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Ignore genocide we are secualr
by suman on Jan 07, 2006 02:42 PM  Permalink 

100 % is right. secularism nothing but killing hindus, crush hinudism systematically, promote the islamisation of India & xian

Christian missionaries of converting people by threatening them with Naxalite reprisalsprotest against the mass conversion of Hindus to Christianity allegedly promote anti-national activities why this NGOs, HRAs, NHRC not thinking about the thousands of kashmiri pandit who were killed, & forced to vacate the valley. Don't this NHRC & other so called secular commisions consider this pandits as humanhuman rights, why they kept mum, and still silent, on witnesses turning hostile in Mumbai balast case, Jessic Lal murder case, Nanda's sons killing 6 people under his jeep and Mou riot, delhi blast riots, These ppl understand that human rights are not only for minorities, it is for all human being

Killing of Hindus in Pakistan, in Bangladesh or even in India is not taken seriously by media, by government or by various political parties or by human rights industry in India.

Is it because for some sections in India, only the terrorists, anti-national elements and Pak-Bangla infiltrators are entitled to fundamental and human rights

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Secularism ki jai ho! Down with the Hindus!
by Sanjay M. Tirdiya on Jan 07, 2006 02:39 PM  Permalink 

Dear ShriRajeev Shrinivasan

Congratulations for this commendably researched article.

I recommend you sent a copy of this to Bennet Coleman & Co. and it's whole horde of dishonest Secular fundamentalist Editors.

Once again Congratulations.

Thanking you

Yours truly

Sanjay Tirdiya


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by PIYUSH PATHAK on Jan 07, 2006 02:33 PM  Permalink 





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I agree
by Neeshith on Jan 07, 2006 02:21 PM  Permalink 

I absolutely agree with opinion. Indian media (Any language and form of media) is going from bad to worst. They concentrate only on a specific group of people. They would spend hours on writing article on how Amitabh Bacchan is doing in hospital but there is more to reality than that. I have also noticed that Indian media exaggerate situations vastly. I am totally disappointed with the type of media we are surrounded with.

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Mismatched Mash dished out again!!
by Ruxak on Jan 07, 2006 02:09 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The US Council on International Religious Freedom labelled your mentors the RSS as blatantly communal and infringed on minority freedom IN INDIA after not one, not two but several hundred registered caess of criminal behaviour right across India. I am sure that a closer look at their list will include several of the other fundamentalist organizations across the world too both in barbaric states of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

on the Indian English papers highlighting the happenings in Baluchistan/Pakistan - their first priority is to report on the Sangh Parivar atrocities in India which is what the people in India are more concerned about - ditto the NGOs and other activists who - rightly so - consider it priority to act upon events/atrocities happening in India. where the bigots are just waiting for every diversion and opportunity to run amok again!

India had made a formal protest against the happenings in Baluchistan and these have been reported in the Indian press if you care to find out.

Thanks for the information on the Rwandan nuns too! Their behaviour was a disgrace to their habits and they got their just rewards - if a just and fair trial and justice was carried out.

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RE:Mismatched Mash dished out again!!
by Varun Shekhar on Jan 13, 2006 01:57 AM  Permalink

What about the Islamic terrorist atrocities in India, forget Baluchistan or Bangladesh? Have you forgotten the Delhi blasts and the attack on an Indian academic institution. Also, hasn't Saudi Arabia been one of the US's biggest allies, religious freedom or not?

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you said it
by ramkumarpn on Jan 07, 2006 02:04 PM  Permalink 

Dear sir,

your article is really right .the English media in India always suffers from minority syndrome worse than our vote bank politics of our politicians


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WAy to go
by hari on Jan 07, 2006 01:42 PM  Permalink 

wonderful article....

hope the english media does justice to all sections of society.

good one, Mr Srini

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Ignore Genocide
by E Ramaswamy on Jan 07, 2006 01:31 PM  Permalink 

The news about Tibet is truly horrifying. In some news item in 'The Hindu' , I read that the Communist parties in India will be organizing protests / demonstrations all over the country when Bush visits India. But the murder & forced sterilisation of the Tibetans means nothing to them - since China is Communist.

About the murder of Hindus & the apathy of the politicans, especially the Congress this is not new. The Congress is anti-Hindu even though they may claim that they are just secular. Even Gandhiji was more concerned about his ideals rather than the welfare of the people (largely Hindus) who placed their full faith in him. The business world often refers to India as a 'sleeping giant' meaning that we are still to tap our potential - this is meant in the economic sense , but we are sleeping in almost every other sense except when it comes to cricket.


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by Kratu on Jan 07, 2006 01:24 PM  Permalink 

Brilliant article. The hypocrisy of English media and pseudo secular cronies is at its best. I fully agree that if the victim is Hindu (which is 99.99% the case), just by being as such, he is written off and since it does not generate enough sympathy (Hindus themselves are to be blamed for this) and therefore do not make good story, it is not worth reporting, leave alone stopping it.

In a way, I think it will help Hindus in a long run since threat makes communities unite and this is the need of the hour for Hindus who are still entangled in caste system.

Kudos to rediff for publishing this excellent article.

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ignore hindu genocide, we're secular
by arun on Jan 07, 2006 01:17 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

i dont have any words to put the indian english media to shame. this article reports the tremendous bias our english media has been following since last many years. i would definitely love all the big editors to respond to the questions raised by rajeev. (is there a hidden leftist agenda in all this, i wonder).

hats off to you, rajeev, for an excellent piece of work.

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RE:ignore hindu genocide, we're secular
by J.N.Mahanty on Jan 12, 2006 10:07 PM  Permalink

You have totally misunderstood the Article.

The Articles dwells upon the Hindu Genocides which have not received adequate Media coverage in our Country.

Every one who reads Newspaper, will confirm that in India, the Godhra Carnage, Gujerat riots, the Killings in Kashmir, etc have received adequate coverage.

But did you read on the front page of any Newspaper, on the Tragedy in Baluchstan, where a Hindu Temple with scores of Worshippers, was bombarded by Paki Army Rockets, killing the Worshippers and destroying the lone Temple of that area?

Our pseudo secularists manging the Media failed in their duties and responsibilities, in not providing proper coverage to this ghastly tragic event, designed by the Pakis to wipe out the remaining few temples and Hindus from that area.

Hope Tanvir, you read the reports carefully without bias.

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