian Sikhs and Khalistani Sikhs ?

Why doesnt Congress Talk about 1984 Riots where 15000 innnocent sikhs were brutally murdered in Delhi, Kanpur,and other citiest across India. Several hundred of CONGRESS MPs like "Sajjan Kumar, HKL Bhagat, Jagdish Tytler roamed city like bloodthristy Vultures carrying out OFFICIAL ORDERS OF GENOCIDE by Rajiv Ghazi Khan. Several thousand people saw them roaming city along with Congress Party Goondas carrying Swords, Knives, Clubs, Iron Rods & Kerosene, shouting slogans to kill sikhs ? Didnt these Indian (Sikhs) belonged to the religion to which Shahid Bhagat Singh, Udham Singh and several thousand freedom fighters from sikh community belonged, who sacrificed their lives in war of Independance for India ?

Why doesnt Congress Talk about rehabilitation of these 15000X4 = 600000 innocent people who were killed or left with nobody to look after them ( Every single earning member of these families was butchered in the main CITY of INDIA. Thousands of these poor old mothers are still living in hope to see their loved ones back who had gone to earn bread for them during OFFICIAL GENOCIDE Of 1984 carried out by Rajiv Ghazi Khan - CONGRESS in Independant India??

Why doesnt Congress Talk about punishing those involved in this ghastly act ?? Why doesnt Rahul Ghazi khan talk about punishing all those corrupt CONGRESS GOONDAS and MP's who carried out this genocide, or he doesnt want people of Indian to knows that his own father was the main mastermind of Official Genocide where 15000 Indian Sikhs were butchered in streets of "CAPITAL" Delhi, Kanpur, and other cities??

Why doesnt Congress Talk about the increasing terrorism in Jharkhand. I am sure they are dying to see indians split with another NAXALSTHAN. Priyanka Ghazi Khan must be dying see another Bhindranwala from naxalisthan so that she can enter religious shrines of Jharkhand and Assam with TANKS and AMMUNITION to quench her thrist for innocent "INDIAN" Bloosd by razing & killing innocent pilgrims in the name of removing Terrorism ?

Why doesnt Congress Talk about the increasing Militancy in Kashmir. Why dont they talk about innocent muslim kashmiris being killed under the garb of removing Terrorism ?? Are Muslims of Kashmir [who do not fall in their voting area] different from Muslims of U.P, or rather Muslims in U.P are more illiterate and know nothing about these Dirty Rats of Congress whose tails are drenched with BLOOD of THOUSANDS OF LAKHS OF INNOCENT INDIANS (HINDUS/MUSLIMS/SIKHS) since 1947 ?

Why dont they talk about settling issue of Kashmir, and getting our Pak Kashmir back which was gifted to Pakistan by Indra Ghazi Khan ??

Why doesnt Congress Talk about the Shameless act of their Rajiv Ghazi Khan who Looted the HARD EARNED TAX MONEY OF INDIAN PEOPLE, and was hand in glove with Quotrocchi in Multi-Crore BOFOR SCANDAL. This same Govt talks about corruption/Demolition/Sealing in small shops of Delhi where people are working to earn honest bread for their children ?

Why doesnt Congress Talk about how this Bofor's Italian Mastermind "Quotrocchi" and RAJIV GHAZI KHAN's Italian wife "SONIA MAINOO" are interrelated to each other. SONIA facilitated QUOTROCCHI to gulp down more than 100 Crores which was hard earned money of INDIAN PEOPLE ??

Why doesnt Congress talk about the P.V.Narsimha Rao who was ordered to go UNDERGROUND when Babri Masjid Demolition was taking place. He was in Center with Corrupt Congress party, and could have easily gone to Babri Masjib with TANKS and AMMUNITION to stop this demolition, or rather they were dying to see "BABRI MASJID" razed to the ground, just like what they did to Golden Temple in 1984??

Why doesnt Congress Talk about bringing unity in people of India by removing this caste system from India. Why are they talking about spliting young generation into different categories ??

Why doesnt Congress Talk about Hanging Afzal. Is this Nehru-Ghazi-Khan Clan along with Quotrocchi-Congress hand in glove with terrorist outfits operating across the border ??


