I think every city is a terror target and the Indian government wants it, they deserve it. Whats going on in Mumbai..after 12 days of cruel blasts..no progress , no arrest, wow what a law and order!! People use to tell Bihar's law and order situation is worse...its not true. Mumbai is a so called metro...if the police is unable to do any arrest there...what they will do in smaller cities..sure the next targets are : Banglore, Pune, Kolkata, Gurgaon even the Taj Mahal. I am sure, if terrorists announce in advance that thay are going to bomb Banglore even though the administration and police would not do anything. India deserve more terrorist attacks. Be ready, your home, office, even your car can be attacked. You deserve it because you are a proud citizen of a coward country. I feel pity to the indian government, when they bark so much, do nothing.