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Mismatched Mash dished out again!!
by Ruxak on Jan 07, 2006 02:09 PM

The US Council on International Religious Freedom labelled your mentors the RSS as blatantly communal and infringed on minority freedom IN INDIA after not one, not two but several hundred registered caess of criminal behaviour right across India. I am sure that a closer look at their list will include several of the other fundamentalist organizations across the world too both in barbaric states of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

on the Indian English papers highlighting the happenings in Baluchistan/Pakistan - their first priority is to report on the Sangh Parivar atrocities in India which is what the people in India are more concerned about - ditto the NGOs and other activists who - rightly so - consider it priority to act upon events/atrocities happening in India. where the bigots are just waiting for every diversion and opportunity to run amok again!

India had made a formal protest against the happenings in Baluchistan and these have been reported in the Indian press if you care to find out.

Thanks for the information on the Rwandan nuns too! Their behaviour was a disgrace to their habits and they got their just rewards - if a just and fair trial and justice was carried out.

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