First of all, The Police should be equiped with modern gadgets, we see night beat PC holding the old type slr riffles, there is no safety for Police itself, imagine the security of others, The government of karnataka should provide better arms to the police, also the security agencies should be authorised to provide arms for security at IT Companies ( IT Companies should have latest survelliance systems and should have the monitoring from the entry area itself, fence area/ perimeter of any organisation should be secured well, Most IT & Other companies spend crores in interior designs further if MNC & bigger company~s equip their entry/perimeter with more modern gadgets , It serves better to their company as well as will help police force to detect the suspect/crime within short time, also Police should co ordinate with the Security of all companys and share their views to monitor the Present circumstances, Police alone should be blamed for untowards and also it the responsibility of IT/and bigger companies to secure the city.
Very poor article. The selection of title reflects the media's eagerness and tendency to sensationalize and direct public, and possibly terrorist thinking in unwanted directions. Not to forget that this will also trigger a cycle of unnecessary speculation in the US and other countries about offshoring.
Dear Editor, What about the white coloured Terrorist who are controlling our economy and administration? Peoples of India knows that our several ministers are entangled with so many antinational activities or link with other so called terrorist groups but what are the result? When our Parliament based on Crime,drugs peddlers,liquor barrons moving economy growing centre through the politicians, we are only spectators. If you love the country, first you should expose those anti national political leaders, M.P.,M.L.A. so that everybody trust Indian constitution. Expecting your view. Thanks & regards B CHATTERJEE
This is in reference to the article titled "Could Bangalore be the next terror target?" dated on 21/07/06 by George Iype in Bangalore - These are difficult times that our country and the world is going through. Public statements and discussions should be well screened before being made, the readership at large may get a wrong message. This is where "reposible editing" comes to play and articles which are linked to sensitive national issues should be censored.
RE:''Aren't we getting Hysterical! '' - Let the experts do their Job
by Rajesh on Jul 27, 2006 03:49 PM Permalink
Dear Sunil
Instead of doing something you are only blaming,Shame On You,if somebody shit at your home I am very sure you are going to clean that rather than abusing the neighbour or by saying that I deserves that so better think India as your home only upto some extent and try to clean it if you cant then plesssse dont finger point other also
It is a general feeling among the politicians and their local govts., that terrorism is only in Kashmir and other parts of the country are not vulnerable. This has led to callousness and lay back attitude on the part of the politicians lacking willpower to tackle the problem. Inspite of central intelligence agencies passing on vital info our politicians are busy to save their asses on corruption charges levelled against each other. No doubt disruptive elements are able to exploit this situation. Politicians are busy making money when in power and not interested to pay attention to the serious problems facing the nation from terrorists. The common man feels that all security provided to politicians should b withdrawn since the money spent is from public who are not protected from terrorist acts. Deploy these security personnel to guard the public places and improve vigilance and watch on suspicious elements. Then only common man will feel secure and live without fear. Lives are not precious in our country of 1 billion.Israel wagws war for kidnap of two of it's soldiers. America attacks and destrroys a nation Iraq for terrorist attacks on WTC.When will India act strongly?
RE:Terror attacks.
by aah123 on Jul 24, 2006 09:30 AM Permalink
what a shame sunil rai...keeping and indian name and saying india deserves you realize who the victims are..the innocent people of india..i know the govt is to blame..but saying india deserves it is going too naturalized citizen(of whichever country)..your family if in india..could be one of the please don't make these wishes..
I think every city is a terror target and the Indian government wants it, they deserve it. Whats going on in Mumbai..after 12 days of cruel progress , no arrest, wow what a law and order!! People use to tell Bihar's law and order situation is worse...its not true. Mumbai is a so called metro...if the police is unable to do any arrest there...what they will do in smaller cities..sure the next targets are : Banglore, Pune, Kolkata, Gurgaon even the Taj Mahal. I am sure, if terrorists announce in advance that thay are going to bomb Banglore even though the administration and police would not do anything. India deserve more terrorist attacks. Be ready, your home, office, even your car can be attacked. You deserve it because you are a proud citizen of a coward country. I feel pity to the indian government, when they bark so much, do nothing.
RE:Next Terror target- Taj Mahal
by Mahi on Feb 11, 2008 12:03 PM Permalink
I agree that no arrest in case of Mumbai violance against regional communities is a serious issue.But don't write the irresponsible shit just because you are hurt. You are of self defeating nature.