3) BLOODSHED OF INNOCENT SIKHS IN Amritsar. These 3000 pilgrims were just holed up inside the shrine and killed cold bloodedly/Smoked To Death along with force of a small terrorist Bhindranwala( About 100-200). 99% of Sikhs had no idea who this Bhindranwala was, before Indra Ghazi Khan Invaded Golden Temple.
4) BLOODSHED OF INNOCENT SIKHS IN 1984. THIS WAS CAREFULLY PLANNED GENOCIDE by corrupt son of a corrupt PM Indra Ghazi Khan known as Rajiv Gandhi or Rajiv Ghazi Khan.
8) BLOODSHED OF MUSLIMS-HINDUS IN BABRI MASJID DEMOLITION ( PV Narsimha Rao was ordered to go UNDERGROUND by centeral govt headed by Congress)
10) Splitting Country into different casts by promoting DIRTY CASTE politics
11) Several other unexplored DIRTY GAMES OF GANDHI (GANDGI PARIVAR). Latest one the NANDIGRAM MASSACRE and funding 200 crores to NAXLITE OUTFITS IN ASSAM AND JHARKHAND.

Congress doesnt want to discuss these issue why ?? Is it beacuse they have done IRREVOCABLE DAMAGE TO OUR COUNTRY IN THE LAST 50 YEARS AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO SO AS LONG AS THEY ARE IN POWER ??

Was this the picture of INDEPENDANT INDIA which Mahatma Gandhi saw ?? OfCourse Not ! This was the reason why he wanted to "BAN" Congress after Independance? Read : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swaraj ( read : After Gandhi) ? Did Congress itself murdered Gandhiji's so that Indra Ghazi Khan can snatch his surname ?? When RSS had no idea about intentions of Godse, was it Congress who framed RSS after murdering him??

Was this the picture of INDEPENDANT INDIA which Chadrashekhar Azaad, Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sukhdev, Lala Lajpat Rai, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose dreamt of ? OF COURSE NOT

Was this the picture of AZAAD BHARAT, which Chandrashekhar Azaad saw before closing his eyes and firing his last bullet using pistol ??

Was this the picture of Independant India which Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sukhdev, Udham Singh and thousands of other Freedom Fighters dreamt of before closing their eyes & kissing their hanging rope ? OF COURSE NOT


THIS IS THE REASON WHY WE SEE PICTURES OF SCAVENGERS/VULTURES OF GORY CONGRESS PARTY (Nehru-Indra-Rajiv Ghazi Khan) hanging on walls of corrupt Govt Officials/Politicians and Congress Party Offices across India. These Bootlickers & corrupt Govt Officials and Corrupt Congress Politicians/Indians who are licking shoes of Congress will surely wake up one day to realise that they have been thrown out of their own homeland which was once known as INDIA.

Why dont we see pictures of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Lala Lajpat Rai, Chandrashekhar Azaad, Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Rajguru, Udham Singh in Offices/Institutions across Independant INDIA and offices of CONGRESS across INDIA. Show us one single office of Congress where you will spot pictures of these Freedom Fighters ?? Is it because this was not the picture of "AZAAD BHARAT" which these freedom fighters dreamt of ??

Why dont we see names of any freedom fighters in our Airports, Institutions, Stadiums across India ??

ALL THOSE WHO ARE TRUE INDIANS MAKE SURE NEVER TO VOTE FOR CONGRESS IN FUTURE. We Indians will support any non-congress Govt who has the guts to throw pictures of these scavangers & vultures of Congress Party (Nehru-Indra-Rajiv Ghazi) in Gutters, Sewers, and drains so that we Indians never see this picture of "INDEPENDANT INDIA" again.


Congress is the biggest threat to our Independant India which is thousand times greater than Pakistan's ISI or Afzal Guru. After all both ISI and Afzal are handicraft of CONGRESS PARTY.

THE COUNTRY OF INDIA WILL THROW THIS Ghazi-Khan Clan of Rahul Ghazi & Sonia Ghazi Mainoo along with Quotrocchi-Congress Govt out of our country forever.

