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Calumny as usual !
by Salil Kader on Jan 07, 2006 01:04 PM

"The atrocities committed by Islamic terrorists, including ethnic cleansing of Hindus in Kashmir, and attacks all over India killing Hindus -- note the latest attacks just before Diwali and now on the Indian Institute of Science -- are trivialised by the chatterati with the usual cant about how the terrorists are misguided youths frustrated by lack of opportunities."

Mr.RS your "Islamic terrorists", to begin with have killed more Muslims in Kashmir than Hindus. No one has trivialised the attacks on IISc or any other place in India. It IS a serious problem. Maybe you should stop cribbing about the English language papers and start looking into some Urdu newspapers and see the codemnation of all such attacks spread across its pages. I am sure you also know that people who read and write in these Urdu newspapers are not the self-proclaimed Hindu Nationalists like you but middle class Indian Muslims. Enough of your diatribes. Use the medium that you have your command for bringing minds and hearts together. This country needs it more than anything else. And please for heavan's sake, leave Pakistan (or Baluchistan) to the Pakistanis and UN !

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