We get so carried away with brotherly love and hospitality,that the basics we miss.Lets not ever forget that the ENEMY IS WITHIN us and everything that happens is with the connivance from within, and being conducted by outsiders.How could the politicians decide to open borders,when the problem still existed.The Intelligence dept should have taken firm exception to this.See USA.Not once have they lowered there guard.And if the conspirators DO get caught, lets not declare they have been apprehended,but just FINISH them off.Silently and ruthlessly.The hell with protocol.
Peace Peace Peace, this was the rhetoric by the govt under the watch of sonia and all borders unsafe, now u ask for close of borders and worry about blasts..u government of india is lunatic and the anger of indians is incomparable to the idiocracy of licking pakistans books.
I feel it is meaningless to highlight who is responsible for the Delhi bomb blasts. Infact the militants want a cheap publicity by playing with the lives of innocent people.
They want to establish a terror brand, like 'xyz' is a very notorious gang.. It is also a known fact that, an established brand can cripple govt. plans in a very big way. It is a planned strategy by militants.
I request you and other news(live media) channels, not to flash news like who was responsible and pump in more fear in our citizen's life.
The fight against terrorist/terrorism is every citizens responsibility. Try not to not enact channel like Al-Jazeera to indirectly communicate the reckless and brutal terrorist message to the innocent world.
Help the innocent world. Do not create a bigger than life image for the terrorists. May be they are fighting for a cause, but the comman man should not be used like a scape goat.
Help in debilitating the terrorists image. Please underplay their brand names.
Request for highlighting advances in forensic science and combat operations.
The news of the Delhi blasts has caused me so much distress, that I am almost developed temperature and nausea. Why, why do some people want the lives of innocent people ? Why doesn't someone really, really talk to the Lashkar-e-Toiba, and give them some incentives to be weaned away from heartless killing ? There can't NOT be a solution- how many efforts are the top sociologists, psychologists, and humanists of the country(and abroad)making? Have they sat down together, arrived at a sensitive but strong consensus, and tried talking, and making some kind of mutual offer to the militants ? An offer that gives away nothing but understanding ? And yes, no politicians should be involved in that, except may be the gentle Mr Manmohan Singh. What are all our spiritualists doing, lecturing on Bhavadgita Chapters, or doing some other ritualistic gatherings, teaching meditation etc ? Why don't they meet and discuss, try for a consensus word to talk to men filled with hate ? Their wisdom, their learning, their forbearance may be more successful than any effort by one-track politicians. I am convinced that all roads have not yet been walked to fight this hate-and-violence drama.
hey folks, something concrete has to be done now! enough is enough! let us docile forgiving non-harmful hindus celebrate their diwali in peace...im not a religious fanatic but makes me think a lot & i really get low.....