ITS TIME FOR "A NEW WAR OF INDEPENDANCE", and we INDIANS will "WIN" in next elections by throwing this Corrupt/Gory Congress Party out of this country forever.

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RE:Even Mahatma Gandhi wanted to BAN Congress
by narayan mangat on Apr 16, 2007 07:00 PM  Permalink
It is very good to know that there are like minded people out there

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RE:Even Mahatma Gandhi wanted to BAN Congress
by morpheus thyrux on Apr 16, 2007 06:03 PM  Permalink
excellent article Ajay keep it up!!! We need a young generation insulated from unethical practices who can erase these Congress goons from India. High time the Generation X started the quit India movement against those aging morons who still lick Sonia's feet along with her children! They still think they are slaves!!!

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RE:Even Mahatma Gandhi wanted to BAN Congress
by Ajay on Apr 16, 2007 05:36 PM  Permalink
I found it posted on Rediff by another true patriotic Indian :)

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Dont get Surprised INDIANS
by Ajay on Apr 16, 2007 05:25 PM  Permalink 

Even Khalistan was dream of Indra Gandhi. Bhindranwala was considered as saint by Indra as long as he helped to split khalistani and Indian sikhs. The moment he revolted, she feared that he will spill the beans, and invaded Golden Temple only to kill innocent pilgrims around 3000 who were murdered cold bloodedly along with a small force of 100-200 militants of Bhindranwala. The entire motive to kill bhindranwala inside premises of Golden Temple was to give FIRE to the aimless objective of KHALISTAN among sikhs. 99% of sikhs had no idea about who this Bhindranwala (along with a small force of 100-200 saints or terrorists)

Rahul admitted about splitting India, Pak, and Bangladesh, dont get surprised it you see another speech from Priyanka spilling the beans about khalistan.

They are a tickling time bomb which can push any patriotic community into terrorism. This is what currently going on in pak,india,kashmir for the last 50 years

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by vijay parasar on Apr 16, 2007 05:22 PM  Permalink 

Plz. quit India asap along with your goons/chamcha so that we can peacefully.

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Malafide Intentions of Congress
by Ajay on Apr 16, 2007 05:18 PM  Permalink 

My friend who was present in Punjab during 1984 told me that the entire sarovar of Amritsar got turned into RED colour which was blood of innocent women,children and pilgrims who were living inside temple.

Several thousand of bodies were found at the bottom of sarovar, and several hundred dead bodies were spotted floating in sarovar.

Ever wondered why they are call "Goddesses of Hindus as someone who enjoys driking wine", and Guru Gobind Singh was working as an employee in the court of Aurangzeb in the books of IGNOU across India ??
Is it because
IGNOU stands for actual ( Indra Ghazi Khan National Open University)

The guru whose father sacrificed hi s life to save Hindu religion was projected as a coward in IGNOU books across India.

Several dieties and goddesses were mentioned as "enjoyed wine"

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Hinduism is the root of all evil in India.
by m on Apr 16, 2007 05:17 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

1. It explicitly creates irrational hierarchy among Indians which is against Article 14.
2. Parents covertly train their children to coerce other children as per the above hierarchies.
I deplore any other religion that does this.

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RE:Hinduism is the root of all evil in India.
by morpheus thyrux on Apr 16, 2007 06:05 PM  Permalink
and what r u? a terrorist muslim??????

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Malafide Intentions of Congress
by Ajay on Apr 16, 2007 05:16 PM  Permalink 

My friend who was present in Punjab during 1984 told me that the entire sarovar of Amritsar got turned into RED colour which was blood of innocent women,children and pilgrims who were living inside temple.

Several thousand of bodies were found at the bottom of sarovar, and several hundred dead bodies were spotted floating in sarovar.

Ever wondered why they are call "Goddesses of Hindus as someone who enjoys driking wine", and Guru Gobind Singh was working as an employee in the court of Aurangzeb in the books of IGNOU across India ??
Is it because
IGNOU stands for actual ( Indra Ghazi Khan National Open University)

The guru whose father sacrificed hi s life to save Hindu religion was projected as a coward in IGNOU books across India.

Several dieties and goddesses were mentioned as "enjoyed wine"

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