100 % is right. secularism nothing but killing hindus, crush hinudism systematically, promote the islamisation of India & xian
Christian missionaries of converting people by threatening them with Naxalite reprisalsprotest against the mass conversion of Hindus to Christianity allegedly promote anti-national activities why this NGOs, HRAs, NHRC not thinking about the thousands of kashmiri pandit who were killed, & forced to vacate the valley. Don't this NHRC & other so called secular commisions consider this pandits as humanhuman rights, why they kept mum, and still silent, on witnesses turning hostile in Mumbai balast case, Jessic Lal murder case, Nanda's sons killing 6 people under his jeep and Mou riot, delhi blast riots, These ppl understand that human rights are not only for minorities, it is for all human being
Killing of Hindus in Pakistan, in Bangladesh or even in India is not taken seriously by media, by government or by various political parties or by human rights industry in India.
Is it because for some sections in India, only the terrorists, anti-national elements and Pak-Bangla infiltrators are entitled to fundamental and human rights