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Terror attacks.
by madanbondal on Jul 22, 2006 12:12 PM

It is a general feeling among the politicians and their local govts., that terrorism is only in Kashmir and other parts of the country are not vulnerable. This has led to callousness and lay back attitude on the part of the politicians lacking willpower to tackle the problem. Inspite of central intelligence agencies passing on vital info our politicians are busy to save their asses on corruption charges levelled against each other. No doubt disruptive elements are able to exploit this situation. Politicians are busy making money when in power and not interested to pay attention to the serious problems facing the nation from terrorists. The common man feels that all security provided to politicians should b withdrawn since the money spent is from public who are not protected from terrorist acts. Deploy these security personnel to guard the public places and improve vigilance and watch on suspicious elements. Then only common man will feel secure and live without fear. Lives are not precious in our country of 1 billion.Israel wagws war for kidnap of two of it's soldiers. America attacks and destrroys a nation Iraq for terrorist attacks on WTC.When will India act strongly?

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Bangalore next terror target?