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What about the Genocide in your Hindu Orchard Gujarat and Elsewhere since 1992
by Tanvir Ahmed on Jan 07, 2006 01:06 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Dear Sir / Madam ,

Thanks for your concern for people all over the world but i think Gujarat or else it would have figured in your list of concerns for people butchered and killed and raped and looted . It was in Gujarat that is in the outer space in this Universe other then the planet Earth otherwise it would have figured in your list of concerns and not to mention Kashmir it is not in our sight , byt it is said people mostly women were raped and then killed , thousands just disappeared in thin air may in the Universe .

Thanks for you humane gesture that is too late and too little and biased .

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RE:What about the Genocide in your Hindu Orchard Gujarat and Elsewhere since 1992
by sanjaychoudhry on Jan 11, 2006 08:25 PM  Permalink
Did the Hindus burnt alive in Godhra figured in your concern? How many fatwas were issued condemning the preperators? How many peace marches did Shabana Azmi have against genocide of Kashimir Hindus? Hypocricy seems to be the birthright of your race.

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Calumny as usual !
by Salil Kader on Jan 07, 2006 01:04 PM  Permalink 

"The atrocities committed by Islamic terrorists, including ethnic cleansing of Hindus in Kashmir, and attacks all over India killing Hindus -- note the latest attacks just before Diwali and now on the Indian Institute of Science -- are trivialised by the chatterati with the usual cant about how the terrorists are misguided youths frustrated by lack of opportunities."

Mr.RS your "Islamic terrorists", to begin with have killed more Muslims in Kashmir than Hindus. No one has trivialised the attacks on IISc or any other place in India. It IS a serious problem. Maybe you should stop cribbing about the English language papers and start looking into some Urdu newspapers and see the codemnation of all such attacks spread across its pages. I am sure you also know that people who read and write in these Urdu newspapers are not the self-proclaimed Hindu Nationalists like you but middle class Indian Muslims. Enough of your diatribes. Use the medium that you have your command for bringing minds and hearts together. This country needs it more than anything else. And please for heavan's sake, leave Pakistan (or Baluchistan) to the Pakistanis and UN !

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Ignore genocide we're secular
by rajeev trivedi on Jan 07, 2006 12:57 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The real enemies of india are the socalled secular english media.They never make a mention if hindus are killed.when there is a report that memebers of two communities rioted you are certain it is hindus who are killed and when hindus retaliate there will be hue and cry about hindu fundamentalists sangh saffron combine etc etc.

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Ostrich, are you?
by krishnan on Jan 07, 2006 12:56 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

It is nice to see someone taking up cudgels on behalf of the Hindu.; but Rajeev are you aware of the fact that the reason why this happens is because we are divided more on the caste & linguistic basis?
A muslim from North may marry one from south or east & so on for other religions. Can you imagine a typical Tamil Brahmin family accepting some other Brahmin as their son/daughter in law, leave alone other castes?
dont equate indians with hinduism; if you are then you you live in a fool's paradise.

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RE:Ostrich, are you?
by Salil Kader on Jul 18, 2006 06:58 PM  Permalink
Precisely my point. We should just not bother about what happens in Denmark. And what do you mean by 'you guys' ?? Its people like you who club the whole Muslim community together.. and if someone raises a different voice, you are right here to question it also. God knows what ppl like u want?

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Calumny as usual !
by Salil Kader on Jan 07, 2006 12:55 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Dont know when RS will realise that Pakistan is not India and vice versa. Do we need to compare ourselves with everything that goes on in Pakistan. If he thinks India should take up the cause of Hindus killed in Pakistan, then by the same count he would appreciate Pakistan's questioning of violence against Muslims in any part of India. Let this be clear, any Pakistani citizen (Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist or Sikh) killed in Pakistan is PAKISTAN'S problem and not ours. And vice versa. Lets end this politics of interference in each others matters and concentrate on settling our internal issues first.

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RE: Head I win and Tail you lose!
by Secular on Feb 24, 2006 01:31 AM  Permalink
This is abt Kader's one sided statement.

With your token, Muslims in India must not talk abt a Cartoon in Danish newspaper.

Well, this is some thing happened in Denmark, and it is Denmark's problem.

Then why the hell you guys are taking to the streets of India and affecting normal life of the Society?

As it looks, you guys want the fruits of Secular India and at the same time have the fruits of an Islamic State.

This is totally unacceptable.

As Indians, you are not supposed to react for events happening in some other countries.

First practise and then preach!

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Indian English media must answer this question.
by Jayant on Jan 07, 2006 12:38 PM  Permalink 

Thanks Mr Rajeev. I hope english media in India will realize its responsibility towards nation and Hindus who have build this Nation. If media is comparing rights for minority, first it must compaire contribution made by them to the Nation. There are few from Minorities to contribute but everyone from them wants share and english media is very eager to ignore facts which put reality in light.

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ignore genocide,we're secular
by pravin on Jan 07, 2006 12:09 PM  Permalink 

First time I have seen such a clear view on the secularism on any english print or electronic media.I would like to add one more point that now every one including media is still focusing on the communal violence in Gujarat,but no body wants to remember the death of those hindus who were set on fire alive near the Godhra railway station,which provoked the people for a revenge.Did our human right advocates try to know about the sufferers of the family of those Hindus? Where as the so-called secular& railway minister Lalu prasad tried his level best to confuse the mass people by appointing one more commission. Basically this is hypocritical nature of our so-called intellectuals & seculars.Which is nothing but a denial of facts just because this is related to the hindus.
I appeal all our english media and so-called intellectuals that we should think and focus on facts.
Simply by abusing hinduism,hindu mythology, Vedas, hindu values,traditions and appraising islam and christianity they can't be secular.

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