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Malafide Intentions of Congress
by Ajay on Apr 16, 2007 05:16 PM

My friend who was present in Punjab during 1984 told me that the entire sarovar of Amritsar got turned into RED colour which was blood of innocent women,children and pilgrims who were living inside temple.

Several thousand of bodies were found at the bottom of sarovar, and several hundred dead bodies were spotted floating in sarovar.

Ever wondered why they are call "Goddesses of Hindus as someone who enjoys driking wine", and Guru Gobind Singh was working as an employee in the court of Aurangzeb in the books of IGNOU across India ??
Is it because
IGNOU stands for actual ( Indra Ghazi Khan National Open University)

The guru whose father sacrificed hi s life to save Hindu religion was projected as a coward in IGNOU books across India.

Several dieties and goddesses were mentioned as "enjoyed wine"

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