First time I have seen such a clear view on the secularism on any english print or electronic media.I would like to add one more point that now every one including media is still focusing on the communal violence in Gujarat,but no body wants to remember the death of those hindus who were set on fire alive near the Godhra railway station,which provoked the people for a revenge.Did our human right advocates try to know about the sufferers of the family of those Hindus? Where as the so-called secular& railway minister Lalu prasad tried his level best to confuse the mass people by appointing one more commission. Basically this is hypocritical nature of our so-called intellectuals & seculars.Which is nothing but a denial of facts just because this is related to the hindus. I appeal all our english media and so-called intellectuals that we should think and focus on facts. Simply by abusing hinduism,hindu mythology, Vedas, hindu values,traditions and appraising islam and christianity they can't be secular.