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Congress- Burden to Nation since 1885
by Hazi Singh on Apr 16, 2007 06:04 PM

this has been burden to nation since 1885.
1. O Hume = Founder was Collector of Etawah(UP) in 1857 and killed many freedom fighters in 157. He even had escaped under refuge of Woman to save his life in 1857.
2.In 1905 = partition of Bengal was done and Congress had approved 2 Nation Theory. This forced ouster of Tilak in 1907 at Surat Summit of Congress.
3. 1921= Support to Turkey's Calipha under Khilafat Movement By Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi which led riots . Mopla Riot Most bloody riot in History of Kerla is still alive in mind of Malabar/Konkan Region. We fought for Calipha and paid value at India in form Of Riots.
3.1922- Chauri Chaura it was utter fiasco of Gandhi/Congress. they failed to control the Movement and result was suppression of Common Indian People.
4.Death Penalty of Freedom Fighter- for Not a single Freedom Fighter Congress started agitation but it did for turkey what is height of Idiosyncrasy?
5. Ouster of Subhash- Subhash Bose was more poular than gandhi but in 1937 in tripura Summit when gandhi's candidate Pattabhi Sitarammiyya lost Gandhi did all drama till Subhash Quit from Prsident post of Congress. Biggest Blunder by congress.
5. 1947= Partition of Nation= Gandhi and Nehru in Congress gave in very simply to fulfill one dream of Nehru- First PM of India.
since 1947 it is a bunch of Chamcha/Hijras see Arjun Singh and Das Munshi and Pranab Chandra.
Really it has been shame for India.

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